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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Thanks for the vote of Confidence Pat! But....... I'm no threat to those guys. They have had a whole years worth to get ahead of the game. I'll be happy to not DQ. ONE THING I CAN GUARANTEE........................ WE'RE GONNA have FUN!!!!!! See you in 4 weeks, and the rest of you cats&chicks in 7 SAM
  2. WOOOO WHOOOOO !!!!!!! Way to go John, I always knew there was a "M" hiding in there! HMMMMM...... Just in time to shoot in "M" class at the Tennessee Sectional. SAM
  3. Jerry V. Hell NO!!!! I wouldn't squad with those 3 jerks if they were the only 3 left ! You know I'm avoiding them. Oh I forgot, I wasn't supposed to tell..... SAM Now think about what you, and the other guys out west can do to help at a match in Louisiana in the fall of 2007.
  4. The A-8 post has gotten me to thinking about some stuff. Flex said I was the biggest card carrying......... Carmoney said I was a large driving force.......(not in those words though) And many others have said I have influenced them in one way or another (I hope it was good) After trying hard to get more and more enthusiasm, and participaton in the Revolver Division shooting all the majors I could afford (and then some) for the last two years it would be pretty hypocritical of me not to participate in the largest of the USPSA Nationals yet (in revolver).......and I am NO HYPOCRITE!!!! So I will be asking Kim to change me over to the wheelgunners division for the Nationals in Barry this year. I again want to thank all for their kind words, and it appears that what I have done in the past is acutally helping.........BUT DON'T EXPECT ME TO NOT SHOOT THE BENNY BLASTER AT TIMES!!!!!!! NOW let me add this............ I have contacted one Jerry Miculek, an we had a short talk about this "Souther Revolver Nationals" thing........... He said it would probably go, and we might be able to have it at the Clark range (where A-4 has been shot for the last 3 years) and we're looking at late October in 2007. That is all for that, so as of now it is only in the "talking" stage and I need to get back with him and Kay and Jim Clark jr. about the range use. For this to happen I will need MUCH help. when we get it ironed out better I will start asking for help with things that other folks can do better than I. Think about it and let me know what you want to volunteer to do. SAM KEEN
  5. OK, ONLY 7 signed up so far!!!!!! Talked to Johnny today, he said he's doing all he can to get there........I'd plan on him being there. Haven't heard from the Luttrells lately, but since they have not jumped on yet.... One thing about it though..... 8 is 1 shy of 300% improvement!!! (over last year) There are 128 signed up, room for about 40 more..........If you're coming you'd better hurry...........Plus the USPSA Nationals are only 3 weeks after that. See you there(hopefully) SAM
  6. Nemo, That is pretty bold............ I have a question though. How am I going to make 5th on the list with the "Benny Blaster"? You know, this is hard. with 34 shooters that means there are twice as many as last year (almost) and who are they and where did they come from??? Bob Perdue did say he has heard from Rudi and that Rudi plans on being at the big show again this year. Dillard? Last I talked to Dillard was at A-6 and he was shooting Production, with the goal of making Master with it this year..........so who knows? I see where Dick Thompson will be cheering Carmoney on.......(No fair, no cheerleaders allowed..........wait, maybe some Hooters type cheerleaders to distract some of the front runners!!! ) What about Tom Ketteles(Sp), Rich Bitow, Jack Graham........some of the ICORE hot rods.....That Kid that did so well at IRC???? Aw Hell........I think I'll just stay with what I said and go from there. See you folks in 7 weeks. SAM
  7. Congrats MCB!!! I too was on that top 20 C class list.............Keep up the good work, and yes they are quite unique and fun. Sam Keen
  8. AFDavis, I agree with the Anderson Dry fire book.........Dry fire and wheelguns go hand in hand. Be patient with yourself, but true to yourself. And ask as many questions as needed. When I started there was no one else to ask, so consider yourself lucky. SAM
  9. Nemo my Buddy. Great looking blaster you got there. Please do not break it in on me as I have enough trouble with myself. Give Carmoney Hell with it in IOWA!!!..........he needs it, that's for sure! SAM
  10. hopalong

    Area 8

    HI GUYS AND GALS!!!!! Danbagger told me to drop in and look, so here I am, Straight from working in Kentucky for the last two days, no I did not see Airedale or Zookeeper. Thanks for the congrats, but I don't deserve it. Mr Fry does for mixing it up with us with his 686 in 38 super (nice wheel too) and wearing his MARPAT(Digital Camo) Kilt. This was the first time I saw Bob Perdue since last years Nationals, he has lost 30 pounds and says he's feeing great. GOOD for you Bob. And He shot good too, said he shot his best match in a while......No penalties and 1 d hit if I remember correctly. Good for you Bob (again). I got to shoot with redmist10 again, last time was the Ohio match. He has stepped up his shooting. Times are getting better and he said the hits are catching up......Reminded me of me a year and a Half ago.........erie. Good to see you Steve, you did shoot well and it will come. Bigdeer, See my signature line, I'm just a dummy that shoots. Nothing more, Nothing less. Sometimes I get a little lucky that is all. I am an eletrician, and after last year shooting 14 major matches I am broke! I want to thank you guys, (You too Kathy since you are one of the guys) for your kind words, that really means a lot to me. Mike....That is a good one, Danbagger told me you would jump all over it. But for the record. At the present time the only Mrs. Keen is my mother, and she is quite Computer illiterate and likes it that way. She found me in a Trash barrel behind the Hospital so I might have been hatched....who knows? Mike, not avoiding you guys....Just trying to get back in the black....and I would have made the Summer Blast if you had paid my entry, hotel and plane ticket. If any of you would like to shoot with me, I will be shooting the Tennessee State match the last weekend of August at Memphis TN all are welcome. Now back to the "Holler" Thanks again, see you at the Nationals.....I'll have my "Benny Blaster" so you can all make fun of me. SAM oh yeah, edit to add: Cliff....... on the 3 amigos........ good one. Also edit to add: I did shave my head but did not quite make "Tea Bet"........got as far as Kentucky.
  11. Tony, that means you can bring the new to you 610 and play! No time better than now to jump in. Sam
  12. So that means if I bet 10 on Miculek, I get 14 back? Man if that is it, I'm gonna take out a loan and go to VEGAS. I'll toss mine in since I had to visit due to the TN match directors question. 1 Jerry Miculek 2 Dan Carden 3 Mike Carmoney 4 Cliff Walsh 5 John Burkholder And...............I'll go as far to say.......... Dan, Mike, Cliff, and John all shoot 85% or better of Jerry!!!! NOW you turkeys..............DON'T mess up my predicitons......ok you might swap some places but DON'T even think about the 6th prediction. SAM
  13. I got an e-mail from the Match director today.................. He said their are 90 shooters signed up............and only 6 revolvers!!! I will be there shooting my 25-2 for the last match of the year (with a revo) and it matters not to me if any others come or not. I have tried for the last 3 years to get more participation up in Revolver shooting, looks like it has worked.................. sometimes! MS section was good, Summer blast was good and we had some others with good numbers. Nationals look like it well grow pretty good this year........which is only 3 weeks after the this match and would be a good tune up for it. He asked me what has happend to all the revolver shooters?, That there was supposed to be some kind of REVO lution going on.................... I told him I did not know and would ask.............. So.............. The match director of the TN section wants to know............... Where are you revolver shooters? and why have you not signed up for the match? SAM
  14. Alamo, Maybe because in todays setups and stages of USPSA..................... Shooting a revolver IS the ultimate CHALLENGE!!!! But what do I know, I'm just a dummy that shoots, with an opinion (see signature lines) SAM
  15. Eric, That means you will get to shoot with the Army team..........I think they are on 19 too. Have fun. SAM
  16. Well.................... SHjT!!!!!! That likely knocks me out. I won't go that far for a level II, and the A-6 3gun match is the weekend before so I'd be watching my pennies any way. Oh well, I'll go deer hunting instead. I guess Jerry can sleep better now. SAM Oh well, I likely would have used the "Benny Blaster" anyway.
  17. With entry fees of $235.00!!! and the cheapest round trip at $310.00!!!! and no telling what the hotel, and eats would cost.......... TOO much $$$$ for my blood!!!! Besides, all the autoloader shooters fill it up too quick for us lowley wheelgunners(when I shoot it) to get into the dance. AND after hearing about all the memory stages last year..........I think it was last year, I kant remember. TOO bad, sure would like to see some of you Western wheelgunners that never venture away to other matches. SAM
  18. I sent word to Steph and Mike Luttrell, they replied saying that a match in August should be a "doable" thing. I hope they make it, and bring Firewalker with them. SAM Waltermitty........What about Bubber? Isn't he the bus driver?
  19. Another one I tought I'd bump..........since it seems appropriate. Sam
  20. Since Carmoney ,Gary Stevens and many others have been talking about Revolver Participation lately.....AND the very subject has always been a personal adjenda for me. I thought I'd bump this thread................. Take a look at the post date................. Comments, please......... So others can see. SAM
  21. I want to point out my Buddy Jonny Brister. Since he is "master by Default" because of his GM status in all the other divisions.... I thought I'd point out that he is also now "Master" by percentage of classifiers!!! In only 6 months of shooting one of these things!!!!! I would also like to point out that he already has a 98 and a 100% classifier........ AND like I said...... Will most likely be the FIRST ALL GUN GM in USPSA HISTORY!!!!!! Way to go Johnny, looking forward to seeing you make this. SAM Also, if any one would like to shoot with Johnny...... He told me he plans on the TN State match in August at the Memphis range.
  22. Well since Matt wouldn't let me use my LTD gun or my Revo I just got to shoot the match with them....Darn was trying to get some good info on the sly. The class seemed to go off good, all members were tired, a little sore and full of all kinds of good new info........and attitudes. to those who missed it.................... Sorry you missed a good class. To those who came, and Matt.... Thanks, The CRSSA (Range) was glad to have you with us, come back as often as you can. Sam Keen
  23. Redmist10, There are already a mess of M's...................It's just we can't seem to get them all in the same place at the same time !!!! Seems like USPSA Nationals would be a great place for a meeting like that, but for some reason unbeknownst to me........many of them (M's) don't/won't attend them. Oh well, maybe Carmoney's IOWA match???? Back on track here................ Congrats Danbagger!!!! You will never get rid of the knickname, even if you finally prove that it doesn't fit anymore. Good to see all you guys representing the ULTIMATE challenge in USPSA. Sam
  24. Chris, Thanks for looking, and giving our small but growing division some of your time. I am a CRO, and have no problems when I see a 7 or 8 shot wheelgun, (around here it is usually a 7 shot 686). It is no different than making sure all steel in the stage are engaged. just let the assiting scorekeeper /RO watch out for that. as far as the .40 min cal for Major...... It was my impression that when all the caliber limits came up several years back that it was a safety issue to limit the major to .40 or bigger (except in OPEN). Since the 38/357 guns are designed for that type of loads, they should be allowed to make Major....(my opinion) Revolver guys/gals are real passionate about their little group, we know we will never be as popular as the autos.............they have 5 divisions, we just want to keep our 1. Oh and by the way, I do shoot autos too (as most of the other wheelgunners) Thanks again for the interest and your time for what you do. SAM KEEN. Oh yeah, I'm sure the A-2 match would get more wheelgunners to come but just like Nationals.........All the AUTO shooters fill it up too quick. Maybe one of these days, I'll get lucky enough to go.
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