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Posts posted by SinistralRifleman

  1. One could easily fabricate a plug that threads into the bottom of a Knight's or Falcon industries vertical grip to make it longer.

    AFAIK there aren't any rules about carrying a rucksack with you to the firing postion dropping it and using it as support for your rifle. Some long range stages that could be worth the hassle if you're shooting multiple targets from a single position.

  2. Pretty much every gear company makes open topped AR mag pouches now, as well as pistol magazine pouches that have kydex inserts and can have the flaps removed. If you want to use tac gear, go with a MOLLE/PALS compatible systems so you can build what works best for you. I would still have 3 Gun Gear make shot shell carriers for you, anything else commercially available is completely inferior to the material quality and workmanship of 3 Gun Gear.

  3. So who would be interested in this?

    AR15/M16 pistol grip and stock adapter for the Benelli M3 Super 90



    1) Mirrors Handling Characteristics of the AR15/M16

    2) Easy mounting of optics with correct cheek weld

    3) Accepts any AR15/M16 Pistol Grip or stock

    This is a prototype we fabricated from an SST-590 adapter...we are gauging interest in this product before proceeding with. Mass production. A finished unit would be much more refined and made to fit the M3 Super 90 perfectly.

    This would not work for the M1 Super 90 without modification to the operating system…one step at a time.

    We are researching if and how many US made parts would be required to keep the M3 Benelli Section 922r compliant with this adapter installed.

    Please answer these questions:

    1) Do you own an M3 Benelli?

    2) If you own an M3 Benelli would you purchase an SST style adapter for it?

    3) If you don’t own an M3 Benelli would the availability of an SST style adapter make the gun a more appealing purchase for you?

  4. Nice videos!

    I want to shoot this match some day. Mostly to support the guys from Cavalry Arms and....it just flat out looks like fun. The only thing that I wasn't understanding, and need to read the rules on, is that it looked like y'all were using pistol caliber carbines. Is this mandatory or an option in lieu of using your pistol?

    I'll review the rules again tonight.

    Take care,

    SPC Richard A. White, Senior Medic

    249th MP Detachment (EACF)

    Camp Humphreys, ROK

    subguns and pistol caliber carbines could be used to engage both rifle and pistol targets if you were shooting in Trooper Class. If the course of fire required a transition between rifle and pistol you still had to do so...there were just more options for which targets you could shoot with the "rifle".

    I had the fastest run on the weak hand only stage, shooting weak hand only subgun. :D

  5. For me, yes I'm sure. Practical shooters are pretty open minded and rarely wedded to any one technique. I have tried rifles with vert. grips. I've owned two rifles with the Medesha foreend and experimented with the vert. grip. Choked up stances are terrible for target transtions. If I asked you to point at something or a series of things you would extend your arm and point, not draw your arm back, fold it up and point. Vertical foregrips (again at least for me) are mildly slower but not nearly as bad as holding on to the mag well.

    That's a good explanation of the human mechanics part of the equation.

  6. How about one with a pistol grip? Speedfeed makes the IV-S (13" pull) for the Benelli.

    I got one of the Speedfeeds. It looks like an 870 stock with an adapter plate for the M1/M3. The length is perfect, but the grip itself is not nearly as comfortable as the factory Benelli grip. It's the lesser of two evils until I can make something more to my taste...

  7. I'm looking forward to having some good quality 40+ round magazines....the steel 40 round mystery mags I got at the SAR Show last year are starting to crap out on me. The metal is soft and they're getting bent/beat up. I had to buy 6 of the mystery mags to get 3 that worked.

    DPMS says they'll have more 45 rounders available in December...

  8. I'm not a high end shooter, ( I usually finish somewhere in the middle at national level matches, and somewhere around the top 33-10% at local matches depending how good a day I'm having).

    That said, I like vertical grips...I have them on all my rifles and shotguns that can accept them. The rifles that don't have them, I tend to grip around the mag well. I'd probably like my Benelli M3 even more if it had a vertical grip.

    The vertical grip puts my hand in a more natural position. I do prefer to shoot in as squared off a stance as possible with my elbows tucked in as much as possible. This stance feels more comfortable/natural for me. It's also what I've learned at courses I've attended (having two different shooting styles is a good way to confuse ones' self). We can discuss the reasons this stance is taught if you guys care to...but that is going to the more "tactical" side of things.

    The vertical grip can be useful as a monopod or brace on and against barricades.

    The vertical grip makes it easier to fire the gun off my shoulder around barricades etc. at close distances.

    Kelly, are we sure that using a vertical grip/"choked up" stance actually slows down target transitions? Or is it that the people who excell in shooting rifles have always shot a particular way and are thus more effective at it simply through reptition? If you've always shot a particular way that is very effective, switching to something else is sure to feel unnatural and require significant retraining to be as good at. The new technique or tool would have to offer an appreciable advantage to make it worth while for an accomplished skilled shooter to switch.

  9. SinistralRifleman,

    Did you get all A's on that run? Did you also have to paste them yourself? :lol:

    That was Shawn, not me...I believe they elected to replace most of the targets after he was done. He was intentionally cutting S shapes and figure 8s in the targets.

  10. I don't see how Multi Gun will ever be a fair match. Everyone has a defferent skill level with each gun. To make this fair we should classify with each gun. (3-Gun) I'm not saying that I like this idea, because it might keep me from winning any more matches, but fair is fair. I'm not sure how many if any more shooters would shoot 3 Gun if we did classify them. I do know there are some higher class shooters that dont shoot 3 Gun, because they are not as good with the rifle or shotgun and dont like the idea of a lesser class shooter beating them on a match. I don't see how we could ever classify Multi Gun accurately. Sooner or later we will have to classify 3/Multi Gun to keep it fair.

    To me keeping multi-gun fair means, having consistent rules and scoring for every shooter throughout the match.

    What's the point of classes? To help boost people's egos?...if I win D class, that means 60% of the people shooting at that match are still better than me. If I suck, I suck...simple over all ranking in divisions is adaquate to tell me how well I am shooting.

    If some higher class HANDGUN shooters, suck with Rifle and/or Shotgun...is the person that is beating them because they are a better Rifle/Shotgun shooter really a lesser shooter? If their egos can't handle that prospect, they aren't the kind of people I'd want to be shooting with anyway...they're the people that will try to get a stage thrown out simply because they did poorly on it.

    I've never heard more whining and bitching from "higher class" shooters than when they have to shoot their 1/4MOA capable rifles with Über scopes past 100 yards. If all someone wants to do is shoot their rifle like a pistol, maybe they should stick to pistol matches only!

  11. Trooper has only existed for one year thus far, so as we conduct more matches where we have this class, we are clarifying the wording.

    The most recent version of Trooper Rules can be found here:


    The main thing I like about trooper is equipment is totally unlimited...you can use multiple guns, configurations, etc....you just have to carry it all.

    If you are a "gamer", trooper lends itself to the most potential for gaming through equipment...again you just have to carry it all.

    Planning how much ammo to take with you, what spare parts, and how much food you want to carry during the match is the hardest part...the worst is running out of snacks, and seeing everyone else chowing down (this can happen at a long match like Ironman).

    For me, I don't think it's anymore physically demanding than shooting a match normally is...I was just as tired and sore after Ironman '05 as I was the previous years not shooting trooper.

    Many of you know our company policy is to donate product to pretty much any match that asks for it (with reasonable notice). If you have Trooper Class as part of your match, we will sponsor prizes specifically for it...and I can try to get other companies we are friendly with to contribute product as well if it is a large enough match.

  12. with modern MOLLE/PALS compatible gear you can configure a rig exactly how you need it.

    Tactical Tailor and Diamond Back Tactical/Battle Labs both make fast access pouches for .308 mags. The TT ones have MOLLE/PALS webbing on top of them that will allow you to stack pistol mag pouches or shot shell carriers on top of them. I had 3 Gun gear make some custom MOLLE compatible shell carriers to put on top of my AR mag pouches. TT pistol mag pouches have kydex inserts and adjustable/removable flaps that will work with almost any pistol mag





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