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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. Xre,

    Right now I'm A class in Open and B in Lim, L-10 and Prod. I don't take this sport real serious and haven't practiced in 3 years. I spent most of 02 and 03 out or recuping from old fart driver induced back surgery. :angry: Basically I'm shooting on natural ability at this point.

  2. Xre,

    I guess playing sports all my life and occupational hazards have just got me to the point that I don't worry about all the little crap that seems to bother a lot of shooters. I can go to the line with WW3 going on behind me and not worry about anything. I started shooting with guys that would bust yours balls the whole way through a stage. I just learned to ignore it. I just think that a lot of people take something which is pretty simple and try to make it complicated. They turn themselves into headcases trying to over analyze everything. The first thing that goes wrong or something breaks their routine and they are screwed for the rest of the match. I shoot with a couple guys like that. It's funny to watch them meltdown if things don't go exactly perfect for them. I guess being Mil and now LE I got used to things changeing real fast and having to adjust. When I do the walk through and then break down the stage I visualize the shots but I check every target when being scored. I just don't let a D or something stupid like that ruin the rest of the match.

  3. I have one simple question... What the heck does the weight of the gun have to do with is it concealable? Size I can see, it is still very subjective due to the simple fact that we are not all the same size or build. Why not make the rule if you show up at a match you have to conceal your gun, if it isn't concealed you can't shoot it. I guess that would make it too much like real SD carry and not a game though.. Oh crap I think they have that backwards again. I mean this is real life not a game or :wacko: .. Oh I give up.

  4. I use the Dawson pads with Bevans springs and followers and no inserts. Bevans springs are stiffer and seem a little wider which prevents the follower from rolling over. I never could get those inserts to work with out them getting mangled and tied up on the spring. On the big stick I use Bevans pad and get an extra round. 29+1 is a beatiful thing.

  5. Wow, you guys sure put a whole lot of faith in the mental stuff. I'll stick to lining up the sights and shooting. KISS all this affirmation stuff sounds like to much work to me. Shoot it and if you did everything right the hit will be there if you didn't do it right all the positive think mumbo jumbo aint going to change it.

  6. When it comes to supporting the matches STI seems to be at all the Area and bigger matches going. I forgot my hat at one and Don loaned me his to shoot a stage. He didn't know me from Adam but offered it up. Class acts all around. As far as the free Ads, Hell I have to wear somebody's shirt might as well take a chance on making some money while doing it. Both are good platforms but right now STI is way out in front and will be for a while. Caspian might catch up with mags and mods but while you're waiting for that you could already be set up with STI and shooting.

  7. Louie,

    The Win and Remmy Low recoil stuff shoots better. The other problem is the POS JP point doesn't adjust correctly. Everytime you try to make an adjustment it goes all over the damn place. I fixed the problem by puttting a Docter on there. A little Home gunsmithing and viola plastic POS replaced that actually tracks correctly.

  8. The Area mathces don't have all the big dawgs playing so Nats is the place to select the teams. Since Phil pointed out the old 2 out of 3 system that seems like the best. It gives you one major screw up and you can still send the best. Let's face it if you screwed up 2 out of 3 then there's other issues. It seems this new system is like the points system, it aint the best shooter it is the guy that shoots the most big matches. As far as the JR team BJ and Brian got screwed big time.

  9. I haven't researched the criteria but seems pretty F'ed up to me that TGO is not on there. Won Limited Nats, but doesn't get on the team? :wacko: I always thought that if we were sending a team it was to go and kick ass and take names, which means you send the best you have. I think a panel could come up with the top shooters in each division without it taking more than about 5 minutes.

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