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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. It's not so much of a point series as much as a Who can go shoot the most big matches now. I don't see any real point in it other than a trophy that means you shot a bunch more matches than the next guy. I think it is a waste of time and should go the way of the AWB.

  2. Well let's see.

    New speed loaders 30 bucks for 2 x 3 sets = 90 bucks

    Blown match + Shotgun + Hand + shirt get the point. Me I'd spend 90 bucks rather than have my damn hand blown off. Of course you can always do the great American pass time and threaten to sue the company because you tried to modify the design and F&&*ed up. ;)

  3. Well the key seems to be that they were either old style or modified according to the post. The old style have been fixed by the manufacturer so either make the primer cut or upgrade to the new ones. If they were modified who knows how they were done. I saw a guy show up at one of the local matches with the dowel rods screwed in with a metal screw right where the promer would be and for safety he put a piece of Duct tape over it. :wacko: I've used the new style with and without the dowels. The Arrendondo piece or a hogged out pistol grip eliminates the need for the dowels. Like anything else USPSA can't stop people from taking a safe piece of gear and doing something to mod it into a safety hazard, if they do we all get screwed. A little common sense goes a long way.

  4. The 10x was a best choice compromise way back when variables were not as reliable as the fixed. Like a lot of other ideas used by the military it stuck around. It was a compromise choice which means that it was ok for most military engagements. If ok is good enough for you then by all means pick a fixed power and save a couple bucks. Since it isn't 1965 anymore and we have advanced a long way there is really no need to limit your gear with a fixed power scope.

  5. Horus Vision is putting their reticles in Leupold scopes now. Best scope going is the US Optics with a H-25 Reticle. Then the Leupold with the H-25 followed by a Leupold with the Gen 2 Mildot. If you are serious about accuracy and repeatability forget anything under about 800 bucks cause it won't cut it. They'll be somebody that will post how their 100 dollar wonder tasco will but I want to see it done. The cheaper scopes are ok on a hunting rifle that gets zeroed at 100 and stays there but for anything else forget it.

  6. I have them. The Holster is the cat's ass. I replaced a Limcat with it. Nothing out there compares with it right now. The mag holders are good but the attachment design needs some fine tuning. If you don't really tighten them down the front one will pop loose when you go into some kneeling and squating positons on low ports. Other than that they are great.

  7. Get the aimpoint. I have one on my duty gun. It gets tossed in and out of the car and bounced around daily. Holds up like a tank. The other thing is to make sure that she actually knows how to use it. I see a lot of people sending gear and equipment to their kids and family in the sandbox that have no idea how to use the stuff. Half the damn infantry can barely shoot anymore, so I know damn well the support troops and rotorheads aren't getting the proper training. If there is time get her the scope, 2 cases of ammo and a decent rifle instructor.

  8. Well my problem was from getting whacked by a car and in my lower back but the fusion and disc removal has worked great. It's been about 1.5 years since surgery. Best advice is don't screw around too long because the nerve damage will become permanent if left go. There are a bunch of new surgeries for problems like your wifes that don't involve a fusion. If it is just the disc they can repair them now. Check out Back.com. Lots of info on the newest tech. out there.

  9. Actually the Guga/SSI is the way to go. Damn everybody else's opinion...Mines Better ;) ! I upgraded from the Limcat to the SSI. I checked out the Ghost but the SSI seems more adjustable and just looks cooler. Actually you have to find one you like but I wouldn't have a race holster without a good lock.....and remember to use the lock.

  10. I've heard all the bitchin', pissing and moaning and a lot of it is from people who have never been there. I'll be the first to say that Quincy and the surrounding area sucks when you have down time. This years format you had a bunch. You can't really go do a whole lot if you want to concentrate on the match anyway. I spent most of the down time gaming stages and watching others shoot. PASA has a great facility which allows USPSA to put on a hell of a match. Not many ranges have the facilities to be used for this size match. This year they let you park up the hill which saved a lot of humping gear up that damn hill. You want to go shoot a match PASA is good. You want to go on vacation then go on vacation. I just don't see being able to really do both without the shooting performance suffering. The weather can suck in any part of the country so get over it already. I shot the A8 in a constant downpour and mud, the MASC was hot and humid. Until some genius can come up with an AC system for an outdoor range then I guess we all get to shoot in some less than perfect weather.

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