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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. Alan,

    We'll let's see Para, SV or STI or you can get exotic if you really want, you might even win with something else if your real good. If you mean which divison Limited. If you're in a state or country that only allows X rounds then shoot Limited. Since nobody here would ever break the well thought out laws of the state and build illegal mags or shoot a match while possessing such illegal items. Then everybody can load X rounds, shoot limited and all be on equal footing just like the open guys, since nobody has cried enough to get a Open 10 round only provisional division ...YET. Unless you shoot a postal match. Good luck and enjoy being a good law abiding citizen.

  2. Graywolf,

    I'm all for more people shooting but if you are shooting in a division of one or two people then what is the point of going to the match, might as well just go to the range and practice. The matches are for competiton. The 3 division rule makes sense( which is why we will never see it) the class problem should be settled easy. An A is an A. You are classed at whatever your highest class is, no more of the one lower BS. This will stop the sandbagging of some and make HQ life easier. To turn around the point on the many who want all these new divisions, Why don't you show up with your single stack and shoot in Limited and have fun and shoot for the top prize? See it solves the problem of new divisions, Settles the arguement and we can all get back to shooting.

  3. No Not Drunk. Just spent to much time away from shooting. Like George said getting that itch again and don't want to see the sport destroyed by people trying to make it something it's not Kinda like a "holiday tree". Before I did it without humor and a whole bunch of people cried and felt like they were being picked on, so now I'll still tell you if I think you're being a dumb ass but I'll do it with Humor!

  4. Well once you open the barn door ...... I can hear the whining if they ever did away with it....But I bought the latest gee whiz single stack and now there is no division for it. They did that with the 8 shot revolvers and seriousily doubt if they want to go through a mess like that again. It will be like Revolver 2-5 people at most area matches and 20 at Nats shooting it.

  5. Now come on if I pay a hundred bucks to shoot a match with a gun that I know is not competitive because technology has passed it by I STILL WANT MY TROPHY! Damn it make a division for my gun or I'll cry and go home and I don't care if the Canadians have found a way around the 10 round limit problem. I live in the USA, the land of the free, and if my state tells me only X rounds well then you better make a division just for me. Don't tell me to spend a hundred bucks and buy real mags for out of state matches that's just not fair. You must all suffer the watered down competition and reload more so I can play damn it! I'm leaving and going to the range to show the guys my shiny new trophy for being the best Open, 8 round only, no optic, but with comp while wearing a blue shirt and green socks trophy I won at the last match. Geez, they'll be impressed and I'll be their hero! See you suckers later, maybe next time you'll win a trophy too!

  6. Flex,

    Please refrain from pissing off the masses by suggesting that USPSA has watered down the competition so that everybody shows up and can win a trophy just because they are the first place shooter with a specific type of gun shot while wear (insert color here) shirt. Everybody knows the reason people are staying away is that their gun isn't competive in the divisions we have and not because they can't win in the established divisions. After all this isn't a competition or anything, we don't really want people to get their feelings hurt or their ego damaged by not winning a trophy everytime. So in the spirit of fair play everybody shoot what you have and we'll make a division just for you and give you a pretty trophy you can hang on the wall to show that you really are great!

  7. Well let's see. You're moving, he'll hear you and knows exactly where you're at, if he wants you, your A%% is done. At least with the light and good tactics you might have a chance. The light also helps prevent shooting the wrong person. Too often people hear the bump in the night and go off looking with a gun. I know of several cases where the person shot a family member because they didn't id the target. I don't think anyone would want to have to live with that.

  8. It arrived yesterday and I watched it last night. It covers all the important stuff. Stance and having the gun run 100%. The comments about more on the 870? It's an 870 what more do you need, feed it and shoot it. It is the most reliable gun out there! The reloading techniques as Matt mentioned are so dependent on the individual that it would probably take 10 hours of video to cover all the styles. The key is find the one that works for you and practice it. The video quality keeps getting better and you get it from somebody that knows what he is talking about.

  9. Yes good old Mas AYOOB, the you need a 37 pound trigger pull to be safe in court guy. Let's see about 99% of all LE are carrying Glocks, SIG, Beretta or HK, all w/o a stupid mag safety. Humm guess it aint real important. KISS just one more thing to go wrong when the SHTF. I'm sure there are cases where it helped and others where it was a problem. I perfer proper training over a gadget safety.

  10. I've seen all of them and Matt's is by far the most current. Matt's is a series and I would suggest that you look at 1-4 of the series. There are a lot of little things on the basics that will help a lot. There is no one magic tape that can cover all that is involved in this game. Matt's series is as close as you're going to get to personal instruction with out the price and travel.

  11. I seriously doubt SW or Beretta will knock off the Glock from top spot. Smith makes great revolvers but let's face it there autos suck. They have to overcome the Sigma debacle, ask NJSP about that one, and the jumping in bed with Clinton. You'll see a few show up but Glock will still be the gun in production.

  12. I'd be real interested in the number of complaints from teachers and kids/parents. Like the numbers show 16 last year in the combined and 23 in both matches this year. I don't see a big change. As far as teachers take vacation, hell summer is the busy time for me but I take off. I missed a shooting and a homicide while I was there. Guess what somebody filled in and handled it. That is the concept behind sick days and vacation, when you can't be there they get somebody else to fill in. Aint any of us that damn important that they can't find a sub to fill in for a week.

  13. How does that knock out the Juniors and the teachers? Kids take time off to go to disney and everywhere else. School teachers get vaction too not just the extra 3 months the rest of us work! Sorry but that arguement doesn't work. You can't control the weather and sometimes you just have to grin and bear it but 6 days in Barry in July? What next Jan. in Fairbanks? I know of at least 2 people that dropped out due to heat. I'm sure there were more on the verge. Just so we have a Junior count there were 23 that shoot in Barry. I didn't check to see how many shoot both matches so the number could be lower. There where 16 that shot last year when it was in the fall.

  14. Don't discount point shooting completely. When my C-more died at nats right after the beep I point shot the whole stage. No mikes and I went 1 for 1 on the 2 long poppers. Granted I was 5 seconds slower but had the hits.

  15. Barry is fine as long as it is not in July. I heard all the BS arguements as to why. Kids in school, teachers blah blah. Guess what for the 15 or so Juniors i'm sure they would like a week off of school. The teachers can take a week of vacation just like the rest of us do that work a job that requires more than 180 days of work out of the year. The only reasonable excuse to fry everybody was the warm up for the WS. Go back to mid to late Sept.

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