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Posts posted by SinistralRifleman

  1. The problem I have with power factor is if someone is shooting the exact same cartridge out of a shorter barrelled gun, it can prevent them from making power factor.

    If people use weak ammo, or their shorter barrels reduce muzzle velocity, they will most likely have other problems for whatever advantage it gives them, i.e. trouble putting down steel, wind deflection, etc. If someone wants to use a P90 5.7x28mm as their rifle for the match, I don't care. Varying and unique course designs will go a long way to negate the advantages of various equipment, calibers, or loadings.

  2. Requiring people to wear their pistols for the duration would self limit Open class, as I doubt people would want to use race gun holsters exposing their pistols to the elements and increasing the possibility of dropping them. If anyone drops a gun due to poor holster design, it should be a match DQ.

    Open class should be done in the form of trooper class, which by it's nature also self-regulates. We had discussed using a flat bed trailer to give Trooper shooters transportation within a certain proximity of each stage to accomodate for the increased distances between stages at RM3G and allow everything to run on schedule.

  3. Alex be warned...we are going to have an interesting shotgun stage this year. No matter what type of gun and feed system you are using it will present some challenges in planning to shoot it...though you are given a lot of leeway in how you want to shoot the stage. B):ph34r:

    Between a mag fed shotgun, and one with speed loaders....I'd personally prefer the mag fed as changing mags is much easier to do consistently under stress than using speed loaders. Mags are generally more durable than speed loaders too. The only disadvantage I see with mag fed shotguns is having to think a lot harder about how you shoot a stage if it involves changing between loads more than once.

  4. For anything other than purely pistol shooting I prefer to use thigh rigs...but then I never win anything.

    For certain matches where one needs to carry ammunition for all 3 guns at the same time, I believe it frees up enough belt space to comfortably carry more ammunition. I use a vest to carry rifle mags and shotgun ammo almost all the time...using a thigh rig prevents the vest from interfering with my draw.

    If you are going to use one, stick with good brands like Safariland 3004 and 6004 or the Spec Ops Brand Vapor holster. Avoid the "gun bucket" types that require the use of a strap or thumb break to hold the gun secure...these kind will be slow, and even slower to reholster with.

    A Friend of mine had me run the clock for him to test a Safariland 6004 against a CR Speed holster...his best runs with the CR Speed were 0.15 seconds faster than the Safariland. Is that enough of a time different to cost you placement at a 3 Gun Match?...I really don't know, but I'm content if I finish somewhere in the middle at national level matches.

    I believe the answer to why most people do not use them for 3 gun is because, most come from a pistol shooting background where they are not allowed for competition use. Learning to use something else after years of using a particular item feels like a step in the wrong direction for most people.

  5. Actually, from what I've read at that site and some other "tactical" and self defense forums (like Gabe Suarez's Warriortalk), C.A.R. shooting is comprised of both retention, point shooting and "extended" sighted shooting. You'll notice the gun is canted a bit and the aiming is done with the off side eye. That is if you shoot right handed, you aim with your left. The idea is to eliminate binocular sighting, since the system speciphically teaches to block your gun side eye with your nose.

    Like I said, I have no experience with the system at all, but I just wanted to point out it is not exclusively point shooting.

    Thanks, that is a better explanation of what it actually is than what I had been able to find.

  6. I was reading on another forum about this technique called "Center Axis Re-lock"....never heard of it before, so I went to the website of a company that teaches it to find out what it was.

    From what I can understand, it is basically a form of point shooting.

    Here's the demo videos:


    Watching the guy he appears to be very fast...but I have seen people use sighted shooting just as fast in USPSA/IPSC.

    Outside of a "tactical" environment does this technique have practical application in competion shooting? How accurate could someone reasonably be using this technique beyond the ranges shown in the videos?

    I'm not giving my opinion on this, just curious what experienced competition pistol shooters have to say.

  7. Based on your attached image, the reticle appears to be the same reticle that Leupold is putting in the new Mark 4 1.5-5 x 20MR/T  M2.    We got our first shipment in last week and they have been selling well.   

    I haven't got any feedback (positive or negative) yet on the applicability of the reticle.  I do think it is a big improvement over the earlier design since it allows for holdover without using kentucky windage.

    I just got one of the MK 4 1.5-5 MRs recently too...the reticles are very similar, though I believe the 1.5-5 reticle has more markings that are more suited for use with its higher magnification.

  8. I’ve been using a Leupold CQT with standard circle dot reticle for the past year of and on for Multi-Gun/3 Gun Matches and I have been pretty happy with it. For matches that didn’t have shots past 300 yards, it was great. The one limitation it always had vs other optics it is often compared to it lacked BDC or hold over marks in the reticle to make shooting past 300 yards easier.

    Leupold recently sent me a CQT with a new prototype reticle in it to T&E. This reticle was designed to meet the requirements of a particular military design program (as the program is ongoing, I’ll let the Leupold reps give the details if they want to)

    Unfortunately I’ve been unable to take a picture through the scope that accurately represented what the reticle looks like. I’ll have to try taking one outside in the sun later this week. Here is a picture of the reticle from the instructions it came with:



    So far I like the new CQT, it makes shooting long range and smaller targets easier. My first round hit percentage on the long-range steel is much higher with this model than shooting the standard CQT on the same rifle at similar distances and targets. Thus far it is marginally slower than the standard CQT for close range stuff, but I will give myself time and practice to acclimate to the new reticule. My original CQT is now on one of my Mid-Length carbines, between the two it seems more appropriate for the carbine role.

    I’ll be using this rifle with the new CQT at more matches in the upcoming months…looking forward to seeing how the equipment and myself perform together in more diverse shooting situations.

  9. Fred and I's applications hit the mail today.

    Sorry we can't afford to live in your campground for a week to help RO, although we would be happy to RO our own squad  :)


    No Worries Alex...as it turns out we will have enough range staff. We are planning on having one RO per stage for the duration to keep things consistent...hopefully we don't all come down with Asian Bird Flue right before the match or something else terrible, lol!

    The prize table is going to be nice, every shooter will come away with a minimum of $150 in prizes.

    Prizes for the match are already coming in...among those already committed for prizes are Surefire, DPMS, Spec Ops Brand, and Ergo Grip.

    Kifaru is sending us an EMR pack with Cargo Shelf that will be used on one of the stages...


    Since water will be available at every stage, can we add water on a daily basis to our camelbacks if we fill them at the range house at the begining of each day?

    You may add water whenever you wish, this is the one exception to carrying everything with you.


    Can a shooter switch optics depending on stage requirements on the rifle if they shoot in the open class?

    The short answer is no. There are no limitations on accessories in Open class for rifles, so you may have dual optics to begin with if you wish.

    Section 4 Firearms, Covers this:

    4.3 For purposes of this ruling, a "firearm" consists of a specific

    caliber, receiver, barrel, stock and sighting system combination.

    4.4 The same firearm system, for each gun, per Rule 4.3, shall be used

    during the entire match. Trooper class shooters excepted, see Trooper Class Rules

    4.5 Competitors will not reconfigure any firearm during the course of a

    match. (i.e. change caliber, barrel length, sighting systems or stock

    style.) Trooper class shooters excepted, see Trooper Class Rules.

  11. At the match last year, almost all the long rage shots were down hill...this was the hardest part of the stages. Also be prepared to shoot from less than ideal positions...or use rocks and trees to your benefit. The natural terrain aspect of this match makes shooting some of the stages much more interesting.

    They also usually have a 180 second time limit on the stages...if there is something you can't do on the long range stages, move on so you don't time out and add up the penalties even faster.

    I have some video from one of the rifle stages last year I can upload if you want to check it out.

  12. If common sense ruled, people wouldn't be showing up to 3/multi gun matches with insecure race holsters.  Unfortunately, from what I've seen so far, common sense isn't the order of the day for a few shooters.  At the IE 3 gun last year we had race guns falling out all the hell over the place. 

    Obviously, a match DQ and losing out on the prize table don't seem to be a substantial disincentive to unsafe rigs.  If we aren't going to have a rule, maybe we can triple the match fee.  I hate new rules, but it's time to get a few people's attention.

    I've seen a few people get DQ'ed several times using the same holster...as the saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result...

  13. Typically for 3 gunning I use a Safariland holster with roto-hood. It's maybe marginally slower than a standard kydex holster...but I never worry about my gun falling out....climbing, running, or crawling.

    Here's the rules we came up with for our match regarding this issue:

    1.5.4 The Cavalry Arms 3 Gun Match Allows for Hot Handguns during the course of fire.  If a shooter’s primary firearm becomes inoperable, they may transition to their sidearm, after clearing the primary long gun, and putting it on safe.  The shooter must inform the Range Officer they are transitioning, by yelling “TRANSITION”, the Range Officer will give the command that it is safe to transition by yelling “YOU ARE CLEAR TO TRANSITION”.  Transitioning to gain an unfair competitive advantage, will be deemed unsportsmanlike conduct and incur a 60 second penalty.

    1.5.5 Due to the physically active nature of this match, holsters must be of practical carry type, duty use, or field serviceable. Holsters must either have a passive retention method (tension on the holster itself, such as Uncle Mike’s, Fobus, or Bladetech kydex holsters) or an active retention method (thumb break, flap, or rotating hood).  Holsters with active retention devices, must have the retention device activated whenever the pistol is holstered.

    1.5.6 Due to safety concerns with re-holstering hot pistols, the use of “race gun” type holsters is prohibited.  Race gun holsters include, but are not limited to, CR Speed, Ghost Holster, or Hogue.  Range Officers and the Match Director will have the final say in regards to the suitability of any holster for use in this match.

    1.5.7 No shoulder holsters, or cross draw holsters allowed due to safety concerns


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