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Posts posted by SinistralRifleman

  1. The explicit bit about carrying all equipment in one trip kills all my gamer fantasies of lugging a couple range bags and a cooler, just making many small trips. Compare to the mgm rules above where carrying all at once is debatable, and the Tiger Valley rules where it is not mentioned at all.

    I should be clear, the rules currently listed on our site are the rules for any "major" match we are sponsoring trooper class at, including MGM and our match hosted at TIGER valley. The rules on TIGER Valley's website apply to their local matches, not the one we put on at their facility. Local laws or range policies regarding NFA weapons are the only thing that should effect what you do from match to match.

    I still think Trooper Class should have to carry all their equipment all the time (i.e., all day and when shooting as well). That could spur an interesting ultralight movement, similar to that in backpacking which has spurred alot of equipment advancements.

    Current doctrine that I am aware of is dropping your ruck when you are "in the fight" to become more mobile or you simply leave it in your vehicle. I am sure this is dependent on circumstances, perhaps some of the service personnel on the forum can educate us more on the matter.

    If the match only required the use of two firearms, rifle and pistol or shotgun and pistol I would agree with you as well. A shooter can reasonably carry enough ammo on them to shoot up to 300 rifle rounds, and 200 pistol rounds without much hassle.

    I like the idea of requiring this on specific stages, and we may do that at our match this year.

  2. I think some matches like to up the round count by making more rounds per target required rather than having more targets.

    At Ironman last years the targets were divided into 5 sections (head, and 4 torso quadrants) on one stage, and the shooter had to put 2 rounds in each section.

    Making people think about what they're doing is always good, 3 rounds goes contrary to what most people are used to. I have found a lot of the time where only one shot is required people will still double tap a target

    I am contemplating doing a stage at our 2006 match, that will have color coded targets representing the amount of rounds required.

    Blue = 1 round

    Yellow = 2 rounds

    Red = 3 rounds

    or something like that.

  3. I see I must get out the big paddle and stirr the mix!!

    I can load a standard shotgun just about as fast as speed loaders so should I be placed in open because of manual dextarity?? Why are these a "speed loader" when all they do is hold ammo...just like a tube, or a Choate shell holder on the belt....which is just a TYPE of magazine. I think that as long as the "magazine" only hold 9 rounds it SHOULD be allowed in Standard!! Why are we cutting off shotgun development in standard. Lets see we magazine feed STANDARD pistols....We magazine feed STANDARD rifles....but NO WAY can we magazine feed Standard shotguns. Where did that particular lunacy come from??

    I know I'm going to hear that it will spark an " arms race"... but when a Saiaga shotgun RETAILS for $400 and the mags are $50 a piece, I just don't see the logic!! when a STOCK Benelli or Browning... etc. is over $800. That is a Siaga and 4 magazines for the price of gun that needs work right out of the box! Bring on the "BOTTOM FEEDERS" KURTM

    Kurt I'm with you on this. It seems before recently magazine fed shotguns were not available in large numbers, and thus I think they could reasonably put shooters in a different class. If Saigas do become increasingly readily available, relegating them to open class only, seems like artificially holding back advancing technology.

    Tactical Iron/Limited, I think could reasonably be kept as a tube fed division. Tactical Scope/Tactical I think it would be entirely logical to allow magazine fed shotguns.

    It will at least make shooting open more worth my while at matches that don't have Trooper Class. I don't see a huge advantage with Open pistols at most 3 gun match, if you're not running tek-loaders in open you are pretty well screwed. The deciding factor for me will be if the guns hold up to pro-longed use, and how well they run...I'm not a big fan of giving up reliability for increased performance when the gun actually works.

  4. I hate stages where there are 6" ports to look through and the target is only visible in a 5-10 degree arc...I simply don't have the patience to walk through a stage a dozen times and try to memorize where I can actually see and engage the targets from. I hope there isn't too much of this at SMM3G this year.

    I like the stages with some kind of gimmick the best...i.e. Dark house (2004), downed pilot (2003), Pirate Ship (YAR! 2005)., Air Marshall (2002)

  5. We found out about the short barrel issue, making them all unregistered short barrelled shotguns in violation of the National Firearms Act, the day after we had ordered some for ourselves. We sent them back and they arrived at RAA today. I hope the turn around time is fast.

    The mag changes on the one I had seemed a lot easier than earlier guns imported by EAA. Changing the mag is as easy as changing an AK mag...the earlier guns I handled you really had to fight against the mag spring tension to get them in place.

  6. I was talking to a distributor of the Saiga-12s being imported again by Russian American Armory today, and he told me that the first shipment that arrived was 10,000 guns. Another 10,000 are on the boat over right, now, and another shipment of 10,000 will be here by summer.

    Several companies are tooling up to produce 10 round magazines. Many other accessories are becoming available. When they were previously available, magazines for shotguns with a capacity greater than 5 rounds were prohibited under the assault weapons ban...I think this dramatically limited their popularity in the past.

    How is the widespread availability of these guns with high capacity mags going to change 3 gun?

    If a gun in such high production numbers uses a detachable magazine, is it reasonable to allow them in Tactical Iron/Tactical Scope...or should they be relegated to Open class?

  7. .There are matches locally for sub-guns that require you use full auto the entire match. They're run like an IMGA match I like these matches because they are fun, but I would prefer the option of switching to full auto when I see fit. At matches where I can choose to use full auto it's usually at 20 yards or less.

    At full auto matches if your gun simply works the entire time you will beat half the people there. There are often things like required shooting from the hip, a stage that requires you not let off the trigger at all while knocking down X number of bowling pins. Sometimes with things like shooting from the hip I just take the procedurals for shooting from the shoulder.

    Headshots and hostage targets usually screw with full auto shooters, not because the guns are full auto, simply because they usually seem to care less about having their guns zero'd and knowing how to accomodate for sight offset.

    I usually manage to finish in the top 20-10% at sub-gun matches, and you guys all know how much I suck :blink:

  8. SR:

    If I had a Benelli M3, I could shoot it in semi-auto mode in the Limited (Standard) Division, and then also shoot it as a pump in the Heavy Metal (He-man) Division if I so choose? This would be legal?

    I don't know, you'd have to ask your match director about that.

    Is the M3 as easy to load as an M1. How is the recoil, just like the M1? or is this gas operated? Magazine extensions available to make it 8+1?

    loading is the same. recoil seems to be the same. The main difference in the operating system is the recoil spring rides around the magazine tube rather than in the tube coming off the back end of the reciever. The pump action is actually spring assisted forward by the recoil spring, so you might be able to shoot it faster than a regular pump gun.

    The bolt also locks open on the last shot in pump mode, so you know it's empty.

    I put an M1 magazine extension on mine and it lets me hold 8 in the tube and 1 in the chamber. Other guys I know that have M3s, can't swap out for different tube lengths and are stuck with 7+1. Mine can't hold a shell on the carrier, but my boss' M3 can.

  9. The guns are to heavy & clean your auto benelli every 400 rds & your good to go.

    I won't dispute I should probably clean the gun more often.

    re: weight though, according to the Benelli website the M3 is only 0.4 pounds heavier than an identically configured M1. weighing an M1 vs M3 here we had similar results. The M3 comes with a 19.75 inch barrel, while the M1 has an 18.5"...that could account for a few ounces there.

  10. I've been shooting an M3 Super 90 for the past few months. At the Tucson 3 Gun match this past weekend, the ability to switch to pump on the M3 saved my ass on the first shotgun stage. The gun is probably getting dirty to the point where it doesn't want to work with lighter loads, so the first round I fired short stroked. I immediately switched to pump and completed the stage with no extra hassle.

    I am curious why these guns aren't more common, as the ability to switch to pump just in case something goes wrong (either stops cycling or bolt handle flies off) seems to be very useful?

    On another note, does anyone know if the Arredondo tec-loader docking port/chute made for the M1 will work with the M3?

  11. In an earlier post I was not making accusations as to anyone or any match being safe or not safe. I was just speaking in general. However, I really do want a stage with a slingshot and a pocket full of ball bearings. :D

    pocket full of ball bearings is low-speed dude....you need the sling shot with the internal magazine for ball bearings that drops them into your hand. :P

  12. I, for one, see no purpose other than getting a warm GI Joe feeling for requiring hot pistols on every stage. And I carry hot pistols all the time. But I'm not going prone with a .38 Super open gun w/ a 1 lb trigger in a Safailand 012 all the time either.

    Hot handguns and transitions are not compatible with race gun holsters and guns with less and a 3# trigger pull....I think we could all agree with that statement?

    So the question is which is more imporant to the match?

    I think it is very easy for us all to co-exist with each other. Open gunners can't carry hot handguns. Hot handguns are only allowed in tactical class and he-man, with appropriate holsters. Everyone shooting the courses with hot handguns will be squadded together....those who do not feel comfortable being around loaded holstered firearms can be squadded with each other.

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