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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by robomanusa

  1. WE all know reloading an L10 widebody is easier than a SS, but the sad fact is the HF's for SS are based on L10's as far as I know and I doubt will change anytime soon, that's just the way it is, I'm not sure exactly what the HHF's are as I dont calculate them to find out. The script I wrote uses a percentage of it. while they could be calculated easy enough I don't.
  2. As soon as I can write the code in, I have recently gone to 3rd shift and its thrown me a curve ball, I dont know when I'm supposed to be sleeping and awake, LOL. The 30 hour cycle times and shit on the mills I run make for long boring/tiring nights, especially when I haven't figured out my sleeping pattern yet. I've just now started coding in the 08 classifiers
  3. Thanks, Mark. I'm busy as hell right now... I am back at my old job now running a huge mill on 3rd shift....It seems like I get only 2-3 hours sleep a day I will get the code written for the 08's as soon as I can.
  4. sorry folks, been busy as hell, forgot to post the updated calc url......it is now located under it's own domain http://www.classifiercalc.com
  5. Ive got some updates folks have sent in to apply to the calculator, Ive been busy as hell, working upto 12 hours a day 7 days a week at work, plus trying to get my auction website up and running, gotta make sure everything is ok before my local gun nuts start listing their guns for auction or trade so bare with me on the updates... Thanks
  6. If you need another one, just let me know, I have many laying around.....16 years in the machining business you tend to gather all kinds of shit...LOL
  7. I may have a carbide one with radiused edges instead of sharp, depends on the size he needs....HSS should work though, slides by all rights arent really that hard, the hardest ones Ive seen were the ones on the norico 1911's, most i'd say are between 28-34Rc edited to add....does the slide have hardchrome? hard chrome is just that...about 70-80Rc.....still in a machinable range but hard, LOL.
  8. I dont know if I have any small stub drills or not, I dont recommend using a drill, even if spotted, to much of a risk for walking and boogering up the hole... Measure twice, cut once, you dont wanna have to weld it up and go back into it, LOL
  9. Im currently at work and run a 20x120.... 500MT/3000 CNC Lathe, so bigger is better, LOL....part in the machine right now has 5 hour cycle time
  10. robomanusa


    I hope it comes my way, my cost saving price structure is half the cost of ebays fees and more than half the cost of gunbrokers, I charge no listing fee, only have fees for listing enhancements and END of auction fees. ALL new members receive 5.00 credit to be used towards fees and if your item does NOT sell you have no END of auction fees to pay.
  11. robomanusa


    I will be allowing firearms and parts on my auction site, its just not quite ready yet. About 1-2 weeks out before I finish final testing and start local advertising. But anyone will be more than welcome to use it. Thanks to Siglady for logo design, I recommend her to anyone.
  12. Since the passing of the No Child Left Behind Act, public schools atleast in our area anyways have open enrollment, a child here can go to a school in the next town and the parents dont have to pay anything...BUT the parents must provide transportation
  13. Nick, you should have had him hold your cigarette. Seriously, though everytime it was time to paste or reset he was up like a flash pitching in. Good Job... ----- At a local match, my subtle approach was to hand the guy a roll of pasters and tell him we needed someone else help paste. Thanks! LOL, smoking is MY bad habit, don't want him to get any ideas When I bring them, both my boys have always been good about helping with taping, resetting and I as well always try to do my part.
  14. robomanusa


    I own 247gunauctions.com ... haven't used it for anything, maybe nows the time to get something going
  15. I had one of those wiferattlers bite me.... careful of the fangs on those bitches, there huge!
  16. Alot depends on how much you have and how much work needs to be done, I'd say an average may be around 500.00 for a simple one maybe less??? I would look into a trust since wills can be contested.
  17. I'm testing out a new video sharing script.....if anyone would like to upload some of there shooting videos your welcome to do so. http://videos.g34.us/index.php Thanks
  18. My Father passed away just a year ago of pancreatic cancer at age 51....it takes a toll on everyone involved and is not something I would ever wish anyone to have to go thru.
  19. But since your out of bullets you might as well come down here and go to the tobacco spitting match we have up town LOL
  20. I think my boys made damn sure when they got me out there that the paintballs they used had just come outta the fridge!.....them turds! thats okay...what goes around comes around.....hehe
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