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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. In celebration of the sunset (restoration of our rights) I built a 140MM magazine for the Standard IPSC: To duplicate this mag, you will 1st need a CZ replacement tube, mag spring & follower from cz-usa.com at 800-955 4486. Maje sure to ask specifically for the 16 round replacement tube for the Standard IPSC. It may be possible to bend STI/SV magsprings to fit - looks promising but I have not accomplished that yet so use CZ's springs. They might also have complete mags now; thier CZ75B/85 mags (which will NOT fit) are available for $37. Next, you will need to buy 140 mm basepads from www.taylorfreelance.com. Robin called me personally to discuss these mags as they will not fit w/o modicifation to the area of the mag with the retention system. I opted to mill off the rear of the baspad & use an internal, U-shaped sheet metal retainer. This should yeild a reliable, 18 round 140mm magazine. Is 19 possible? I believe so but I need to do more mag r&d for that. Regards, Douglas www.shootersparadise.com
  2. In a pinch, just re-temper the stock spring; Johnny (Iron9) explains how to do this for the Standard IPSC on his websight www.strictlyipsc.com - just click on the UK flag for English & look under misc. Thanks for the tip on the BHP springs.
  3. I consider this a prevalent problem - one made worse by the like of Monsignor Kerry trying to drive a wedge between "good gun owners" (shot gun hunters like him & most gun owners left in the UK) and "bad gun owners" like everyone on this board, handgun owners, CCW proponents, service rifle competitors, reloaders, collectors, gun show attendees/promoters, firearms retailers, range owners, etc. As firearm owners, we should not stand for this. How to address the issue? One thought I had was to get NSSF or NRA to sponsor "demonstration" events at large shotgunning competitions (everything involving clay targets) where a few action shooting competitors would let shotgunners try out the latest handguns, competition guns included. I do not care if its NRA Action pistol gear, USPSA, IDPA or Cowboy - just something to get an "evil handgun" into the hands of our fellow shooters (who happen to choose shotgunning).
  4. Hi Doug! I think you will shoot better with a heavier bullet, not lighter. The ESP power factor is the same one they use in Production division; last week the top competitors in the country finished their nationals & one of the top 10 finishers used 180 grain bullets out of a Glock 22 (Todd Sindelar of Team Shooters Paradise, www.shootersparadise.com). His velocity was slightly over 700 fps & his load is one very very fast competition load. I believe he uses Titegroup. By "fast competition load" I mean the recoil is actually perceived as being LOWER with a heavier bullet than with, say a 135 travelling @ 963 FPS (130 PF). There are 135s out there if you want them, but for competition, I would not load 135s. Too snappy & too slow to get the sights back on target. Better to use 180s at 700 to 750 fps. Try it & tell us what you think. Doug Johnson USPSA NROI IDPA Shooters Paradise
  5. Fantastic stuff; I just give a quick spray on an old towl & dump in my loaded rounds (after tumbling off the OneShot w/ corncob) & my match ammo is ready to go. Every time my SV mags hit the dirt, they come apart, get a quick brushing & once over w/ the silicone cloth. Have not tried BoShield yet but Silicon is easier to find.
  6. Heck, for 47 Euros per SPS grip frame, it is worth it to mails order one to the US - even with the international shipping! There are no customs duties or reporting requirements on gun parts valued under $100. As for magazines, I find SV tubes to be of the best quality but apparently they did not produce any in anticipation of the end of the AWB & now demand has skyrocketed.
  7. "As for magazines for Saigas, they may have an additional hurdle: the AWB/94 covered produciton, but other laws cover importation. Even when the AWB/94 sunsets, you must be careful in building up the "uber-AK" as imported guns are covered under other laws." I think the point you are making is this: pistol-gripped AKs and Saiga shotguns cannot be imported into the USA even after the AWB. THat's why there are NO AKs in the US right? Wrong - there are tons of AKs floating around the US; the guns were imported as 100% foreign "sporters" (i.e. thumbhole stock of "sporting firearms") and turned into US made guns. How? They arrive in the US as banned guns & leave as US made guns. (from ATF website) "Nonsporting firearms are still prohibited from importation under 18 U.S.C. sections 922(l) and 925(d)(3). Because the vast majority of SAWs are nonsporting, they generally cannot be imported.SAWs may be imported into a Customs Bonded Warehouse or Foreign Trade Zone because the sporting purposes test does not apply to these imports." What happens at the warehouse? US made parts are installed to create a "US made" firearm that, like the AR-15, does not have to meet the "sporting purposes import test". Norinco makes an AR-15 in China; it cannot be imported into the US, while the Norinco copy of the Winchester 97 cowboy shotgun can be imported. Another example is your fixed sight Glock pistol. Did you know its banned from import without adjustable sights? Yep - your fixed sight Glock arrived with fixed sights that were then removed & sent back to Austria. What about Saiga magazines? No restrictions now. The ban died. It included the shotgun "evil features" ban/ limit on mag capacity. HOWEVER, the Saiga importer, EAA does not get it. They don't know the law & just can't figure it out. They have the ability to sell you the mags but wrongly claim that they are still banned. Call them & you will hear it for yourself. There is such a thing as being cautious and then there is being ignorant & lazy. I hope that someone comes to their senses over at EAA.
  8. Limited: I think it is going to be Phil's year w/ TGO in hot pursuit. You wrote: "Production: Sevigny out front as usual, but I see the field closer than they have been. He wins, but maybe by as little as 5% this time. Angus, "the Mink", Rich Dettlehouser and Petros in the top 10. Not enough knowledge here to even guess at an order. Gilber Perez is tough, but I have never seen him shoot Production. Who'd I miss?" My Production prediction: Todd Sindelar and Eric Lund in the top 5 along w/ David Sevigny of course. I also think the CZs of Angus and Matt will pose a serious threat to the top Glock shooters (I love my Glocks but I am a die-hard CZ fan). "Revo: No knowledge of the players except of course for the ragin' cajun. Jerry by a comfy 15%. Yeah, closer than ever before." If Rudy Waldinger shows up, he is a shoe-in for 2nd place behind Jerry with the rest of the field a long way back (Rudy is unbelievable with a wheelgun). Any updates from the field? D.
  9. Rhino nailed it. Any shotgun out there sold as a new gun is no longer subject to the "no more than 2 evil features" list (it was a little different for shotguns, but its gone too!). Add pistol grip stocks, folding stocks, add tube extensions, flash hiders (though can't imagine why but whatever floats your boat). What about the USAS 12, Street Sweeper and Striker 12? THey are still destructive devices (DD) & controlled by the 1934 Act. Why? B/c that MODEL (as in the actual MODEL by that name) is re-classified as a destructive device. What if I add parts to my Rem 1100 or Beneli such that it starts to resemble one of the above DDs? THe law governing these guns does NOT work that way. Unless you actually manage to somehow buy a factory Street Sweeper or USAS 12, the DD lable does not apply. You can't turn your current-manufacture Remington, Saiga or Benelli into a USAS 12 or Street sweeper by adding previously banned parts.
  10. Carlos

    AWB ending

    CDNN just sold me Glock 17 mags - normal capacity - for $14.99 each. Doubt they have many more in stock though.
  11. "Ruger has a long history of voluntarily refusing to sell civilians equipment that the liberals did not like, even when it was perfectly legal for them to do so and such equipment (large mags, etc) was in their LEO product list. In fact, their official spokesman at the time stated that no honest man needs a mag greater than 10 rounds. So, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for Ruger 30 round Mini14 mags to hit the market." If that is correct - even for the mini-14 only, then I will NEVER buy another Ruger product, EVER, and will encourage the store where I help out to DROP THEIR PRODUCT LINE COMPLETELY! Ruger: are you listening?
  12. Found another source (at least for 20s, that is) FOURFOURMAG Company Harbor, Oregon, USA www.FOURFOURMAG.com 1-877-894-3116 As to support for Ruger - I hear you. I never bought a S&W during that sad period when they were owned by Royal subjects (as in subject to the whim of the gov't). I did buy older S&W guns made before that time. Now that they are back in US hands, I did buy a used 340PD - even though it has that stupid internal lock - though I wish that S&W would finally tear up the agreement they attempted to make with Mr. "can't keep it in my pants"
  13. Now that the AWB is dead, I'd just buy the Ruger factory 30 rounders.
  14. Carlos

    AWB ending

    WHo has Glock mags for that price? The guy on Glocktalk.com wants $22 a pop plus shipping.
  15. Yet another online poll: "Is America safer WITH a new assault weapons ban?" http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5946127/ 17,000 votes so far & its running 50/50. Take a look. On another note, Taurus USA just posted a chart showing the "old" 10 round capacity of their guns vs. the current, BATFE approved capacity in this handy chart: (way to go Taurus!) http://taurususa.com/mags/index.html
  16. Don't have to wait until midnight - its DEAD DEAD DEAD! (posted ON the 13th - check out the website Rhino provided): http://www.atf.gov/firearms/saw-faqs.htm Enjoy. D.
  17. And when they appear to be "worn out" DO NOT throw them away! Here is another option from a fellow IPSC shooter & BE rofum member (Iron9 I think): -go to "www.strictlyipsc.com" -a shooting website will come up that is at 1st in Swedish; just click on the Brittish flag to read in English. -click on "Miscelaneous" -click on "re-tempering magazine springs" (in your kitchen oven at home for free/no cost) Your re-tempered mag springs should be good as new; the old Bevin Gramms springs I treated last week are just like new. Put another way, what will you do with your oldsprings? Throw them out, right? If you are going to buy new ones anyway, you have nothing to loose by trying re-tempering - at least for use in your practice mags (now that the AWB is dead & we can all afford 10 practice mags, 10 match mags, etc). Douglas
  18. Hi Mark - well, it has happened, ATF accepts & informs us that the LEO marked mags are OK to own (http://www.atf.gov) & there are at least 2 responses: 1)Beretta and Taurus are granting certificates for 2 free normal cap ("pre bans" - guese they are "post-sunset" now) magazines event o guys who bought before the sunset. 2) One of my favorite companies, CDNN (the "big lots" of guns) had 12 & 14 rnd Steyr mags for the M40 & M9 for LEO ONLY for the last several years - price? $9.99. Then, a week ago, they claim they "sold out" of LEO mags. Miraculously, they then "found a stach of 50 magazines". Price? A mere $39. BTW, there was a guy on GlockTalk good enough to take pre-orders for Glock magazines @ $20 (fair price I guese - I usualy paid $16.99 for 10 rounders) and here is the interesting part - he had the new H&K made mags for the AR-15! (only $50, but knowing HK prices for pistol mags, I doubt that price will drop much). Douglas
  19. I know that tension will slow down your draw. One of the best tips I was given early on was to relax just before the buzzer. I take on the start position (surrender, hands at sides, etc) then, when I hear "Are you ready?" I take a deep breath, and when I let it out, I try to let go of all muscle tension in my body. Let the tension come naturally at the 1st sound of the buzzer - and just what tension is needed to accomplish the goal. Hope this is helpful. D.
  20. Have shot about a dozen 3gun competitions & used a Bulgarian SLR-97 for the last one (and won: www.mpsa.net). HOWEVER, the 3 gun in the VA/MD section tends to be 120 yards or less - usually far less; lat match had maybe 75 yards as the longest shot. We even shoot 3 gun indoors here - at least in the 50 yard range they have set up down there in the basement of the NRA HQ building. AK is viable there. Past 120 yards & the AK is hard pressed to hold "minute of D zone" w/ any speed; poppers at 300 would be near impossible w/ the light 16" barrel on my trusty AK. I have another AK in .223 that I re-crowned and will outfit with a 74 comp - it might hold its own to 150 - possibly beyond. Why did I use the SLR? The club created a "he-man" class calling for a .30 cal rifle, a .45 pistol and a pump 12 gauge.
  21. Maybe a bit off topic, but I hate "dude-speak"; specifically certain terms misused to describe firearms. For example: (terms italicized) "Dude! I found a cherry Hi Point 9mm at da gunshow! Tag on it said used but I think its virgin! Seller told me a secret - its the rare dual tone & its a collector's item but he'd let it go at the regular retail price; whata deal! Even came with 2 clips! To shoot it, I got a little stash of +p bullets loaded with hollow tips! Them hollow tips explode if you hit somebody ya know & I think they got banned or something but I still got my stash!" It must be the use of illicit drug and sex lingo that bothers me.
  22. For those intersted, I hought of a few more resources w/ info on the Harbor Freight and Homier mini mills: I bought my mill vice from a company that stocks every part for these milling machines: www.littlemachineshop.com There are also some decent tutorials/FAQs on the site and links to other good metal-working sites. I often browse Home Workshop Machinist magazine at Borders, Barnes and Nobles, etc. as its focused on the home hobbyist metal worker. Learned a lot reading the project articles. It has been suggested that one check out the local metalworking hobby club. Most cities and many towns have such clubs. The potential downside may be a lack of interest in gunsmithing. Often the members focus on building model engines, scale steam trains, RC models, etc. The upside is that the members focus on machining as a hobby. Finally, its a little off-topic but www.cnczone.com has a dedicated Harbor Freight mini mill section. Most of the info is on home-workshop conversion of the mill to CNC (computer-numericaly controlled machining) but there is also some decent info on conventional machine work with the mini mill. Regards, D.
  23. Used the old 1st gen Ghost (yep - the plastic one) and it was GREAT! Use the similar Limcat now (also great). Both unlock on the draw without any increase in draw time that I can detect. Only danger is missing the lever (the dreaded & embarrasing "Ghost wedgie"). Rule I follow is: standing or turning start: unlocked. If I have to take more than one step or stand up on the start, I start with it locked.
  24. I think I broke my mouse. Too embarrased to post score; its been a dull day. D.
  25. Wholy CRAP! THAT is one fine CZ!!!! I thought I had found the ultimate CZ in the new .40 cal CZ-85 Compact (P-01 frame except in steel and w/ ambi thumb safety; no de-cocker) but the SP-01 you pictured EERW, well, that tops it! As much as I love my old 9mm 85 Combat for USPSA, I'll have to give this new CZ a long hard look. With a 16 lb hammer spring, the SP-01 would appear ready to rock.
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