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Everything posted by kmca

  1. Any word on your order? Mine has been "in warehouse" for a week. Opps, never mind, their shipping policy is 7 to 10 business days.
  2. Do a Youtube search for Stuart Saunders Shotgun Loading. My British friend Stuart did a video to help shorten the learning curve. Finger length has much less impact than finger flexibility. Quad loading is not kind for those of us approaching Social Security age, and arthritis. It's just difficult to bend the fingers sufficiently to control the shells as needed. Dual loading is consistent for me, quads, I'm better off just throwing them on the ground to begin with, they'll end up there anyway. I've been watching his videos...here's the one that I think helps alot (never mind the different carrier):
  3. I'm going to load up the carriers, turn on you tube videos and do a little practicing. If you could recommend a video, I would appreciate it.
  4. Got them yesterday and put them on my belt. Quad loading is going to take a lot of practice, seems like my fingers are too short
  5. First chance you get, take the NROI course, really helps to know the rules
  6. If the dust bothers you, put one of those plastic bags that you get at the cleaners or we use to cover targets when it's raining, put it on the hook (through one side only) and hang your belt underneath.
  7. I have all my belts hanging on hooks in the garage. If it gets dusty, I fire up the compressor and blow it off. The "hook" part of the belt will collect stuff, about the only way to get it off is with a pair of tweezers.
  8. Good question. I'll let ypu know when my package arrives.
  9. I don't know about this vendor, but they claim they have Para springs in stock: https://www.e-sarcoinc.com/para-ordnance-sear-spring.aspx
  10. But from what I hear, it'll take 5 seconds off your run and average 4 more A hits
  11. Did you click on the alternative part? It says the Infinity Tri-Glide sear spring might work. Wouldn't hurt to give the support group a call and see if it will fit. It's kinda pricey though
  12. Would emailing Remington Arms (or whoever bought Para) get an answer?
  13. I'm so used to a duty mount since that's what I wear for my job. I may give this a shot however and see if I like it. So suppose someone is just getting started in USPSA and they have limited funds/gear and decide to keep all their magazines in their cargo pocket, then technically they're in violation of the rules too since they're not contained individually? Not trying to be confrontational, but if there is no magazine on the magnet I don't see the issue. Anyway I'm not going to say anything to the folks running it in Production so long as they're not drawing from it during the stage. If they do that, they're in open division Keep them in their back pocket and they're gtg.
  14. You can put it either place. If you put it in the bottom position, it brings the grip closer to the hanger though. The arrows are a little low though No, the general concensus is that the magnet on the belt is not production legal.
  15. http://www.shootersconnectionstore.com/Comp-Tac-International-Holster-Left-Hand-P3775.aspx http://shop.blade-tech.com/index.php?cPath=1_23_24&osCsid=3cr2vejg7i5gt7m9i7ofrkemn0#.VZwNkflViko http://www.midwayusa.com/find?sortby=1&itemsperpage=20&dimensionids=4294845938&dimensionids=4294845640&dimensionids=4294845666&dimensionids=4294846163&newcategorydimensionid=16238&statuses=Available I'd call first
  16. If this is mean for me, I ordered them on the 2nd. I guess because of the holiday, they just shipped out today. Should be here in a week. I'll let you know then :
  17. Yes, they'll press the arms of your glasses into your head. The only way around that, is to get gel cushions. The Peltor muffs have a wire headband and can be bent for less pressure. If you do that though, you lessen the level of protection.
  18. Just got an email from ProEars. They're having a 25% off and free shipping sale this weekend on everything on their website. Might be time for me to get those electronic earplugs
  19. Another vote for Dawson Ice. I had S&A on 4 of my 1911's and replaced them all with Dawson.
  20. After a discussion with the "expert" at Brownell's, I went with the TacCom quad carrier. He assured me, I could return them for the Infictus if I wasn't happy. Knowing Brownell's warranty, I have no worries.
  21. Thanks everyone for your input. I ordered one and if I like it, I'll order a second.
  22. I've been reading threads for 2 days and I still haven't found the answer I'm looking for. I think I've narrowed my choices to the Invictus and the Taccom double deuce carriers. I haven't used any "load 2 or load 4" methods and I've read that I should start with the load 2 and progress to the load 4 with experience/practice. My question is: Does either of these carriers lend itself to good load 2 then to load 4? Is there a better setup that I should consider? Thanks.
  23. Have you checked the prices of VooDoo stuff lately???? Might as well get 5.11
  24. It would be nice if they had at least 5 magazines for each gun. Depending on how "laid back" that club is, 3 may be enough, provided you have someone reloading fast enough to keep up. At our local club, they would allow a new shooter to shoot from low ready for any gun. I would suggest a gun that has at least an 8 round capacity though, we had one shooter who used to use his 5 shot J frame and kept the extra bullet in his teeth The last thing you want to hear in Steel Challenge is "nice reload".
  25. I have two folding wagons. One is like this: http://www.amazon.com/Folding-Utility-Sports-Wagon-Multicolors/dp/B00TM27VSG/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1435187662&sr=8-16&keywords=folding+wagon This is the another type: http://www.amazon.com/Mac-Sports-Collapsible-Wagon-Shopping/dp/B00BUUUIGK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1435187662&sr=8-1&keywords=folding+wagon The first one folds down smaller, but takes longer to fold/unfold. The second is faster to fold/unfold, but takes up more space.
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