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Posts posted by SinistralRifleman

  1. We regret to inform everyone that the match has been cancelled due to lack of registrations. As of July 31st, 2006 less than half the minimum number of 50 competitors are registered. With the low number of registrations, the match is simply a financially unviable this year.

    We feel that if we wait any longer to cancel the match, the people who have registered will be even more upset, and there is no guarantee that we would get enough shooters. Due to several competing events (which we did not know about until well after our match was scheduled) being held the same weekend, it is unlikely we would get enough competitors registered anyway.

    We will be refunding the money to the people who’s checks we have cashed and credit cards we have run. There are some who’s cards we did not run, and checks not cashed. All registered shooters will be contacted on an individual basis.

    Prizes will be returned to all the sponsors.

    TJ from Tiger Valley tells me he will be holding a match the same weekend we planned to, so that people with travel arrangements and time off work already planned will still have an event to go to. Contact info for TIGER Valley can be found at www.tigervalley.com

    Canceling the match this year was a difficult decision for us to make as we enjoy spending time with fellow shooters and competing in the match ourselves.

    We are currently in talks with several different groups interested in running a match under the rules we created and with the same style, where Cavalry Arms will simply be the major match sponsor and help with advertising. This would be the ideal situation for us, as running a match takes a lot of time out of our production schedule, and we feel the best way for us to be involved in the shooting sports is as a generous sponsor.

    Thank you for your understanding,

    ---Russell Phagan

    Cavalry Arms Staff

  2. If you rescheduled the match for another weekend, I bet you'd get a big contingent from Central Texas. I can think of at least 10 people that would come out.

    If we did that, we'd lose the same amount in people who already scheduled flights and time off work.

    Believe me, if we had known about the texas state limited back in January when we scheduled this thing, it would have been a different weekend.

  3. How you like that Cav-arms lower, im wanting an AR, and i like the way that looks.

    Well I have quite a few CAV-15 MKII receivers, but you should know I make them for a living. They hold up as well as an aluminum lower, and they are significantly lighter. They have a lifetime warranty if they break in the course of normal use, and if you break it through misuse or neglect, it's only $30.00 to replace.

    I assume you do a lot of shooting...the plastic lower is nice for another reason that it doesn't scratch or wear easily. The color it is, is the color throughout, so they won't end up looking as used as an metal gun. Carbon cleans off the plastic easy with windex

    I only own one aluminum receiver with a tele-stock for use with body armor.

    Looks like the cav arms is gonna be what ill get, when i get time to build an AR.

    I really like around a 14.5 inch LOP for a stock...but im kinda tall.

    Stumpy arms arent one of my attributes.

    The CAV-15 MKII is a 13" LOP. I reccomend the DPMS SPR buttplate for adding length to it.

  4. How soon until we know whether or not this match will happen? I haven't missed one yet and don't plan on missing this year, but it's hard to get time off and I don't want to take off days and then just waste them.

    If we don't have 50 people signed up by the end of July it isn't happening.

    We currently have 15 people signed up.

    We're not cashing anymore checks we receive, or running credit cards until we receive the 50 entries.

    If we wait any longer than early August to cancel, I believe the people planning on attending will be even more upset.

  5. Dont give up on the format if the match doesnt make...the shooting conflicts are pretty tough, plus I believe that Baylor, A&M and Texas all play home games that weekend.

    I love 3 Gun and will try to make the match, but given that I paid almost as much for my rifle as I do for season tickets in Kyle Field...its a close call. September is a busy month...


    We'll likely do another match some time in the future if this one doesn't make it. There are a few different people that would be interested in running a match styled like ours with us as the major sponsor and some logistical support and they'll set it up and run it (this is way it was supposed to be with our match to begin with).

  6. Well I went and shot it today and sighted in the CQT. The BDC seems to work perfect with this barrel length. I was ringing the plates easily out to 300 yards.

    The short range tactical sight sits too low for me to use comfortably or easily


    Are AR's tough to put together like a 1911? Or can you pretty much buy parts and "slap" it together? But, have it still be accurate?

    I would discourage inexperienced persons from trying to build their own ARs...they are relatively simple if you know what you're doing and have the correct tools. I've been working on ARs professionally for 5 years now.

    The vast majority of customer service issues I handle are a result of people not knowing what they are doing, and trying to play gunsmith or armorer themselves.

    If you take the time to get educated through reading, and videos, are generally mechanically inclined, and have the right tools...you might give it a try.


    Now put the F2 (that I gave you last year) on it and your journey to the dark side wil be complete...heh heh...

    That thing is way too loud man...the guys already complain about my relatively mild CAV Comp when we're training, I don't want to make their ear drums bleed. :ph34r:


  7. I built this rifle mostly from parts I won at matches in the past year...


    18" Chrome Lined Sabre Defence Fluted SPR barrel with mid-length gas system

    Viking Tactics/JP Free Float Tube

    JP Short Range Tactical Sight

    CAV-15 Lower Serial Number "Valhalla"

    Prototype SPR CQT Reticle





  8. I have a M1 Entry Benelli that came with the really low rifle sights...to use them I have to press my cheek so hard against the stock the gun is uncomfortable to shoot.

    What options are there for ghost rings for the M1? I really didn't have much luck looking on Brownell's. Gunsmithing/Machine work for install isn't a problem...I can get someone to do it for me if I can't figure it out myself

  9. We regret to inform everyone that the match has been cancelled due to lack of registrations. As of July 31st, 2006 less than half the minimum number of 50 competitors are registered. With the low number of registrations, the match is simply a financially unviable this year.

    We feel that if we wait any longer to cancel the match, the people who have registered will be even more upset, and there is no guarantee that we would get enough shooters. Due to several competing events (which we did not know about until well after our match was scheduled) being held the same weekend, it is unlikely we would get enough competitors registered anyway.

    We will be refunding the money to the people who’s checks we have cashed and credit cards we have run. There are some who’s cards we did not run, and checks not cashed. All registered shooters will be contacted on an individual basis.

    Prizes will be returned to all the sponsors.

    TJ from Tiger Valley tells me he will be holding a match the same weekend we planned to, so that people with travel arrangements and time off work already planned will still have an event to go to. Contact info for TIGER Valley can be found at www.tigervalley.com

    Canceling the match this year was a difficult decision for us to make as we enjoy spending time with fellow shooters and competing in the match ourselves.

    We are currently in talks with several different groups interested in running a match under the rules we created and with the same style, where Cavalry Arms will simply be the major match sponsor and help with advertising. This would be the ideal situation for us, as running a match takes a lot of time out of our production schedule, and we feel the best way for us to be involved in the shooting sports is as a generous sponsor.

    Thank you for your understanding,

    ---Russell Phagan

    Cavalry Arms Staff

  10. The match is just over 2 months away. We only have 13 people signed up so far. At this point last year we had over twice as many signed up.

    If we don't have 50 people signed up by the end of July, we will be cancelling the match and giving everyone their money back.

    If we cancel this match, we may hold another at a different location/time that will be more appealing to more shooters.

  11. Is there and estimated round count yet?

    300 Rifle, 300 Pistol, and 100 shotgun should get you through the match.

    I cannot tell you exactly how many rounds are required because it will be up to you to decide what you use on the vast majority of the targets. Some people may shoot more shotgun than pistol, or more pistol than rifle...on a stage with steel, clays, and paper targets you could theoretically shoot it all with your shotgun (shot and slugs)

    You will need at least 60 rifle rounds for the Long Range stage. There will be approximately 100 paper targets, 100 steel targets, and 100 or less clays.

  12. Awesome!

    This is going to be one kick ass match. I can't wait.

    Russel, are there any awards for the divisions? i.e. plaques or such?

    Top 3 in each division get a trophy.

    You'll get Team Army's applications very soon. We are looking forward to some Trooper Class action! Hope to see you in December.


    Excellent! we're glad to have you guys come, and we'll be at your match in December too.

  13. I'm not sure that stage is really a good example. Since the RO told everyone it was okay to break the 180 with the shotgun while running up range. I also watched just about every shooter on our squad cover themselves with the muzzle of some thing at least once.

    With the muzzle pointed down at the ground. The 180 is a range safety rule, not a gun safety rule. I don't about other squads, but our squad was told that if the muzzle was anywhere other than straight down while running up range it would be a DQ.

    I didn't see or notice people covering themselves, but my point was every one (everyone from new shooters to the most experienced) managed to maintan propper trigger discipline running hot on the clock.

    Allowing hot reholstering made for a much more challenging and interesting stage IHMO.

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