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Posts posted by SinistralRifleman

  1. By far the best run Ironman match in the 5 years I've been there. The ROs were all great and very helpful.

    Also the most physically demanding, not even counting the trooper class aspect. This has me motivated to get in better shape for next year, as the ability to operate at peak levels for extended period times is a definite advantage.

    Don Langworthy, Cavalry Arms sponsored shooter, won Trooper and the M1A from springfield.

    and assuming I read the match results correctly before I left...

    Travis Gibson was second in Trooper

    I came in 3rd in trooper

    props to Mike Gibson for sticking it out in trooper despite an injurred foot.

    Only one shooter quit Trooper because his shotgun died on him 2/3 of the way through the match

    Tennille is the first female shooter to compete in and complete Trooper class at ironman, or anywhere for that matter. For her efforts she will be getting a CAV-15 MKII receiver.

    All shooters who completed the match in trooper received a free entry to our 3 gun match in Waco.

  2. Well it is working better. I'm not confident enough with it yet to use it at a big match like ironman though.

    I took it out shooting today. At first it wouldn't cycle for me at all with any ammo, it would consistently fail to eject. I removed that floating dust cover piece off the recoil spring housing and after that it cycled almost flawlessly. I shot 125 rounds of winchester 3 dram #7-1/2 shot all cycled flawlessly except for 1, which I think might have been a magazine problem. I then shot 100 rounds of Federal #6 shot 3-1/4 dram and it all cycled flawlessly. I fired 50 Winchester rifled slugs which all cycled flawlessly. I then went back to some more federal #6 and it failed to to eject every round.

    I diassembled it and it appears lead from the rifled slugs is going into the gas system. After a quick dissaessmbly and cleaning (scraping off the lead), it would only cycle 50% of the time without a failure to eject.

    I guess I'm making some degree of progess with this thing...

    You guys should be glad I'm willing to be the guinea pig :blink:

  3. You guys should check out the new Ultimate Marvel universe comics. Marvels reimagining of many of their old books. Thus far I'm liking them a lot better than the old X-men comics...they seem much more violent, and characters don't get killed off and come back to life a dozen times.

    The Hulk eats people...

    Captain America is much more hardcore

    Magneto is more ruthless

    Professor X isn't such a wuss...he uses his powers with much greater an interesting effects.

    You can download the comics online through bit torrent.

  4. You will really need some heavy buckshot on the Double Swinger if it is still a requirement to spin the thing.


    those double spinners are brutal! 60 seconds in penalties.

    The local guys here have one, so last weekend I spent some time practicing on it with my handgun. Last year I couldn't spin any of them with my 9mm. In practice I could do it now in 14-18 rounds. We'll see if I can do it at the match after running all over the place and shooting 100-150 rounds at other stuff.

  5. I'll be there, with lots of ammo.

    Whats the deal with buck shot, I read somewhere that buck shot was not needed you coluld use slugs or small shot. Someone please help, or its off to the store for buck shot.

    Per the match director you are allowed to use buckshot on any steel targets meant for shotgun. There tends to be a few steel targets you'll want to use it on.

  6. I find that at any given major 3 Gun Match; SMM3G, RM3G, MGM, etc I always need to transition to my right side when shooting shotgun and rifle multiple times through out the match to actually be able to engage many of the targets, usually when shooting through ports. It sucks but I just deal...being a somewhat ambidextrous shooter is a good skill to have.

    I do wish they set things up so that right handed shooters had to switch sides more often. It is funny watching right handed people lean way out around barricades to the point of almost falling over, when simply transitiong to the other hand would have been easier.

  7. So, what was the story with Stage 4? Tons of folks with over a hundred points in penalties...


    It was those evil 50yrd rifle head shots with no-shoots all the way around the heads......EVIL

    I guess I was doing pretty good with only 20 points in penalties on that one. On the first headshot target I shot both hits did not hit the white at all, but broke the perf on the brown target, so I got the points for hitting the brown, and the penalties for the shoot through on the no-shoot behind it.

  8. Aside from covering the costs for using the range, and targets, all procedes will go to the Arizona Citizens Defense League, a grass roots pro-gun rights group in Arizona.

    When: July 4th, 2006 7:00AM

    We need to start the match this early to finish and tear down so Tuesday night steel can set up at 1:00! The range must be cleared on the practical bays by 1:00, no later...any one not done shooting those stages will get max time. Realistically I don't think we will be able to handle much more than 60 shooters in the time allotted.

    Where: Rio Salado Sportsman's Club on Usery Pass


    Entry fee is $30.00

    There will be two CQB stages and two long range stages

    Application: http://www.cavalryarms.com/ID4/Application.doc


    Independence Day Action Rifle Match Rules

    The following rules are what will govern the match.

    1. Safety Rules

    1.1 Participants are subject to procedural penalties or match disqualification for violation of any rule or regulation in sections 1 or 2.

    1.2 The Independence Day Action Rifle Match will be conducted as a COLD RANGE.

    1.2.1 COLD RANGE (definition): Participants firearms will remain unloaded at the match site except under the direction of a match official.

    1.3 Designated Safety Areas

    1.3.1 The Safety Areas will be clearly marked with signs.

    1.3.2 Unloaded firearms may be handled and/or displayed only in the Safety


    1.3.3 No ammunition may be handled in any Safety Area.

    1.4 Rifles

    1.4.1 Rifles must be cased or carried slung muzzle up between stages. If you take a rifle in a case to the stage, have the courtesy to be sure it is NOT pointed at anyone when it comes out of the case. Anyone who fails to do this correctly WILL be DQ'ed.

    1.4.2 Rifles must be carried with actions open and detachable

    magazines removed.

    1.5 "Negligent Discharge" is defined as the discharge of a firearm in an unsafe manner or unintentionally in which a projectile (bullet) strikes the ground within 3 meters of the competitor or range officer, or outside the confines of the backstop.

    1.6 A participant shall be disqualified from the Match for dropping a loaded firearm or dropping a firearm while in the loading/unloading process.

    1.7 A participant shall be disqualified for allowing the muzzle of his/her firearm to break the 180 degree Safety Plane

    1.8 No participants or spectators shall consume or be under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs at the match site. Any participant found to be impaired and deemed unsafe as a result of legitimate prescription drugs may be directed to stop shooting and requested to leave the range.

    1.9 Eye protection is mandatory for participants, spectators & range personnel at the match site.

    1.10 Ear protection is mandatory for participants, spectators & range personnel while on or near a stage of fire.

    2. Sportsmanship & conduct

    2.1 Participants and spectators are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous, sportsman-like manner at all times. Disputes will be handled promptly and fairly by the Match Director or by submission to the Arbitration Committee (aka the Match Director).

    2.2 Clothing with any offensive or obscene logos, sayings, pictures or drawings will not be worn or displayed while at the match site/range.

    2.3 Participants unable to control their temper, may have penalties added and or be disqualified from the match

    2.4 Competitors will pay the replacement cost of any props or range equipment damaged through their own negligence.

    3. Ammunition

    3.1 No tracer, incendiary, armor piercing or steel jacketed ammunition is allowed.

    3.2 Rifle ammunition shall be .223 Remington (5.56 NATO) or larger.

    3.3 If a competitor’s ammunition punctures a steel target, they will pay for the replacement cost of that target.

    4. Firearms

    4.1 All rifles used by competitors shall be serviceable and safe.

    4.2 If a competitor's rifle becomes unserviceable during competition, that competitor may replace his/her rifle with another of the same model, caliber and sighting system approved by the Match Director or his designee.

    4.3 For purposes of this ruling, a "rifle" consists of a specific caliber, receiver, barrel, stock and sighting system combination.

    4.4 The same rifle system, for each gun, per Rule 4.3, shall be used during the entire match.

    4.5 Competitors will not reconfigure any rifle during the course of a match. (i.e. change caliber, barrel length, sighting systems or stock style.)

    5. Firearms Classifications

    Manual: Any lever, bolt, or pump action rifle with iron sights only

    Tactical Iron: Iron Sights only, Compensators must be less than 1” diameter X 3” length, no bipods allowed

    Tactical Scope: Rifle: Any single optic may be used, Compensators must be less than 1” diameter X 3” length, no bipods allowed

    Open: Rifle: No limitations on accessories

    Any questions on equipment/classifications ask at shooter’s meeting.


    6.1 Scoring per stage will be straight time with penalties added in the form of time.

    6.1.1 Any cardboard target, designated as a "shoot" target must meet one of the following conditions to be considered neutralized. The bullet hole must be inside of or break the edge of the perforation for the scoring zone to count.

    Intermediate Rifle Cartridges:

    1 Head Shot*

    1 A Zone

    2 Hits anywhere

    Battle Rifle Cartridges ( .308, .30-06, 7.62x54R, 8mm Mauser )

    1 Head Shot*

    1 A or C Zone

    2 Hits anywhere

    *Headhsot is defined as breaking the neck perforation or higher

    6.1.2 Scoring and penalties on paper targets:

    a. Meeting any of the conditions listed above in 6.1.1 = no penalty

    b. Single non-neutralizing hit = 5 second penalty

    c. Target hit, but not Neutralized = 10 second penalty. Target has holes in non-scoring areas as prescribed by the course of fire but none in scored areas. Steel has been hit, but has not fallen.

    d. Clean paper targets (no hits), unbroken frangible targets, or un-hit steel targets = 25 second penalty. It does not matter if the target was shot at, no hits will incur this penalty.

    6.1.3 Paper targets used in the match will be USPSA Targets.

    6.1.4 “No Shoot” Targets will be USPSA targets with the white sides displayed. Designated "No Shoot" targets that are hit will incur a 25 second penalty, regardless of the number of hits.

    6.1.5 Knock down style targets (i.e. poppers) must fall to score.

    6.1.6 Swinging style rifle targets must be struck solid enough to cause the hidden "flash card" to be visible to the R.O. R.O. may call hits.

    6.1.7 Procedural penalties, 10 seconds per shot, may be assessed for failing to follow the stage directions as written in the stage description.

    6.1.8 Procedural penalties, 10 seconds, may be assessed for failing to follow stage procedures.

    6.1.9 Stage Not Fired (SNF) penalty, 500 Seconds

    6.2 Competitor Placement

    6.2.1 Lowest Total Time wins for each class, and over all. This is a total time match. If a competitor does very poorly on one stage, it may cost them the match, even if they are first place on every other stage. Shoot Well and make sure your equipment works, and you will have no problems.

    6.2.3 Certificates will be awarded to the top 3 shooters in each class, and top 3 shooters over all.

  9. It is illegal for a resident of one state to privately transfer or sell a gun to a resident of another state. This is interstate commerce and must go through a dealer in the recipient's state. The buyer may not have been unqualified, but it was an attempt to circumvent the legal procedure for selling a gun out of state.

  10. I constantly get into similar debates on other forums...

    And if you really want to upset them tell them this;

    Anyone who shoots competitively even the lowest level shooter who does it regularly is going to have better and more valid criticism of guns and gear than the majority of the shooting public because we do it regularly in objective testing against our peers. People who simply blast ammo down range can only attest to the fact that something works, not how well it works.

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