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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. Just bought a digital converter box for my TV because I get mine off the air. The guy told me most stations now broadcats in both DIG and Analog. It seems that's true, but what I didn't know was: Most digital channels broadcast more than one channel... the basic channel plus a couple of more. On the PBS channels, they have as many as five channels on the main channel. Like: channel 9 will be 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 wih all different programming. The ION channel has four channels. So, besides the added programming, the upside of DIG is a clearer picture. In fact, the picture on my Sony 32" Trinitron is so good it looks like HD from six feet away. No rush to buy an HD set now. The downside is that all DIG broadcsat is in the UHF band, which beams mostly "line of sight" so you are pretty much limited to about 70 mile range by Earth surface curvature for ground level reception. You either get the channel or not... can't watch a "snowy" but stable picture. If it comes in it's clear, if not it just shifts to "no signal". Anyway, the converter box is $60 and the government is handing out $40 coupons so it only costs $20. It's definitely worth it to get the extra programming and perfect picture quality.
  2. That is not good. I'm pretty sure that NV has a wage law that sets the time period that an employee has to receive their last paycheck. If you want to PM me or call me in my office, I can do some more digging to see exactly what the law is in NV. thanks Dave. I called my Lawyer. I'm expecting about 10x what I should of been paid when we go to court. My ex boss thinks he's winning... wait til they find out about my 70 hour work weeks w no O.T! it will be a while before I'm awarded anything and it looks like he'll be out of business before we even make it to court... we'll see. I'm not holding my breath. If it's a corporation he can just file bankruptcy and you will win every dollar there is in an empty purse...
  3. Acually I think pimping and hoeing goes into an up market in a recession. Sales go throught the roof when people are depressed !!! General porn stores do well too !! Seriously, the Nevada brothels have fallen on hard times (no pun intended) and are now so desperate they are giving away $50 gas cards for each visit depending on what you spend there. They showed it on the news.
  4. Keep the faith. People don't realize that oil is being artificially pumped up by speculators in very much the way tech stocks were pumped back in the day before the big tech bubble burst. There is tons of available oil, and as soon as this bubble bursts it will slide back down to about $60 - $70 a barrel. Gas in this country will never go much below $3 because demand remained so strong at that level, it will always be artificially held near that level as a minimum floorboard. But, $5 gas is not going to last for long because the high price of oil is being artificially induced and the FED is going to step in soon (wait and see).
  5. I'm sorry to hear that. At least my house is paid off, so getting laid off this time isn't as bad as it was when I was younger (also happened to me back in 1990 and I was sweating that one). Keep the faith. Things are going to turn up as soon as we get past the next election. Confidence will rise, the price of oil is going to drop, and things will turn around.
  6. I'll ponder that on my way to the unemployment office. If you still have a job, you're better off than a lot of people.
  7. Is the smoke killing your eyes too? I have steroid inhalers that (so far) are working on my asthma, but me eyes are so swollen it's like I was in tear gas, the burning is horrible. I have been icing them and popping benadryl every two hours. I can't keep them clean, it's like having maple syrup in my eyes.
  8. So, the latest tally is that there are 800 wildfires burning in California. No, that's not a misprint, I wrote 800. Most were set by the recent freak dry lightning we had thanks to the unbelievably hot weather and low humidity. The smoke is so thick it actually looked like fog whern I got up, but it was pure smoke. I had to drive to my mom's house Saturday so I had about four hours of outdoor exposure and my eyes nearly swelled shut from the reaction to the particulate matter in the air and smoke. Sunday I mostly could not see, so I stayed in and put ice on my eyes. Today I had outside exposure for about an hour and my eyes are completely filled with brown slime. If I wash it out, it comes back in 30 seconds and the eye wash burns like tear gas. No end in sight on the smoke, they are warning people to avoid exposure. Guvnuh Arnie not only declared Kali a disater area, he is begging help from the neigboring states in fighting the fires. And, the cost has been astronomical and there is no more money to pay for it. But, you'll love this part: since Arnie is a republican, he will NEVER EVER impose new taxes..... so, he's calling it a FEE instead. At any rate, they are going to have to raise revenue to pay for the cost of all this. This post is done, I can't see thekwys any more.
  9. I figured I should pay homage since my user name is the same as Connie Kalitta's car....
  10. Don't you just love them? I just ran into his twin sister..... at the stupid 7-11 station, it doesn't take credit cards so you have to line up TWICE: once to give the dumb frick the money and again to get your change. I am standing in line the second time for my change, as eight bozos in front buy lotto tickets, beer, chili dogs... Oh, I have to have CHEESE on that chili dog.... and I need a Slurpee...... and as I am standing eight deep in this line a Chinese lady walks right in oblivious to the line straight to the front and hands the cashier money and says: $40 on pump #4..... and waks out. Don't mind us... we're just the unimportant masses you don't need to concern yourself with.
  11. bountyhunter


    9 Jun 2008 Bountyhunter wrote: Read TopicSocial Security Adminstration I know, they are part of the government so that means (by definition) they are stupid, lazy, and don't give a damn if they do their job right. They completely omitted two years of my earnings from my work history which lowers my benefits. I go downtown to the federal building to get it straightened out.... and have to park on the street (two hour maximum at a meter). So I walk to the building and find: They have new security "procedures": everybody has to empty their pockets, answer questions, they run you on the computer, etc.... and of course, only ONE GUY is doing this while eight other guys stand there and watch. So, a long line was there just to enter the stupid BUILDING.... there's 45 minutes I'll never get back. So, I finally get in and head upstairs and find: about 75 people all waiting to get served at the ONE WINDOW that is open.... and these were clearly "immigration related issues". Didn't hear a word of Engish except for the profanity running through my mind. So, I waited until the expiring meter forced me to leave. What a waste of my life. That is a great reason to keep the Goverment out of big (our) business !!! I don't think the fact the government seems to be incapable of hiring a competent employee into any position really relates to the thread topic, which is that greedy bastards will always sink to their lowest base greed levels when they think they will get away with it..... and the recent admin's policies of obstructing any and all enforcement aimed at Big Business certainly fostered that climate of arrogance IMHO. We need to turn it around: enforce the laws we have vigorously and create new ones in response to the scams being done by major investment banks like the one setting up a "foreign" investment company in London which is actually in the US but avoids all oversight laws by having a London mailing address.... and those scammers are the speculatrors engaging in illegal manipulation of oil futures. Notice the $140/barrel prices? they are artificially driving that price up and they must be slammed hard for it.
  12. bountyhunter


    Are these the same people that took out the loans knowing they couldn't afford it and now the government is going to bail them out? Yes... As for regulation, the government just needs to do it's job and enforce existing laws and not set up another regulatory commitee that sits around discussing what they "should" do... The problem is they do nothing until there is a real big problem, attention to the issue. Now they are going to do something about it and show us how much they do for us. When a few low end investors were loseing their shirts while they were in the Bahamas on a paid vacation they turned the other way.... Overreaction is never the answer, accountablity is, everybody knew this was going on 2-3 years ago and the consensus was, that is just how that works, shut-up, everybody's makeing out. Nobody questioned it until "thier" seats were on the block !!! Ahhh, whatever I hope they all burn in hell.... Pretty accurate.... nobody wanted to be the one to scream the sky is falling, they would rather hope that a miracle would occur and it would all turn around. And there's no doubt congress' sudden infusion of courage to action is because it's an election year and they need to do some posturing.... I guess we should just be happy that will result in some crooks going to jail.
  13. bountyhunter


    can't argue with that. The Fed had been underpricing the dollar for decades and it is coming home to roost. In 1980 the country embarked on tha "deficits don't matter" fiscal policies and found they could live high on the hog on cheap money for everybody until the bills came due. They are now due....
  14. bountyhunter


    Are these the same people that took out the loans knowing they couldn't afford it and now the government is going to bail them out? No, these are people who glowingly recommended these garbage funds filled with paper they knew was going bad to unknowing investors as they pulled their money out before it all burned down. It was fraud, fueled by greed and arrogance. They thought they would be able to talk their way out of it... and they may well do that, the trials aren't done yet.
  15. bountyhunter


    I was happy to hear about this. If we could get back some of the $15 billion Enron stole from our state we'd be even happier... Every time I hear somebody whining on about how much better it would be if the government just LEFT BIG BUSINESS ALONE..... I remember what they do everytime nobody is watching them.
  16. Local news reports say they are planning to build the new one right on top of a major fault line, which is why it was stopped. Don't know all the details, but (of course) it's all about the money for the school. Football programs are enormously profitable and actually subsidize the other programs of the school, bothj athletic and academic. I'm glad they stopped too, they don't have to build it there.
  17. Some Berkley students have been protesting the plan to mow down a wooded area to build a new stadium, and true to their tradition: they have staged a "sit in" with some people living in the trees. Today a judge ordered the stadium project halted as the cops were about to drag the kids out of the trees. Protestors 1, establishment 0. For the record, most californians view Berserkley the same as a crazy uncle: frequently embarrassed, often amused, sometimes proud. At least the trees are happy today. Judge Upholds Temporary Injunction Preserving Berkeley Oaks : Indybay Previous Indybay Coverage Of The Oak Grove Tree-Sits ... 06/16/08 Protest Remembers Woman Shot By Berkeley Police Police State and Prisons | East Bay ... www.indybay.org/newsitems/2008/06/18/18508722.php - 4 hours ago - Similar pages
  18. It was really worse than that. I heard some talking heads analyzing it today and one said basically what I was thinking as I watched: The Lakers played like they didn't want to win and they didn't even want to be there. No focus, no drive, no effort. They completely came apart at the seams. I have never seen a team which is supposed to be that good just fall apart so completely.... and they actually did a smaller version of it earlier when they blew the 25 point gap to lose. If the Celts were really that much better... but they aren't, or at least they shouldn't be. It's stuff like this that has people joking (?) about games being fixed.
  19. Unless they win a championship next year, they will live with this loss for much longer than a year. I was being optimistic.......
  20. Sweet lord that last game was absolutely gruesome. It was like watching a pack of lions chowing down on lunch.... The Celts defense squeezed the Lakers so bad they were panic shooting and throwing the ball away all night. Something like 25 points came from Laker turnovers. Kobe was so freaked out I watched him throwing up desperation shots from about six feet outside the three point line. There should be a mercy rule in basketball if one team is more than 25 points behind with less than five minutes to play it's over. The Lakers have to live with that for the whole year now.
  21. But Tiger had double sizzle because he was not only a great player, he was the first really great black golfer... well, sort of black anyway. The media locked onto him like a pit bull on a milk bone.
  22. There are only two aspects of Tigerism that piss me off, and neither are really his fault: 1) When he came on the tour, the Powers That Be instantly proclaimed him to be the Greatest of All Time and said start the coronation.... well, I will admit he's great, but HE HAS TO DO THE WINNING FIRST BEFORE WE START THE CORONATION. When he beats Niklaus' records, then we can call him King. 2) Any tournament he is in becomes the Tiger Woods Show, where the network resorts to their Standard Coverage model which is two swings (Tiger and playing partner) followed by eight commercials returning to Tiger;s next swing... repeat ad infinitum. Golf coverage became Tiger and A Bunch of Other Guys Who Don't Matter. that pisses me off when I want to actually watch the other guys play too.
  23. They probably got tired of getting into arguments with people who say "everybody knows you have to close your left and and focus on the front sight" to shoot a gun. I think I got into a few of those threads here. For a while, they had "the Don Quixote of target Focus" in my name block. If you want to research it, you might try "target focus" or "indirect sighting". Michael Plaxco has a section on it in his book "Shooting From Within".
  24. I have an STI Trojan with a 5" top end and a 6" top end. Here's what I find: The 6" feels "noseheavy", the 5" feels perfectly balanced. I don't see much difference in accuracy, but I'm not Rob Leatham and I shoot cheap ammo.
  25. bountyhunter

    US Open

    But you have to give him credit for gutting it out on a bad wheel and never using it as an excuse. Rocco still did himself proud.
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