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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. I know many of you are waiting to send in your entries for one reason or another. That is fine with me. Enough people have signed up and sent their entries that I can purchase targets, pasters and other essential items. It doesn't matter if we have the 23 people signed up now or 123 or 1,230 the match is going to happen but it'll have to be a little longer if we get 1,230 shooters !!! For some info the stages have been sent to USPSA to get that blessing. If I remember correctly round count is 246 IF you don't MISS or make up any bad hits. Partial list of Sponsors/prize table donors: Brian Enos (we're using his forums to talk about it) Springfield Armory Tech Wear Shooters Connection Ah, darn now I have brain block ! I'll post more later. See some of you in November Hop
  2. corrected the typo.................... the correct number is 662-286-5949 !!!!!!! See you in Oct. HOP
  3. Robert, If you come down 65 from Nashville it is 3+ hrs. Go down I-40 then get on St. Hwy 22 and it is under 3 hrs. Hotel Info: Hampton Inn Corinth MS 662-286-5949 85.00 night rate code "mississippi 3-gun" (the match gets comped rooms for match staff for so many rooms reserved, please use the Hampton if possible to keep us from having to spend money on hotel rooms) ((that will let us spend more on PRIZE TABLES)) Oh, the M1a given to the HM division IF they get the 20 will be given by random IF HM doesn't get the 20 then it will be given RANDOMLY to someone from the entire match. the match is also buying one for Raffle, the tickets will be 1 for 10 bucks, or 5 for 40 bucks...........Everybody wants a M1a so bring a little extra for some tickets. Chad may get on here soon and list our fine sponsors. I don't know who or what, but I do know these fine folk are on the list. Sabre Defence Springfield Armory MGM targets CPWSA FN (pending) And then some. HOP
  4. Thanks Bryan, You swinging through Mississippi on the way to VEGAS ???? You'll see more .308 rifles in one place at a MG match than you've ever seen before !!! Edit to add: You'll even see that Miller feller getting his butt whipped by a bald guy.....
  5. Joe told me at the Pan-AM shotgun Championships he is trying to get it on his schedule. Hop Can anybody tell me how to get in touch with Mike Moore in Illinois ?
  6. Hurley, Just 5 minutes ago I sent an e-mail to the gentleman responsible for this. I should have an answer for you tomorrow. Hop
  7. any 45. Loaded 8 in the mag. In the past, I used my .45 sstk with 10 rounders loaded to 8. HOP
  8. Stephan, I don't have the entries, but off the top of my head. Mike P., Dan O., Rob R., Jansen J., Kurt M., Trapper S., Javier J., Hurley R., Mike F., Mattog, Scott, Wayne A., Matt B., Chuck B. Linda may chime in here. Some of the above are staff and she doesn't have many of them on her list yet. If I count right, there are 14 up there already. WAY more that what will show up at the USPSA Nationals. I have a few others that would shoot HM if they are able to come to the match. Sharpen the scissors ! Hop Edit to add: I have people coming from TX, IL, GA, FL, OK, AR, TN, and of course MS !!!!!
  9. You guys are the lucky ones................................ I'm skipping BOTH !!!! Good luck, shoot straight. HOP
  10. Thought I'd bring this one back up. Take a look at Post # 1 HOP
  11. A little info from the other thread. Match HOTEL: Wingate Hotel 2270 N. Germantown Pkwy Memphis, TN 38016 Ph: 901-386-1110 Room rate 89.99 night for a 2 queen room. Mention "Memphis Charity Challenge" for that rate. Fore every 10 rooms rented, the match gets 1 free for staff. (Saves the match $$$$ for staff housing). Michelle Dehan says she plans on being there and bringing her camera equipment for the match. her website: www.photomotionphotography.com/ She does great work. Hope that helps. HOP
  12. Devon, I'm not sure, but it is not off the plate. It depends on several things. Don't forget about the Memphis Charity Challenge though. (You can beat up on Josh, since no one else is) HOP
  13. We (MCC) are happy to announce that we have finalized a new charity for the Memphis Charity challenge. When we contacted them, we were asked a few of the normal questions. After talking briefly with them we were pretty much on board as was them. In as few minutes after more discussion, we were asked. "What can we do to help you ? Come hang banners, make a presence ect.? Just a whole bunch more excitement and enthusiasm from them. I'm proud to announce the 2010 Memphis Charity challenge will benefit the : LeBohneur Children's Hospital New match entry found here: http://mail.e1w.com/webmail/src/download.php?startMessage=1&passed_id=3369&mailbox=INBOX&ent_id=2&passed_ent_id=0 Thanks to all who sent suggestions, and comments. We are happy and pleased with the reception from The LeBohneur Childrens Hospital and thier staff. Now let's get the new applications filled out and sent in to Brad!
  14. I'd suggest that if you want to know just how many HM shooters we have, ASK LINDA !!! She KNOWS everything. Hopalong
  15. Happy Birthday to my Fiancee, Elizabeth !!! Hopalong PS I don't really know why she went with 226, since she has a 646 also ???
  16. Hey Mike, and anyone else. It is what it is, IF they don't want our donations we will take it elsewhere. They asked us to remove thier name from anything to do with the 2010 MCC. I will oblige them as a matter of courtesy. Thanks all, and let's make the 2010 MCC even better so if they get courious they can look and see how much they would have gotten this time around. Hopalong
  17. I talked to Linda today. She said we're getting entry forms in at a pretty good rate. A high number of Heavy Metal shooters !!! Spending money on targets and other stuff this week. Hoaplong
  18. After getting approval to use thier name last year in conjunction with our match. S!. J&%# Hospital in Memphis has decided they don't want anything to do with our shooting match and Handguns Specifically. (After giving us approval again this year) Now I have to go and change everything mentioning thier name. ! Remember the hate forum rules/guidelines. I'm just kind of venting. No discussions please. Hopalong
  19. The "Hospital" we chose as a reciepteient from fund raising by the Memphis Charity Challenge has informed us they no longer want to be associated with us (A Shooting match, handguns specificly). All current threads mentioning the "Hospitals" name will be deleted in the near future. I will start new threads with updated information. Aside from the new Charity to give our proceeds to, all things are business as usuall. Thanks for the interest, Hopalong
  20. The "Hospital" has decided it does not want anything to do with shooting matches, and handguns especially. All current threads about the Memphis Charity Challenge will be deleted completely in the near future, and I'll start a new one with updated information. Aside from where or who we're going to send the monies raised everything else is, and will be business as ususall. We're (MCC organizers) are looking into a new Charity. This is a notice, and will start the ball rolling on the rest of the story. Hopalong
  21. Mike, You asked. You SHALL recieve !!! Hop / (insert Evil match director laugh)
  22. Merlin, Go ahead and shoot it with your revolver. It will be good practice for the Memphis Charity Challenge !!! (how's that bubber ?) If the match was in Greenville TX I'd be there to shoot it myself. BUT it isn't and I have a few things to take care of before the Memphis Charity Challenge so I'll see you guys in November. Good luck, Bubber be nice to Merlin. HOP
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