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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. Chuck,

    I didn't really get into it with them. Mike Hughes had one totally die less than 1K.

    I think the wiring is blowing out and the dot goes. The other guys are having problems with the dots going out. They have 2-3 that they rotate. One on the gun, a spare in the bag and one out for repair. I only had one out of 2 die. They replaced it with the gen 2 and it held up until I wised up and switched back to the c-more. It is now on my AR. The beating they take on a slide just seems to tear them up. I'm sure C-more could come out with something new and improved but they work as is so I won't hold my breath waiting. I think part of what makes them so damn good is that the actual wiring and circuits aren't moving to make adjustments. That seems to be the big failure with the Optimas/Jpoints style.

  2. The Docter sight are far from perfect. Not bright sightenough, lens too small and the adjustment isn't any better than the C-more. They were doing pretty well fixing the problems but the latest gen 3 or 4 not sure which now was about 4 steps backwards. I know 3 guys that have had them blow up withing the first 1K rounds. The 2nd Gen were better at holding up. The only problem with the C-more is the initial sight in. If they madea .25 click adjustment it would be perfect. One of the Guys I shoot with made a mount that rotates the C-more over 90 degrees. The right is right on top of the slide. Only problem is it won'twork with barrel ports.

  3. Rich,

    Yeah the SS is one of the few along with the Bushnell10x that are fairly cheap and decent. Not great but decent. I wouldn't take one out in the real world where lives depend on it but for paper they are ok.

  4. Ken,

    You forgot about TJ, Chris Tilley, Matt, and a bunch more. The problem with the grandbagging is that it then makes the shooters that are shooting the level they should look like sandbaggers. When you have a GM or M getting spanked by an A or B right away the lower class guy is sandbagging. No I haven't put a proposal together because the rules and new classifiers have been coming out for a while. Hopefully it will solve some of the problems. I just don't want USPSA to be like the rest of the feel good about yourself world where everybody has to win a prize or a GM card. GM should be for those that trulely earn it and are the best of the best in heads up competition not just on paper.

  5. I haven't looked at all the new classifiers but I would hope that the powers that be were smart enough to put in a few field courses. I know certain ranges have space problems but they should be able to do a few FC's. The other change would be no more of this shoot until you get a good one. You get one shot and can only reshoot it IF you have a major gun malfunction. Loose nut behind the gun doesn't cut it. Hell now if you want to move up quickly all you have to do is go for broke on them. You either burn it down and get a good one or you end up tanking it so bad it doesn't count. It looks like USPSA is starting to count more big matches as classifiers now too. It used to be 3 GM's and then some decisions on performance. I just looked up the new update they counted the A8, TRI State and MASC as classifiers. Got the bump up to A. Damn Guess now I'll actually have to practice. :D

  6. Did they come out with a new version of that POS or is it the same old POS from a couple years ago? I had one for about 3 days and only 10 sec. in a match. They work ok with glocks but not with a regular gun. I just switched to the SSI/Guga Ribas holster. I've had Safariland, Limcat and played with a Ghost. The Guga blows them all away for quality, security and adjustment.

  7. That's why the classifiers need fixed and Match performance should count more. Hell I used to be able to make a 100 foul shots in a row, guess what I didn't get drafted into the NBA. This sport is about putting it all together not just standing and shooting they already have a something called bullseye shooting. There are lots of guys that can't do a 4.4 40 but can shoot field courses. TGO, Chuck Bradley, Taran are all damned good shooters and they aint go to win the 100 yard dash. There is more to it than just flat out speed. The stand and shoot stuff is easy to practice so that's what a lot of people do and they get good at it but when they go to the big dance they get left standing at the gate. :P

  8. Tim,

    I was talking about the Section and Area matches to earn the slot. Lets face it not all GM's are created equal. There are the GM's and then there are the GM's that finish well down in with the A's and M's. If Max or TJ, TGO etc. show up the percentages get hit for about a 10% drop. The classification system needs some tweaking. I see the grandbagging as as much of a problem as the sandbagging. If you go to a big match and can't shoot within your class percentage do you really deserve that GM, M, A etc. card? Lot's of people want the card for Ego or to sell stuff, hell he's a GM so he must know how to build a gun or a slide etc. I'd like to see major match performance count more than it does now.

  9. Kevin,

    The error in your thinking is that in order to win your class you will generally have to shoot into the next class to do it, then you get bumped. There goes the sandbagging out the window or you stay home from Nats.


    300 shooters for Nats. is fine. You can cut back the length of time, still keep 20-25 stages, and have the prestige brought back by having to earn your way there. Let's face it most of the Nats only for the last few years have only been getting around 250 anyway. That was with the split format so a bunch were shooting both.

  10. KDJ,

    Actually it would cut the sandbagging because the only way you get to go is IF YOU EARN the slot. That comes from match performance at a Section or Area match. It would cut out the guys that don't shoot classifiers all year or big matches and the guys that are M in limited and then go shoot A in L-10. You earn a slot in a Division and you shoot that division at the Nats. Nationals is about seeing who is the best shooters not giving the vendors a full tent of people to sell stuff too. ;) There would still be plenty of slots that are there to be earned by shooting majors not just getting on a list with 250 bucks in hand.

  11. The best way to game that stage was to use the lanyard to tie the light into your hand. Take the lanyard and put the loop around your wrist and cinch it in tight with the flashlight on the inside of your wrist, then bring the rest of the lanyard up the back of your hand, put your little finger throung the loop then bring the loop around the haed of the light and tighten it up. The flashlight "was in your hand" which met the course description". Turn on the light with a quick twist. When you closed your hand in your regular grip on the gun the light slid right under the bottom of your hand. No problems messing with your grip or doing any reloads. The light points right where your gun does.

  12. I go to shoot so personally I don't give two Sh*&'s about a banquet. I agree with the get a couple more tents and do it all right at the range. Last shot fired, scores posted an hour later, line up and do the prize table & awards. I've shot 2 nationals and haven't stayed for the awards or prize table yet. I have a 13 hour drive home and getting back to my family means more than standing around for a prize that I'll end up selling off anyway. You can eliminate the whole Quincy Experience. Lets face it the shooters meeting was a joke. Don't park here... don't be racing Golf carts.. oh and did I mention Don't park here? Not a word about the actual changes to any stages. :huh: I agree with Jeff on the earned slots. Maybe it is the competitive side of me but I just don't see going to a match that you have no chance of winning. Pony up 250 and you can shoot the match, great for local matches and Area matches but you should earn the slot to the big dance. I'd also like to see the squading done more in line with the Super Squad. Take all the Class winners that earned slots from the Area matches etc. and put them together. You can then gauge the match better. Put all the M's with the M's A's with the A's etc. The match staff and the RO's did a hell of a job but the schedule sucked.

  13. It wasn't a bad format but I would prefer to shoot it in 3-4 days instead of 5 and the 2 extra days needed for registration and prizes. It would have been real easy to cut out a day or two. You started at 8 and were done by 1030. The RO's did a great job of getting everybody in and out fast. They didn't post the scores on Fri. night like they usually do. That was BS. I said the hell with the prize table and left at 0400 for home. There's no reason to dick around and have the prize table that late on the following day. It screws up flight times and really sucks for those of us that drove. Shoot the match, post the scores and have the prize table that night. They had the scores done by 1940, they could have done the table at 2030. It would make it simple for everybody to attend get a nights sleep and be gone in the morning. Only reason I can see for doing it the way they do is to keep people around just for the shootoff. The shooting 4 stages a day was a little harder because you just get warmed up and going and its over. The worst was the 24 layoffs. What the hell do you do in Quincy for 24 hours that doesn't involve large amounts off boredom or alcohol?

  14. I talked to Robbie and he said it cost 1500+ and there is no way in hell that USPSA will let that thing into production. They had a regular XD on the display table and one with a reworked trigger. It was lighter than most open gun triggers. :o

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