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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. Check Pwoder Valley for Lapua Scenars.. Great BC and the price is better than the SMK's. Just make sure you count them when they come. Last ones I ordered came up 360 short of the 1000 that was to be there.

    If you are going to shoot 1K the 175's are a better choice than the 168's. I'm waiting to try some of the 185 Scenars.

  2. Why not go with the simple fix of when in Rome do as the romans? If you're in a state that limits the mag capacity then everybody shoots that limit in that state.(for all the law abiding people it keeps them legal) Then the rest of us that still live in a free country can play and we can all stop argueing over this every 2 months. As far as the new shooters they aren't going to have the proper gear when they start anyway. They will be loaned gear and have to upgrade anyway. It would be much better for the sport if we educated the potential new shooters that they can come and shoot IPSC rather than trying to come up with some new BS division. I broke down and shot a IDPA match yesterday. I spoke to 5-6 guys that didn't think they could shoot IPSC with IDPA gear. I explained Prod. and L-10 and hopefully we will have a couple more shooters next weekend. Right now there are a lot of pissed off IDPA shooters because of some of the dumbassed rule changes looking for a new place to play. Learn from their mistakes and leave the rules alone.

  3. BJ,

    You could do it but there are many better choices. The whole idea is to have the best ballistics with the least amount of recoil, longest barrel life, and proven accuracy. .260 is the best choice for MOR if you reload, 308 if you don't. The sniper style matches 308 is the ticket because a bunch of them have caliber restrictions that only allow duty issued calibers like 308, 300WM and .223. It is like shooting a SS 45 in open... you can do it but why the heck would you. Just becasue you can do something doesn't mean you should.

  4. John,

    I generally shoot Open and sometimes limited just because of the fact that that is where the competition is. It really sucks when you show up for a match with the production gun and find out your the lone ranger. :( As far as the ITRC I'd love to but it won't be this year. Waiting on the call for Sgt. and buying a house. I'll be lucky to squeeze in Nats. this year.

  5. I just had my XD9 Tactical to the range. First 150 rounds the gun was shooting all over the place. After that the last 100 went in to a nice ragged hole about 2". It ate everything up with no problems. I just picked it up yesterday so it is a new production... maybe they solved the heat treating issues.

  6. Adding new division whether provisional or not does effect everyone. Well I guess if your the type of person that doesn't care about competition then it doesn't but for the rest of us it sure as hell does. They keep spreading the competitors out so that at some matches you have 2-3 people shooting prod. or L-10. If want want to show up with a SS great... just shoot it in L-10 like it was meant to be by the rules. Pretty soon we'll have so many divisions that the competition will be like shooting revolver 1 or 2 at an area match. I see people mentioning a crutch.. well having to create a new division so YOU feel you can compete sounds like one big assed crutch to me ;)

  7. I generally carry a 1911 with the SA magwell off duty. Aint a shit of difference in reload times from my open or limited STI's. This is just another case of pissing and moaning instead of getting off your ass and shooting. The reason that most of the l-10 is won by the STI/SV type guns is that anyone with half a brain can figure out that I can buy 1 gun and shoot 2 divisions. Same gun, same mags, same gear.. save money and learn the gun. USPSA is turning into the modern era of gee let's give everybody an award so they don't get their little feelings hurt. Grow a set and go compete. Somebody wins and a whole bunch lose... it's the reason we bother to keep score.

  8. Bruce,

    Save yourself all the BS and call marty at Badger. Tell him the barrel and scope combo and he'll hook you up. The eye relief is a matter of trial and error while mounting the scope. Should take about 5 minutes the first time out. Medium badgers generally are the best choice for 50mm Obj. but it depends on the scope and whether it is a adjustable Obj or a side one.

  9. Basically you have your top shelf stuff like S&B, USO

    Then the 2nd tier like NF, Leupold, Zeiss, Swarovski

    Then you get to the normal hunting type. Leupold Vari x's, Bushnell elites 3200 and 4200, Weaver, Redfields.

    Then you have the bargain stuff like the lower end Bushnell, Tasco, Simmons. They will be ok most of the time.

    Avoid BSA and the import no name junk like you would "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum".

  10. You learn to read the wind and adjust. In the Corps we qualed at 2,3 and 500 with irons. You learn to read the conditions pretty quick. If you're waiting to see your hits you're shooting to slow to win. Fire and move to the next target.

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