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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. There are two others from LA, Elliot and Annette Eysen(Spelling?) Annette knows how to shoot and somehow Elliot has an M by his name. According to Mr. Miculek they can "do alright" with a revolver. Good luck, have fun. SAM
  2. I too use all assorted brands of brass..........Free is BEST !!!!!! I use the Brownells moonclips for practice and club matches, Hearthco Moons for major matches. I do use only one headstamp at the Nationals though just for consitancy at the chrono......this year will be Remington, last was Federal, the year before Winchester........you get the idea. I have had some problems with S&B......their primer pocket is crimped and will leave you a high primer every now and then. and A-merc is JUNK....the brass alloy is bad and it does not resize well, and the primer pocket swells and will not hold a primer. Good luck. SAM
  3. I'm with Bill on that. I do carry an extra 625 though..............have loaned it out once to another guy whose firing pin broke. Just keep it oiled, and somewhat clean. I have well over 150 thousand rounds through one of my 625s(all major loads). the star has lost a couple of tips and the trigger pin is a little loose but it still goes bang, and hits where it is pointed. and wouldn't be afraid to shoot it at the Nationals or any where else. If I were getting spare parts, I'd keep a firing pin, Cylinder stop and more ammo. SAM
  4. No worries folks, I said I don't care if I see another gun, match or what ever................ But that doesn't mean I'm done.................nobody stuck a fork in me!!! see some of you Saturday at the KY 3-gun match.................bring a crying towel.........I might need it! SAM
  5. Bryant and I might be able to make it, just say where. BTW...............Nils is on squad 29 so there will be 2 GMs at the match. Dave, sorry you couldn't make the hat trick. See you there................maybe. SAM
  6. Thanks Sharyn! Lynn, If it is in Memphis next year................IT had better NOT be in August(or any other HOT month)........OH yeah, I already have my stage drawn up for next year. SAM
  7. Now an update, just 3 weeks prior to the 2006 Nationals. I have deliberately avoided shooting much revolver, and have not practiced other than a plate rack or two every now and then. I have shot the revolver in 4 major matches this year and have done ok with it for not having shot it much. We had the Tennessee Section match last weekend, I was going to use it as a springboard to the Nationals and get practiced up just a little(so I don't embarrase the rest of the wheelgunners). BUT.................... I got so HOT, Tired and physically drained from shooting all day Friday, and RO ing the rest of the weekend, I really don't care if I see another gun, match or whatever right now. So here we are, back in the same boat...............just this time it has a leak. Up until this weekend I had actually been looking forward to the state match, and the Nationals................now have even considered withdrawing from the Nationals.......something I never would have thought I'd even consider. AMAZING what a weekend will do to a person. Good luck people. SAM
  8. Good seeing all......... After thinking about it..................I can not recall ever being so physically and mentally exhasted at the same time. Hope all enjoyed the match.................including the stupid bubblegum star! SAM
  9. Dan, Both, but mostly ESR. I just got rid of the GP100 not long ago........already miss it. will be toying with a 586 in the future. SAM
  10. DM, Just look at the numbers from the last 2 IDPA nationals and you will understand where all the revolver shooters are.................they were run off due to the splitting of the smallest division in IDPA. and we'll just leave it at that please(per Brians rules) Now for around here on our local matches (IDPA) I usually am the only wheelgunner and have a stray show up every now and then so as usuall it is me against them many times out of a match of 20+ shooters I will be in the top 5 or better and even in the high spot..........not because of gun platforms or any reason of equipment. I shoot more than most of them combined.........not bragging just stating facts. It is a proven fact that the more you shoot the better you get.....it can't be helped just human nature......some just do better at it, and gain skill faster. They both are great sports and I recomend shooting both as often as feasable, they complement each other well. Have fun, shoot straight. SAM
  11. Congratulations to Master Walsh. As a precursur to the Florida, Tennessee college football game between the two........... Florida comes out the winner (this time) I want to thank all you for coming and putting up with the Memphis heat and Humidity. Maybe one of these days they will move our section championship back to the last week of September like it traditionally was up until about 3 years ago You guys all did well, I just wish I could have given you a little more of a run for the money. Some of you I will see in 3 weeks, the others, good to see you and hope to see you again soon. And Steph, I told you I would be happy just riding the tail of this donkey! See ya'll in February if not sooner. SAM
  12. Just got off the phone with Johnny, He'll be shooting on squad 9 with you guys/gals!! Whatch him, he's pretty sneaky too. (wonder where he got that from?) See you there. SAM Edit to remove triple post......fingers are getting antsy.
  13. Redmist, But HE's known thoughout, and is quite not "unfamiliar".............right steve? How's the hip btw? SAM
  14. WM, No Chad, he's aquired a new job and can't away (yet, so he says....I think he's scared. Don't worry about Memphis, the multiple and plentiful penalties are Special "Cliff" penalties!!! Speaking of Cliff................ Rodney said he has whipped up a special batch of "adult bevearges" just for him. I know that makes Cliff feel "Special" now. Now off to build stages for next week. SAM Edit to add: What are you doing up at a quarter till 5 anyway? Oh let me guess.........Practicing in the cool of the day.......No fair, some of the rest of us don't get to practice.
  15. Way to go Cuz! Maybe one day I'll keep up the family name and make master myself. give Flex hell. SAM
  16. With two weeks to go there is not much talk going on...............do I need to worry about that? I hope it is as much fun as they say the last one was. Anybody know how many shooters are supposed to be there? More importantly (for me) how may shooting HM? See you there. SAM
  17. Ron, I'll buy that. Sorry to hear the arthritis thing..............I guess we'll all pay the fiddler one of these days. When you see Bud, tell him we missed him and would love to have him at the Party. Cliff.............to answer your question. you guys have had it too easy for too long!!! See you next week at the Memphis match, be ready for all kinds of penalties.....I AM the CRO on stage 11. See the rest of you guys in a few weeks. SAM
  18. While I'm specultating............. Ron, you are one of the early masters at Revo............why don't you join the party? SAM
  19. Chris.......Ole yankee cuz I have the cure to the problem............. Replace the plastic part with a steel part........like in a 1911, or a good revolver.!!! OR............. Just throw the mattell toy away and get a real gun.........STI, SVI, Para, Caspian(Limited/Open) OR even better......... Go buy a 625/25-2/610 and I'll get her in "TOP FORM" then you can enjoy the "ULTIMATE CHALLNGE IN ACTION PISTOL SHOOTING" Gun troubles are a Pain in the A$$...........Glad my BennyBlaster, and my Wheelguns are like the Energizer Bunny. Good luck finding your problem, I'd try hotter loads too. Sam
  20. Cliff, that is only 3.....where are the others........Pickett, Pettit, Bond........you know. I'll give the two Johns credit, but "Ah Aynt gibin that Dan bagger nuttin" !!! Hilljack
  21. Picture sounds good, need all participants for an article (Pat Sweeney, since you do that all the time I nominate you ) Chow sounds good for one night. Now a few observations from the dummy that shoots....... B class as usuall is the biggest with 18. Our lady representative for revolver at the last World shoot is not shooting. Neither of the 2 new GMs are shooting. Almost half of the Masters are shooting Very few of the ICORE shooters are shooting, and none of the so called "Big Dogs" I also don't see any of the familiar names of the IDPA "Big Dogs" For our division and Revolver shooting as a whole we HAVE to get some participation from these other disciplines!!!!!! For what it's worth. SAM
  22. MR. Lowe, Dennis and Bob can stay right where they are thank you. At the rate my classifiers are going down, I'll be with you guys soon too. Dennis, Congrats on the win, glad you got it going and are on a roll....feels pretty good doesn't it? Kenneth, +1 on the millet sight......I have one on all my revolvers. SAM
  23. Steph, As little as I have gotten to shoot lately, I'll be happy just riding the tail of this donkey! It's gonna be fun, I'm looking forward to seeing you guys again. (and the rest of you) SAM
  24. hopalong

    Old School

    Triggers on Revolvers are like the grips........pretty much a personal prefference. I have the .325 on all my 625s, but the 25-2 I'm using now has a smooth .400....the same as the 610 I started with, and I seem to like it just a little better than the .325s. For accurate, tight shots, longer shots ect. There is no difference for me from about 18 yds and in if the targets are pretty open. JTR........as I mentioned, I am now using a 25-2 and like it pretty good. for a picture of it see the Area-8 thread...Gman posted a picture of me and it........the gun is way much better looking. I still don't know which is better, they both do great and will do all that is asked of them. Time will tell (for me). SAM
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