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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. Good idea. Problem is: there are an infinite number of ways to define "best." We are working with the following variables (please consider these when advocating your favorite powder): -cost? -availability? -Jacketed, plated, coated, or lead? -Weight? (180 or 200?) -OAL? (i.e. 1.150" for normal guns, but up to 1.240" in 1911/2011s). -safety? -is a major .40 load published? (not the same as "safety" - ie some powders do not have published Major data)? -cleanliness? -"Margin" over major? (i.e. - are you OK with 167 PF or do you require 175PF to sleep through the night?) -accuracy? I do not shoot my SV much anymore (actually, I don't shoot much these days). But if I did, I would take advantage of the extreme OAL allowed and use the very fastest powder I could get my hands on: N-310. Its not a published load, but its not crazy either - in fact its mentioned on TGO's site. I also prevent any possibility of set-back using an EGW U die and prevent double charges with an XL-650 mounted powder check die. N310 costs a lot. If I couldn't get it, I'd use Clays or I'd use Solo 1000 (which has PUBLISHED Major data). As is, I usually load "short" (1.160"). Considering cost, cleanliness, burn rate (on the chart anyway) and availability, I use Solo 1000 and I am very pleased with it's performance.
  2. It has been allowed in Limited for a long time, though its not that common to see. I'd go for it. Good idea w/ a practical purpose. Be prepared for funny looks.
  3. Carlos


    Well, I watched his video and I tend to believe he's from a village all right. By the way, his village called & they want their idiot back. Step AWAY from the keyboard!
  4. Hi Chills - Armalite runs sales and the REALLY mark stuff down. I bought an AR-10 lower for $117 last year or the year before. They claimed it was "out of spec" by 20 thou but its fine and works great. Also bough an upper from them on sale for a big discount. M14 maks can be converted; they won't hold open the bolt, but get a couple Armalite mags that will for stages where you need that feature. I found a "during AWB ban" upper for about $450 used. There are deals out there. I've not shot the gun in competition yet.
  5. I was extremely disappointed in the administration's filing. I probably should not comment further though. Factually, I located the following list of amicus briefs (i.e. "friend of the Court" or put another way: "we want to weigh in even though its not our case"). These briefs are available on the SCOTUSBLOG These are in favor of the "petitioner" or D.C. - meaning they are OPPOSED to the finding that the 2nd applies to individuals. Note that the briefs by "Members of Congress" and the mayors only represent CERTAIN members/mayors. It is interesting, but not surprising to see who is listed on those briefs. Amicus briefs for D.C. available in guns case Saturday, January 12th, 2008 10:59 am Click the following links below to read the amicus briefs filed yesterday in support of the petitioner in the upcoming case District of Columbia v. Heller (07-290). American Academy of Pediatrics American Bar Association American Public Health Association, et al. Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, et al. City of Chicago Coalition of civil rights groups D.C. Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, et al. District Attorneys Former Department of Justice Officials Historians Major U.S. cities and the U.S. Conference of Mayors Members of Congress NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund National Network to End Domestic Violence, et al. New York and other states Professors Erwin Chemerinsky and Adam Winkler Professors of criminal justice Professors of linguistics Violence Policy Center and various police chiefs
  6. Beretta has a plant to make our military's M9 handguns in Maryland. So, they already have a plant in the US and could "make" the gun here in the US. Sig makes our military's M11 handguns here in the US too (its required by law). Now they make Sig model 556 rifles here in the US. Unless something drastic happens in the S.Ct or in November, maybe Beretta will give us another player in the 3gun rifle market? I am all for more competition. If someone comes up with a rifle that is better than the AR, we win. Anyone else think that Beretta rifle is "fugly" despite the hottie holding it (with her finger on the trigger no less).
  7. What a great response to Citi: http://www.nssf.org/share/PDF/First_Data_Letter.pdf In a nutshell: CITI: "Please remove the story about us from your webpage - it is not accurate." NFFS's Response. It is accurate. YOU are wrong AND your business practices are anti-gun. We are not removing the piece about your anti-gun actions. Get bent." We need to nip CITI's actions in the bud or this could quickly get WAY out of hand.
  8. :angry: Using certain ammo or other tricks to "prove" a violation is not new. For example, cut-up military guns are often sold as "parts kits" and some of the parts are used to make US-made, semi-auto sporting guns, like the many US-made clones of the FN-FAL (a decent 3gun rifle for "He-Man" or "Heavy Metal" division). Some of these kits have later been collected (even door to door) after .gov decided that the kits were still "functional guns." How'd they decide that? Apparently, they zip-tied the parts to a plywood board and managed to set off a single primed case. That was enough to "prove" to them that the cut up guns need to be confiscated because they were actually "functional firearms". Setting off a primer does not constitute "functional firearm" in my book, but they don't abide by my book when threatening to prosecute people and taking their parts away without compensation. I believe the company involved was InterOrdinance and it appears one of their rival parts sellers convinced the authorities to investigate so they could gain a business advantage in the market. Another example: there was once a .50 cal known as a Maadi-Griffin. Some rifles were sold complete through FFLs, some were sold as uncompleted kits. One of the kits was assembled by .gov only enough to set off a primed case. The kit was found to be a "gun" during the trial. Now, in this case, there was no question that the company owner had a prior conviction and should not have possessed the completed guns he apparently had. He was a bad person who deserved his conviction. But the prosecution really stretched the truth on other aspects of the case. Using special ammo to prove that a factory-recalled AR is somehow a "machingun" seems to be a similar stretch. Anyone see things getting better after the next election? I expect greater scrutiny of us gunowners no matter what happens in November.
  9. I agree. What reloading press are you using? I shoot an SP-01. The hammer set-up on all CZs is very similar to a 1911 or a Browning HiPower. I use either 15 or 16 lb. reduced power hammer springs, sometimes with coils cut off. Usually, there is plenty of power in even the lightest springs to set off Winchester primers - which is why I think the primers were not fully seated. Solutions: 1) fully seat primers and 2) if you are running a cut, 15 lb spring, use a slightly heavier Wolf brand hammer spring. Also, try this: take out the "Series 80" safety (aka firing pin safety) - many SP-01s come fromt he factory WITHOUT that part installed at all; you can even remove it in IPSC Production within their strict rules. It will lighten the trigger pull AND removing it eliminates the possibility that your firing pin is dragging on that useless safety.
  10. -agree. Separations with blue-box are probably also due, in part, to some of the brass having been fired through 5.56mm squad automatic rifles (M249?) which is apparently very rough on brass and stretches it excessively on the first firing.
  11. Here is a link to a review with more pictures: http://www.weaponevolution.com/forum/showthread.php?t=167 It is clearly NOT a copy of the Super X2/FN/Browning Gold. BUT, it seems to share some design features; see photo (from link above - thnx). Look at the way that force from the gas piston is transferred through a polymer collar with a steel rod to push the bolt rearward (like the SX2/FN):
  12. Good point. Most "assault rifle" owners are ignorant as to weight of their guns; they spend most of their time sitting at a bench at the range. If they carry the gun, then its from the trunk to the "bench." In 3gun, a 223 approaching 10 lbs like the Sig 551 becomes unwieldy and harder to move from target to target. There are lighter guns like the Arsenal 5.56mm AKs, but their bolt carriers are much heavier and I find they upset the sights more than the AR (plus sights are more difficult to mount than on an AR). Mini 14s are an option for CA, but the accuracy is lacking, mag changes take longer and mounting an optic is more challenging. Besides, there are more accesories for the AR than any other platform in the US. And the AR's accuracy is second to none, along with having the mag release in a convenient, fast location.
  13. Disclosure: I shoot a Super X-2 MK-1 and have since it came out. I like my gun and I am not in the market for a new gun. BUT, I love new USPSA & 3gun technology. This gun looks promising for our sport. I looked at the Mossberg site and their factory is in the USA. Unlike the Benelli, which CANNOT be fitted with a pistol grip & mag extension since its imported, the Mossberg would be OK with a pistol grip stock so long as you could find a pistol grip stock to fit it. Also, from the puicture on the cover of this month's Blue Press, I can see the Mossberg's bolt is quite different from my Winchester/FN/BrowningGold.
  14. The horror, the horror.
  15. Thanks Kirby! Our Australian friends were also good enough to do a head-to-head comparo of the Grand Power and the other top players in tProduction division; the review is HERE UNDER EQUIPMENT REVIEW
  16. Hi Bob! We shot some of those at Shooters one night many moons ago; IIRC, it was V V N310 powder. Solo 1000 would also likely work - or a slower burning powder to start (4756 comes to mind). PS - Bob, I have your barrel & can mail it to you at your convenience. LMK. D.
  17. How times change. should we add this to the "1967 vs. 2007" thread?
  18. Well put. If allowed to go unchallenged, this action by CITI could turn into a complete nightmare for our rights. Imagine if other private companies used the excuse: "we cannot confirm your adherence to all gun control laws and terminate service on that basis." Its time to stand up to CITI.
  19. I am about 1,500 into a 5000 sleeve of SPP Wolf. 100% ignition in my tuned SP-01 and glock 17 with lightened striker spring. They feed great in my Dillon 650.
  20. The mags always worked. Problem was the supply & parts then and into the future. A thought on the old "AWB" magazine ban and the possibility of such bans in the future: American gun and magazine owners were graciously "allowed" to keep the hicap mags they owned last time we had such a bill nation-wide. "Granfathered" mags were often cited by BOTH opponents and supporters of the bill as one of its "flaws." Do not expect the supporters of a future assault weapon or magazine bill to grandfather the mags you own now. In any event, Caspian supports USPSA and thier parts make as good a limited or open gun as the STI or SV parts used by most competitors.
  21. The summary of D.C.'s argument begins on pg. 8. I need to read their full argument and will do so later. For the moment, suffice to say: I feel better about the outcome after reading the summary of their position.
  22. ok I'm sorry too. As for useful suggestions: I agree as long as they are in the form of certificates - people are particular about what loads they like. Another thought: the suggestion of "camera" seems good - maybe we can get more folks to take photos for FrontSight, the web, etc and thereby promote the sport?
  23. Ok, I will be!!! I don't shoot for the prize table!!! I shoot to compete against myself, and look at the end how I stack up against others in my division/class. So... Give it to the RO's, and or cut the entry. JMHO Agree 100%. But, as the decision has been made to have a "table" scheme, please make the top prizes easy to sell for money. Money is all the top prize winners care about anyway. They already have guns that they had built or were given for free. They don't want your guns - they want money. If anyone needs proof, please take a look at the USPSA.com classifieds the monday after any major "prize table" match & see what shows up & who posts it. You want to give a "prize" they will treasure forever? Not going to happen. But money is a reasonable substitute & prizes that are easy to dump for cash are the next best thing. Regards, D.
  24. I am no PETA member, but it pains me to know that some poor pink spotted cat had to die for the sake of that holster & mag holders.
  25. Not to get too off-topic, but one idea a friend came up with to get the Juniors who can't yet safely handle a 9mm involved was: a Parent/child only USPSA shoot. This would be a seperate event on a separate day with DIFFERENT stages. Kids only. Here was the idea: -each young child would stay with his/her parent the entire time. -the guns used would be (the dreaded) airsoft; these guns send plastic bbs clear through a USPSA target. Eye protection required. -unlike a .22, there is NO danger of anyone dying. Even the youngest children can participate with dad or mom watching over them. - all USPSA rules would be followed with following exceptions: no steel of course, and (this is controversial, I realize) no match DQ. If the child makes a DQ-able offense, they sit out the stage and its explained to them why, but they are not subject to the same match DQ penalty as an adult (because they are not adults - they are just children. Young children). The guns are cheap enough that one or two club members can likely come up with enough gear for a half dozen or more kids, plus the whole day's "ammo" would cost less than a 50 rounds of centerfire. I am against "adult" airsoft USPSA competition outside of Japan & England. But I am all for having it at clubs for anyone under 10 to 12 years old. Just a thought & maybe a compromise in place of .22.
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