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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. Field courses are easy. Biggest thing is finding the spot to do the reload and then find the most efficient way through it. First time through I count all the targets and get a general overlook. Next time find the positions you'll be shooting from and determine which targets you can take on the move. Get the plan locked in. When the buzzer goes off haul ass. Most people think they are moving fast and smooth but they are really moving slow and jerky. Take TJ's or Matt's class and you'll pick it up in no time.

  2. Damn some of you guys get carried away with the mags. I now have 2 170's and 4 140's. I only use 2-3 mags a match. If you need that many mags either slow down and hit what you shoot at or practice the reloads. 90% of the match only require the big stick and maybe the 140 on a reload or 2.

  3. The Smithing on 700's has come a hell of a long way since the 60's. GA Precision builds some of the best tactical rifles out there and they use 700's. The brass shaving problem isn't the gun or the temp. It was the FGMM ammo. The brass was soft and shaved in any gun. KAC actually started to recommend that it not be used in the SR-25. The 700 trigger can be adjusted without problems. The problem comes in when somebody starts messing with the sear engagement screw and takes it down to far. Most 700's will shoot circles around the 70's and the 700 has a lot more mods available.

  4. Nick,

    I'd still bet on a finger where it shouldn't be. I have 5 700's and they are all 2.25 pounds with the factory trigger adjusted. Never had a problem. 3rd barrel on the one PSS so it has seen some rounds. The AI's are heavy but man are they sweet for an out of the box gun.

  5. Eric,

    There was a report on a few older remingtons. IIRC they were from the late 70's early 80's. They would supposedly go off if the safety was put on the trigger pulled then when the safety was pushed off they would sometimes fire. There was a big lawsuit where a young kid was hunting with his mother and he ended up shooting her. I've never seen it actually reproduced and we had a bunch of M40's in the Corps and our SERT team has customized 700's. It might happen but more likely somebody had there finger where it didn't belong when they took the safety off.

  6. The LTR is a good out of the box rifle. The best choice for an out of the box rifle is the AI AE. Only problem is they just jumped the price almost a grand in the last year. It now runs 2995. You need a 22" bbl for complete powder burn with FGMM ammo.

    Yes there are certain situations where a 20" bbl becomes a better choice than a 24 or 26". Tight windows and alleyways suck with a long barrel.

    The LTR with 168 FGMM ammo and a good 3.5x10 scope will do great out to 600 yards. Along with the fact that that is about as much as most PD's will fork over for gear anyway. Don't count on the FBI stats because in the real world the average will sooner or later bend you over. We had one a couple years ago that required a cranial shot at 287 yards.

  7. Kevin,

    I'll disagree with your idea. A doctor is there to treat illness and injury. You shouldn't have to correct any misconceptions people have about anything other than the very narrowly defined parameters of illness, injury and health. You wouldn't feel the need to correct this problem if others in your line of work stuck to what they know and kept their nose out of things that frankly are none of their damn concern. When I arrest some goof I don't tell them how to fix their car, bake a cake or any thing else. I stick to the law because that's what I get paid to do. The problem in today's world is everybody is an expert and wants to HELP their fellow man to see the world just like they do. Must have been nice to live a hundred years ago when people actually minded their own business.


    See you at the MASC.

  8. I get a little sick of the I know what's best for you just listen to me because I'm the expert type bullshit. If I take my kids to the doctor or dentist or whatever treat my kid for whatever is causing the illness and mind your own damn business. I don't tell you how to practice medicine, fix my car, etc. don't tell me how to raise my kids. God knows I got my ass kicked enough as a kid and I turned out ok. Shut up Nik! :P This country would be a lot better off if people would quit sticking there nose into their neighbors life.

  9. Rhino,

    I still have a bunch of friends that are in the Corps and they are all using Militec. No jams. Closing the dust cover helps but that crap is real fine and still gets in. We knew CLP sucked ass 20 years ago and it hasn't changed. Militec isn't just hype. It is the only lube my Dept. issues and we tried a ton of different lubes.

  10. Having 2 matches go into one sucks. They did it in NY a couple years ago. Good match Really bad idea. I didn't speak with one person that thought it was a good idea.

    In Area 8 it isn't that noone wants to do it, it is that everybody pretty much has a big match already. Dave Miller has been running a big match at Topton for the last 4-5 years straight. The MASC for 1-2 and the last 3 Area matches. We are blessed and cursed. We have a bunch of great clubs and big matches to shoot. Problem is that the clubs don't get to take a year off. The MD club would be a good choice or even Erie. This way we don't lose a big match and Dave finally gets a break. We kind of get screwed because NJ can't host a big match with there screwed up laws on mag capacity.

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