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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Atilla, It looks like there will be no problem (according to M.M.) But what I was proposing was this: if you or whoever wants one is actively shooting revolver, they will not have to wait for the gun when it comes available. So if you finally get to start shooting, and shoot some matches with any revolver, then you will be actively shooting and thus would not have to wait. See what it does....It gets those out that have a revolver and gets them shooting even before this thing becomes available, then when it gets here the people who will use it for what it is made for will be able to get it first and keep shooting making the divison grow. Randy, I still don't know about this 2 peice barrel.... :wacko: HOP
  2. Randy, Thanks for the input. Not that it means anything but here is a suggestion on dispersal of these guns.... Middle man seems to be more than Slightly interested so my guess is he would be the "Dealer" to get the order. It will take a little extra work for him but to get the guns in the place they are intended (ACTIVE USPSA/IPSC REVOLVER shooters) here is a suggestion. Again, not disrespecting the ICORE shooters but the gun is a 6 shooter designed/intended for USPSA/IPSC shooting. If you want a gun, send your name, USPSA/IPSC number to M.M. He then can check your status as to whether you are actively promoting the revolver division. All active shooters will get one first, then those who are on the wait list can get what is left. Out of 500 there may be 150 to go out first as most of the guys with multiple classifications are shooting another Division primarily and shoot revolver as a second gun. Then the collectors, dabblers, ect can have access to them. S&W won't care, M.M. will have already bought the guns from them. Just an Idea.... Hop Hi Luke good to hear from you down there.....Keep the pressure on Walsh !!!!
  3. LMAO !!! Sniper, THAT is TOO much !!!!!! I just about busted a gut laughing so hard.!!!!!! You did good !!! Hopalong BTW, any of ya'll coming to the Mississippi Classic?
  4. Robopup, send some to Dave Hearth at Hearthco. If it is possible/feasible he can make you some. Hopalong
  5. Matt, You want to try it, you can have it for a while (until you kick my ass with it) HOP
  6. Let me toss a bone on the pile.... HOW about we start with a clean slate.......NOBODY is qualified to go to worlds as of right now. including JERRY (because he's gonna kick our ass any way) Results from the 2006 year of shooting: Nationals and Area -6 Results from the 2007 year of shooting: Nationals and Area -7 I used 6 and 7 to represent the year. Match points for each = points earned toward worlds... the 4 with the highest points are on the team. Those interested in going to World shoot will travel to make these matches if they are truely interested in going to Bali. Then we must make sure USPSA will give the Revolver team 4 slots instead of hoping to get some from the 1st come 1st served list. Maybe we need to do that now !!!!!! Talk to your Area coordinator, The president doesn't give a flip about Revos so the B.O.D. would have to make sure it happened. HOP
  7. Randy, Got a protype? Send it to me, I'll see if it can win the Alabama, Mississippi state matches, then I'll send it to Dan Carden and he can see if it will win the Area -2 match.... All joking aside (at least for a second) What will a gun like this do for say Cliff, who just got his back from you ??? I'm still relatively new to this revolver game, not been doing it for 2 years yet, what do you think it would do vs. my 625-4 I shoot? also, If I were to get one to use, I would need to get 2, just in case I broke it at the wrong time and needed an instant replacement. If it is as different as you suggest then handling will be different and so will feel. would be a bad thing to have to change guns that feel different at say the Nationals or Worlds. So that 1500 just went to 3000 !!!!! Also, How could it be guaranteed that these guns go where they are intended..... into the hands of USPSA/IPSC shooters(not flameing the ICORE shooters but it is a 6 shooter made for USPSA/IPSC) instead of casual plinkers and collectors? Just a little to think about. HOP
  8. Hi Lisa, Welcome to the forums !!! Thanks for representing us at the World shoot !!!! So sorry about the head cold Keep the pressure on M. BANE !!!!! Hopalong
  9. Another question.... Would this gun have an Ignition key? Would it shoot ALL A's no matter where I pointed it? How about automaticly reloading itself? (I've got several cheaper than 1500 bucks that do) Just kidding on the last two but what about the ignition key? HOP
  10. WOW !!!! At that price I can buy me 2 TWO production 625s put a new back sight, a Black Majic spring kit in them and install a Miculek grip on them and still have 500 dollars. I have that in the 2 I have now (less than 1000) NOT being rude or anything like that but thems the facts. OR I can get me a good STI limited gun, OR I can get me a good RIFLE. See you've scared HKsniperman, and he doesn't even shoot wheelguns.....but after the TN match I had him thinking about it. At that price, the only people interested in those guns will be collectors.....and maybe a few shooters, they certainly won't go where they are intended. I certainly don't mind my steel cylinder and all that extra weight. Ask them about another run of 25 model guns in .45 ACP with the 6 1/2 inch barrel maybe they can get the price down on them. And what is a 2 peice barrel unit? How about just rechambering the 657 to 45 ACP? Mine has a 6 1/2 barrel, N frame, just needs a slighly shorter cylinder. I have been skeptic about the gun since it was first brought up. Randy is definately on the cutting edge of the Revolver world and No doubt a gun with his "designs" would be "HI-Tech" but cost for return is not worth it for me. Just my nickels worth. HOPALONG
  11. I think he is a little old for the Junior section, but there he is in all his NEMO self!!! Good to see good kids like Nelson Jr, and Fransisco get the limelight. Captian Nemo should be very proud of them two, I am for him that is for sure. Hopalong
  12. Ronnie, No body to my knowledge was hurt/lost by the storm tha had anything to do with the match. I do have staff that is now headed down there to assist in the aftermath. 2/3 rds of MISSISSIPPI were severely effected by this storm, how could we have a MISSISSIPPI championship with that much of the state effected? Our Hotels in the area are pretty much full of evacuees and they have no where to go, so why bring in 50+ more people just for a shooting match? Yours and whoever else tells me to will go to the Red Cross. Thanks to all who had inteded to come, and like Ronnie says.... "NOW PRAYING FOR THE VICTIMS" SAM KEEN
  13. Get this one. I managed to win an very large match that has a notorius prize table. Revo had 9 shooters if I can remember. Open had no less than 15 guns, Frames, uppers ect. Limited had a few less Production and L-10 had their fair share.... both had a few guns. Revo.....the best thing there was a Brownells Leather range bag Needless to say...... I will NEVER go back to that large Match. HOP
  14. Ditto Mr. Linders comments !!!!! HOP
  15. Russell, Don't send them. I don't know when we will try it again. Thanks for your support. of the match, and the Sport. Hope and Prayers for those in NEED. Hopalong
  16. Mark, Good to hear all are OK !!!!! Next time get the H**l out of there !!!! Now for the South Mississippi bunch, and the Mobile Maffia? Any one heard from Dennis Jarrell and crew? HOPALONG
  17. Patrick, We had the best team we could assemble this year. Thanks for going and representing us. What I am saying is this. If USPSA has a team selection system, and we know that is how it will be done, then those who are interested will know what to do. Yes the system is not the best, look at our Standard team, we had good shooters and a good team but Robbie was not on it. BUT if we know that is how it is going to be done. Period then those interested will go to the Area and Nationals to get qualified for team selection. And If USPSA doesn't have the money to assist the Revolver team, and yet wants to let us be "officially" the USPSA revolver team maybe they(USPSA HQ) needs to try to get the REVOLVER team some assistance elsewhere. I understand completely that some of our "Leaders" don't want us around, but YOU, JERRY, CLIFF, LISA pay the same dues as Robbie Leatham, Jake Di Vita, Julie Goloski or any of the other members of USPSA. why the hell can't USPSA help ya'll out? aside from the Revolver division just being the "Red headed step child" (Note: Jake did not go to World shoot but he did pay his dues) What I'm getting at is this, We are all members of USPSA, what is offered to one should be offered to all......NO MATTER What kind of gun they shoot !!!!! I hope you see what I'm trying to say. Thanks for your time, YOU(Patrick) want to run for USPSA President? I'll vote for you. HOPALONG
  18. Smith, I hope will recognize that their product is "THE" gun to have in USPSA/IPSC I have been doing the Revo thing 2 years now, going around several states and have yet to see anything but a S&W at a match. I have seen other brands in IDPA, but not USPSA/IPSC. If they would/could see that and put some pressure on USPSA HQ maybe the Revolver team (if there is one) could get some help like the others did. Seems like there was an OPEN, STANDARD, PRODUCTION, JR. OPEN, and Lady team....Why could there not be 1 more?(4 more team members) I'm like Carmoney, if there was a ligitamate way to form a team, using results from Nationals espescially, that would get more participation at Nationals, and if it was not so hard to get slots for Nationals.(Note: There is a set way to form teams, it is spelled out.... but was not used for this last World shoot) I have proposed to my Area director Charles Bond that the winner of the Points series, overall and class winners get a slot to Nationals guaranteed. He is going to suggest it at their next meeting, please get a hold of your Area director and do the same. That will do 2 things(maybe) get more interest in the points series and get more slots available to the Divisions before the first come first served. IF we don't do it, nobody will.....the majority of shooters don't mind us crazy wheelgunners.....but there are some who do not want us around. Talk to your Area Directors !!! Hopalong
  19. AS of last night August 30, we have dedided to Cancel the Mississippi 3-gun Championships due to Hurricane Katrina. Those who have sent entries will be getting them back. Those who have sent them and have not got a confimatin e-mail, I will confirm it and let you decide if you want me to destroy your check or send it back. To the Sponsors, I will get in touch with you on how to get your merchandice bace to you. Sorry for any Inconveniences this has caused but they are way less than what is going on South of here. Please pray for the people in need. Thank You, We will reschedule when possible but have no idea when. Sam Keen
  20. I agree with Flex. Also as the shot difficulty gets harder you will find yourself not only working the trigger differently, your type focus (brians book) will change too. With time and experiance all this will happen without you even thinking about it. Good luck. HOPALONG
  21. Cliff, Spook. Hold your head up high. We can't always have the perfect match all the time. Even Jerry, Rob Leatham, Eric Grauffel have bad moments and matches. Only they are so far ahead of us they can still win while having bad times. Get what you can out of it and use it to your betterment. Hop Igor, don't worry about your english.....We want to hear from everyone. What works for you might just help someone else or the other way around.
  22. Chris Patty, I'll loan you a spare 625 until we get a new 9MM major 6 shooter! good to see you again. Glock24man, If you only put 5 in the moonclip you can use your hands and toes !!! see you next trip to Dickson. Glock24shooter, for a long lost cousin....I'm gonna have to work on you a little.!!! Us Keens where I come from Use real guns not platic toys SAM Yup, way too many Chris's at 1 time
  23. Bulm540, good to meet you too. Chris.......NOW put that SILLY plastic toy away and get a wheel gun. Hop
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