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Everything posted by nhglyn

  1. Had a bunch of stuff to take care of here in NH as I am leaving tomorrow to go shoot the Long Island Championship this weekend. Will catch up to you guys in October. Now.............go make the world safe from all the criminals.
  2. Now that I think about it..............maybe I'll dust off the Glock 34 and give Elye a run for his money. I saw he was sitting in 37th place at the Production Nationals, pretty good for a GMPS guy!
  3. No such luck! If I do that, and score those minor points, I would never beat you. Can't beat you as it is now!
  4. I will preface this by saying............yes, I have searched and read all the stuff I can find on this here at BE. I would simply like a 9mm load to use for just "shooting", not competition. What would be a good/economical powder to use with 115 gr Zeros and what do I start development at? Do I use small pistol primers? Thanks for the advice.
  5. So, in summary, if I already do 38 super (not comp) I can keep the same shellplate and buttons and just change the toolhead with a set of dies set up for 9mm. Would not have to change anything in casefeeder or KISS bulletfeeder. Is that the bottom line? Is changing toolhead easy as undoing bolt? Is there any aligning to do when putting a new toolhead on? Anything else I need to know? Thanks.
  6. I'd rather not "screw up" my 38 super setup. Can't I just buy a new base for the dies, get the 9 mm dies, and then just switch that out when changing from 38 super to 9 mm? What would that new setup cost?
  7. Should have mentioned that I already do have KISS bullet feeder on the 1050. What would I have to get to do 9mm on it? New base for dies, dies, shellplate? Or will shellplate for 38 super work with 9 mm?
  8. I have a 1050 set up to do 38 Super and a 550 (with casefeeder) set up to do either 45 auto, 357 sig, or 50ae. If I wanted to start reloading 9mm, as I plan to shoot more of that, what would be the most economical: 1. Keep buying bulk packs of WWB at Wally World. 2. Set up the 550 to load 9mm. Cost of getting a 9mm setup with dies, conversion kit, casefeeder conversion etc? What would I need to get? 3. Set up the 1050 to do the 9mm. Cost of getting a 9mm setup with dies, conversion kit, casefeeder conversion etc? What would I need to get? 4. Which would be easier to convert to 9 mm, I assume the 550. If I buy a setup for either 550 or 1050 will I really end up saving $$$ over the Wally World bulk packs (now at $15.70 here in NH). Brass would be basically free and I have a good variety of powders. Thanks for your feedback.
  9. Ain't that the truth! Went from NH in the North to NH in the South, but still a great match!
  10. +1 for the HAP's. That is what I have run in both my open guns for several years now, great bullet. I have also used Zero bullets and they seem to be cheaper in price at this point in time.
  11. Got mine in a while back and just received my confirmation. Always look forward to going to FL for a couple of days in the middle of our NH winters! Leo, any chance the FL Open will go to online squadding? Is there a way to do this with the new shooting schedule on Sat/Sun?
  12. If anyone figures out how to "link" the two, with 100% reliability, I sure would be interested. Somebody email me if you figure this out!
  13. We had to have our Golden Retriever "Bogey" put away this afternoon as a very sudden and aggressive cancer had caused his quality of life to deteriorate to the point this decision was made necessary this morning. We had him for 7 years and he was the best! He had such a wonderful temperment and loved everyone. He was certified to visit sick kids in the hospital and attended training classes with my wife at our Humane Society because he was such a good influence on all the other puppies and dogs. We miss him terribly but could not let him suffer the way he was the last couple of days. My 25 year old daughter was terrific, staying with me and Bogey the last 5-6 hours, brushing him so he looked good, feeding him treats, and holding his paw as he passed away. The vet was absolutely awesome too, very caring and understanding. He had cared for Bogey since he was a puppy and having him be willing to come to the house so Bogey could die in the comfort of his own home was much appreciated. My wife has been in Florida to help her parents and wasn't able to be with us. She got a chance to say goodbye to Bogey on the phone, he was always her "special" baby. It must have been extra hard on her being so far away and not being able to see him. Anyway, say a prayer for Bogey and thanks for this place to mention our departed. The last photo of me and my buddy, taken just before he passed away.
  14. The best thing to do if just getting started in reloading is to call Brian. He will not sell you anything you don't need but will provide excellent advise about what you should have to get started. He will give you the best prices available and his customer service is absolutely the best. I have purchased from him many times and will continue to do so without hesitation.
  15. How about comments regarding the different stages shot at Area 8? What did you like, or dislike about them? I personally liked #2, #5, and #10. I liked the cart stage (#3) but didn't shoot it well. Had a plan, heard the beep, and forgot the plan. Only one I didn't particularly care for was #4 (sitting in the car). The fact that it was pouring rain on me when I shot it might have something to do with it. Just nervous about how you had to grab the gun from the small platform and then not bump it on the overhanging dashboard on the way to the target. What did the rest of you like or not like? PS: On the VERY PLUS side was the staff and all the work they put in. Great overall match.
  16. Shot the match today and want to say it was a lot of fun and ..................... hot! Interesting stages but I would like a couple of "do-overs" on stages 3, 4, and 9. On #3 (push yourself backwards in the cart) there were over 15 FTE's when our squad arrived there. A couple of guys in my squad broke 20 secs on it with all hits, really GREAT runs. Thanks to all match staff for their work in the heat, I know squad 19 really appreciated everything you people did. I'll be back again next year.
  17. nhglyn


    I am also an N105 shooter in one of Bob's Pro Sx's but, since I can't get it right now I have been experimenting with VV 3N38 and am pretty happy with that as a substitute. Current 3N38 load is 10.3 grs behind a 125 Zero JHP and WSR primers. That is giving me a pf of about 171 here in July in NH. Only negative I have noticed with the 3N38 so far is that it seems to be a "dirtier" powder than the N105.
  18. Welcome to Open gun shooting Just remember that the gun doesn't really hate you, it just has a mind of its own and will do what it pleases..................when it pleases! These people probably have rackers in stock if you haven't alrteady tried them: http://www.brazoscustom.com/Home.htm http://shootersconnection.com/store/index.php Good luck.
  19. Hi, I'm also on squad 19. This past weekend I RO'd a stage at the Area 7 match and had Travis and Lee shoot some really fast times. Fun to watch how it really should be done! See you that Friday.
  20. Just a short word from the "other" side! I was one of the RO's that worked a stage Fri and Sat and I want to comment that the shooters that shot my stage were absolutely terrific. Everyone (100%) was safe, polite, helpful, and thanked us workers profusely after shooting our stage. I also want to make note of the unbelievable amount of work that Scott Chapman (MD) and all the other workers have done to make the match run smoothly. And lastly the time, creativity, and effort the Alexander family, Ed Boadway, Scott, Aaron Kyle, Tim Gray, and Chaz Link (that dropaway spaceship) did as course designers and builders. Special thanks to Amy P for being the best scorer any RO could have. There are many others too, not enough room here to mention all. Thanks to all of you who came and shot the match, nice to see my shooting friends again, and make some new ones. My "laugh of the match"....... I was scoring targets and came around to the last few, 3 targets with hardcover and what do I see??????????? A $20 bill pastered to the end target right next to a hole in the black! Squad was from an unnamed club and the shooter has some really good friends but, no.........I did not take it. Good for some laughs all around
  21. Bob, I appreciate your kind words but also want to give credit to others who had similar ideas before me. I just took their ideas and made a few changes. I got a 1050 a few months back and have adapted the primer tube solution to that press also. Great not to have primers rolling on the floor anymore. Good luck with your reloading, and be safe! nhglyn
  22. +1 to all the previous comments about the excellence of this match. I had a great time, wish I had shot better, but will be back again next year. Hope to see many of you this coming weekend at the Area 7/AWARE match hosted by GMPS in Morrisville, VT.
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