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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. I shot one for a couple years. Other than the capacity and limited selection of decent bullets to load it worked great. Had lots of guys telling me it wouldn't work or that it wouldn't be competive. Well BS I kicked a lot of there butts with it. It did reach a point where it was a small advantage to switch to the 9. If you are starting fresh with no compelling reason to shoot a .40 then go with a 9 major or a super. Better choice of bullets and capacity is an advantage on planning reload points.

  2. Craig,

    I played with a CR speed a little. Didn't really care for the setup. The Guga seems better made. The holster is very well machined, a lot more adjustable than anything else going. The best feature is the passive lock that is activated by the weight of the gun in the holster. Like anything else best advice is to find them all at a match and try each one. I played with them all last year at Nats and nothing came close to the Gugas.

  3. Jeff,

    It actually goes back to when I was a c class shooter. I'd go to a big match kick some guys butt and get called a sandbagger. Sorry but I could shoot at that level hung out or hung over on demand not just when I got lucky or practiced the same COF over and over until I got a good one. M and GM are supposed to mean something under the current system you have to be good but the system can be exploited. I just feel that too many paper hangers are using it just to sell guns, parts or training.

  4. Not moving anybody down in class and not adding classes. Just make sure that the people who are carrying an M or GM card earned it from competition not repetition. How many posts have been on here about I'm a Master but I go to a big match and get spanked? M and GM earned in the ocean not the pond out in podunk.

  5. Barretone,

    Reread my post the answer is right there. YOU want to make M or GM you earn it at a major match with the big dogs not shooting the classifiers. Otherwise you sit in A class. The 3 GM's in a division needs revised also. Sevigny, TGO, Max, JJ, Tilley, TJ, TT shows up it counts. It is real easy to look and see they shoot and the next mortal is 90% if they're lucky most times the 80's. Master and especially GM should be for the ones that earn it at the big shows not local matches.

  6. The problem is the same as it has been. We have true GM's and we have people that have GM cards. The classifier system is broken. Fix it and you will fix the problem. How many A,M and GM's actually shoot in there class at a big match? Not to damn many. The big boys show up and you have some GM's shooting A class percentages if they are lucky? Sorry if you are truely a GM or Master,barring a total equipment meltdown, you should not be getting your A$$ handed to you by A and B class shooters. No need for a SGM class or Pro. Just make the percentages what they should be. Only way to get M and GM should be on actual match performance not shooting the classifier over and over going for broke. Hell all you have to do is burn it down if you trash it they throw it out. You can't do that on a Match based performance system.

  7. Where are the good old days of fill out your slot and squad list and send it in you shoot with the people on the list. Was it that hard that we had to reinvent the damn wheel and screw it up with a pin and computer base. Keep shooting simple and ban the damn computer geeks!

  8. Ok 2 issues back from the July/Aug? Or 2 issues back from the ones we have already received? I'm sorry Kim I know this isn't your fault but the whole system sucks. This should have been put out a couple months ago that if you are going to Nats your pin will be on X issue, save it for the opening date. which will be Y. It would save this cluster&^%$ with letters and databases and the stars in pluto not being in the proper order! My god when did shooting become so damn complicated.... oh yeah when we got computers! Lets just go back to paper next year!

  9. I've been hosed on paper scores sheets so the palm has the same potential. The biggest problem I saw was the fact that some of the RO's were not really sure of themself with the palm. We had a guy get a reshoot and they had some problems handleing the reshoot on the palm. I think they were trying to get the shooters through fast and were scoring right behind on some stages which may not be the best option. Maybe write the time from the timer on the paper then verify with the palm?

  10. Rob,

    First time with this online high tech computer geek squading. I'm used to send in your apps together and get squaded not needing a password to try and figure it out. I'm glad the match opened up in Jan. only problem is at that time of year I'm up to my butt in Snow and not thinking about shooting. We were not going to bother even shooting the match because a hundred bucks for a trophy match seemed over priced but since there was nothing good on TV we decided to spend the money and shoot it. I would suggest that when apps come in together that they initally be put on the same squad and then let people move if they chose. Just remember that this is a low tech sport with a few hi tech geeks that actually enjoy computers the rest of us use them for email and match results.

  11. Great match except for the late start and finish for Sat. afternoon. The on line squading sucks. We sent the apps together and ended up spliting into 2 different groups. Also keep the clowns on the 4 wheelers at a speed where you don't have to dodge out of the way to keep from getting run over or coated in dust. Nice wipe out of the kid screwing around on his. Lucky for him he walked away instead of a life flight call! The RO's were great. The stages fairly wide open with no shooter traps.

  12. Jake,

    A lot has to do with it. Don't do the crime if you won't pay the fine and If you get caught don't whine about it. Here in PA you would have been politely escorted to the door. My notes are on the bottom, IF you can translate them. You want anything else see you in court.

  13. John,

    You need to get out of the sticks and come out in the real world more often. George Smith at EGW does great work on the LDA(along with damn near every other type of gun). TJ has it down to an art. I think Novaks was doing them also. I seriously doubt Para is going to sell any parts kits to lower the trigger pull. It all comes back to that little thing called liability!

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