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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. Rhino,

    First off I seriously doubt you are going to hand me a firearm that I'm not used to seeing or handling. ;) Most of the time that I see the CCW is when people are getting their license or detecting that unnatural bulge. I never assume that they have only one gun. I've had lots of people that were just fine until you say those 3 little words"you're under arrest" then they act like idiots. In the area I patrol we have the bangers, bikers and the militias. Lots of them have CCW and don't like authority. I'm sure you would rather feel a little put out by handing over your gun for a couple minutes while things are getting straightened out than have a couple 180's in you because you did something stupid. What you might think is a innocent little move like reaching for your wallet can get you dead. The gun flashes and a split second decision is made that can have some long lasting effects.

  2. RS,

    The longest shot we get out here in a 3 gun match is about 300 yards. The wind generally isn't much of a problem. 300 yards with a scope is a chip shot. I make sure I know exactly where my rifle is hitting at each different range. Here in the east the long shots won't win you the match as the majority of the stages are 100 and in. Speed on the closer stuff is what wins the matches.

  3. I'll disagree with Chuck on this one. I'm as Pro-gun LEO as you'll ever find. I just don't like surprises. I've had 2 different times when I damn near capped some idiot that was legally carrying but didn't bother to tell me. One was a retired local cop that should have know better. Nothing worse than having some clown pop open the glove box reaching for the reg card and seeing a gun right there. If you're carrying I'll secure your gun until I'm done then give it back to you unloaded. Just remember"In God we trust all others keep your hands where I can see them" I'm going home alive and well end the end of the night, I don't take chances with people I don't know.

  4. The Horus System does all that with out trying to hold out in space. You can do the same thing with mildots just not quite as easily as the HV.

    Any idiot that has Ultra cool QD rings on a precision rifle and actually trusts them to return to zero probably shouldn't be shooting in the first place. If you take your scope off for any reason you rezero.

    You change substantial elevation you rezero or check your logbook.

    Not to bust your balls but it just sounds to me like you are wasteing ammo that could be better spent on real practice.

  5. I just don't want to see the mess from a couple years ago where the same club raised the 3 gun fee to 100 bucks and nobody showed up. Same thing happened to the NY state match and it got canceled. I think it is just getting a little out of hand with some of the prices. Area 8 has been a 100 bucks for the last few years but they run 11-12 stages, prizes and cash payback. If they can do all that and the club still got a nice chunk, where is all the other money going ?

  6. The biggest problems I've seen in 15 years as a FI for my dept. has been poor grip and head cases that panic. When I came on the job we had .357's. In the academy we started with .38 ammo then moved to .357's. Half the class freaked because it was "more powerful" It all comes down to doing the same thing over and over. The ammo don't mean squat. Line up the sights and squeeze. I've seen lots of guys over the years that can shoot out the lights but put them on the line for real with the clock running and they're shitting themselves trying to hurry and get the shots off. Relax and shoot. Let's face it the times on the Qual course is longer than some marriages. ;) Make sure you have the proper grip and stop thinking, hell didn't your FTO tell you not to think?

  7. XM seems to have a better selection of music. Sirius was more for hearing a bunch of idiots running their mouths. I get enough of that at work so I went with the music. :D

  8. Bruce,

    The Loopy's are great scopes but you need to check your prices.. the Mk 4's are over a grand now. They are second focal plane which means you can only range on one power.

    I spoke with Mig at nats and he advised that the Loopy's are available with the HV reticle now. about 4-500 more than the standard loopy's. The USO's are the cats ass when it comes to scopes but like anything else you pay for it.

    If you want to crank knobs between shoots get the regular loopy if you don't get an HV. Ask Matt B. I was one of the biggest opponents of the HV as being too cluttered. I finally tried one and for our games no way I'd go back to a regular reticle. If I have to only make one precise shot I'll still take a regular reticle but for multi shot scenarios the HV kicks butt. I would get a Loopy or USO with the HV reticle over the falcon series.

  9. Nothing sucks more than driving the wife's vehicle without XM. I haven't had a regular radio station on in my truck since I got XM. 10 bucks a month to not have to listen to the morning retards on the radio is well worth it.

  10. All the pissing and whining about the price of the guns is getting a little old. Gee lets just throw all the divisions and classes out and start a new system. If your gun cost 25 bucks or less, 25-100, 100-500, etc. Guess what somebody will still piss and moan. This sport was designed to find out what works the best to solve a given problem. Well if the best is a 5k rifle so what. If you want to shoot shut the hell up and go shoot. Lots of us went and shot nationals with all types of guns, how many really thought they had a chance at winning the big dance? There are very few people making a living shooting. I shoot for fun and the fact that it might just save my ass at work one day. I have no delusions of actually getting paid for this sport. If I bust my ass working OT and saving so I can buy a 5K Stick so what in the end it all comes down to hits on the target. We'd all be better shooters if we spent more time practicing and less time whining about how life aint fair.. get over it already!

  11. Kelly,

    Give Terry Cross a call and ask him about the .260 on long range Larue's. He had some issues with them at one of the Sniper matches. Computer programs are nice and energy looks comparable but as Eric stated it is Momentum that knocks things down and breaks them. Same reason that you don't hunt Cape Buff with a 22-250. Energy puts a premium on velocity. If it is a gun strictly for IPSC MOR and the ranges are 600 or less the .260 is the choice. If it is dual purpose then the .308 is the better choice. Hell if you really want to buck the wind moved up to a .338 LM. ;)

  12. 260 is great for paper but has trouble with Larue's at 700+. The big drawback is the lack of match ammo and you're stuck with shit brass or have to form it from .243 or .308 Lapua brass.

    The HV scope doesn't make the .308 any better than the rest it will work equally well for all calibers.

    If you're building a gun just for paper or 600 yds and in the .260 with 123 Lapua scenar's is the way to go. If you need to drop long steel stick to a .308.

    The highpower crowd is just poking paper so it doesn't need the extra knockdown.

  13. Bruce,

    Yes mere mortals can install it. You only need a few simple tools. A 65 In/lbs. torque wrench and the correct size allen wrench. Mine shot .5 MOA or less so I don't see the need to bed it. The 1.5 will require the cheeck rest be removed to clean. 2.0 folds out of the way and is the ticket. 1.0 can be done with a 42" rod. 1.5 you're screwed. Spend the extra 100 and go 2.0.

  14. Craig,

    Bill H was running a Sako IIRC. I just picked up the TRG 42 in .338 LM. I'm waiting on ammo or the damn bullets to come. Got dies and brass. The whole system is cool as hell. You can tear the whole gun apart pretty easily. Trigger is adjustable for everything. Everyone I've talked to has good things to say about the accuracy and reliability. Since it is the issued Finnish Sniper rifle I'm sure it will take a beating and hold up in the cold. Durability is rarely an issue. If the 700 in a MCM stock can hold up to the beating it gets in the Corps I doubt if it will break in the civilian world. Since I have to future plans to jump out of any more perfectly good airplanes, I'm not worried about my rifle breaking. If your FFL jumps on that deal pick me up a AI AW to play with too! ;)

  15. The AI's can swap barrels also. The AE doesn't but the rest do. The AI stuff was built as a combat SWS not a Comp gun. They are built like a tank and will take a hell of a beating. The Tubb uses SR-25 mags which hopefully with the demise of the AWB will be more plentiful and better priced. The lighter cal. is ok for punching paper but if there is long heavy steel like Larue's forget it. The Sako trg22 is another good option. Running about 2300 plus the access. It all depends on how deep the pockets are.

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