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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. It couldn't erode the chamber. 9mm loads are typically a lot milder than .38Super. Same as shooting the shorter .38spcl in a .357. I have a .357 gun with at least 25k rounds of .38Sp fired in a .357 cylinder and the tube looks perfect (when I clean it).
  2. I like following a leader who at least knows who the enemy is. In the words of the true poet of our era (Dirty Harry Callahan): "There's nothing wrong with a little shooting, as long as the right people get shot." I never dreamed that throw-away line would resonate throughout the world twenty years later. I would ask with total respect and complete sincerity:Have you ever met anyone who disagreed with this statement (short of a criminal or sociopath)? I haven't. And I don't believe I could find one anywhere in this country. The point is, that is not what this is all about (re Dirty Harry).
  3. It is when you do it right! It's only not about the shooting when you hose it and stink up the range.
  4. I have noticed the same thing. I am pretty sure it's because the gun gets nervous before matches. If it doesn't improve, I may have to get him a therapist.
  5. I liked Rodney... but I knew when he married that young and beautiful girl his days were numbered. That will kill a man everytime. But the upside is, it took a sledge hammer to close the coffin lid and Rodney died with a big smile on his face. Now he will finally get some respect.
  6. You're kidding, right? -Chet NO! I also hate the fact that God put sunrise at such an early hour. The sky is beautiful at sunrise, I don't know why it has to be so early in the morning?
  7. I hate it when they shift the clock every fall. That extra hour of sunlight every day makes my lawn grow faster and I have to mow it more often. I wish they would just leave the clock alone.
  8. MILITEC is excellent for lube, OK for cleaning, worthless as a rust protectant. So that makes it a: C (sort of) L (definitely) P (no way!)
  9. Me too. Unfortunately, about 99.9% of people who teach shooting don't agree. They teach newbies the ONLY way to shoot right is the one-eyed squint with your eyeball locked on the front blade. IMO, that is the equivalent of teaching a mechanic that using the 5/8" wrench is the only RIGHT way to turn a bolt.
  10. I'll post a round count if I ever do get to be any good. For now, I just modulate between different levels of sucking.
  11. I have a Trojan .40 with the 6" slide that has always run smooth. Bob Hunter built the slide and fitted it to my existing frame. I like the .40 cartridge better than the .45 (a lot cheaper to shoot if you buy ammo).
  12. "Timing" is often used as a catch-all phrase to cover a number of problems a revolver can have. Most common are "carry up" problems where the cylinder doesn't always rotate far enough to align with the bore when the hammer falls (usually caused by wear on the hand or star). Timing issues can also be when the cylinder stop bolt (underneath) isn't releasing or returning properly. Hard to say, but what exactly was wrong with your model 27 that made it need it's "timing" fixed?
  13. Ditto. I did the same for my CZ and my SIG. Interesting because the folks who make the replacement (slim) guide rod /spring for the Beretta and Sig (Buffer Technologies I think?) said they didn't offer a basic SHOK-buff for a SIG because there was not enough room to fit it in. Glad I didn't know that because I have been shooting one in mine for months that I cut from a 1911 buffer.
  14. The good news is.... in the interview with Roy Horn (of Sigfried and Roy) he said that while he was clinically dead, he went toward the bright light.. but instead of seeing people he was greeted by all the cats he had worked with through the years. So, gives you one more thing to look forward to when you die. The great thing is in Heaven, you never have to clean a cat box and you can feed them all you want and they won't get fat.
  15. Here are my all time favorites: I am out of the office because of foot problems (I can't STAND the idea of spending another minute in this place). I am out of the office because of ear problems (I have HEARD enough of you people's s--t for one day). I am out of the problems because of eye problems (if I have to LOOK at you ugly bastards one more minute, I will kill somebody).
  16. You will need to check the tension. You can make a home made gauge: Take a spent brass case and wrap dental floss tightly around the rim groove and tie it off. make a loop in the other end. You measure extractor tension by sliding the case under the extractor and forcing it back against the breech face (where it would be when firing). Then measure the force it takes to pull the case straight down and free of the extractor. You can use water added to a plastic container tied to the dental floss. One ounce water equals one ounce of weight. Keep adding water until the case will just slip free. FWIW, my Para won't feed right with extractor tension set higher than 20 ounces. Also, with new extractors is it often necessary to set them twice. Once when new and then again after you shoot maybe a hundred rounds. They sometimes "take a set" and lose tension because the steel isn't springing back as much.
  17. When a kindly motorist suddenly changed lanes and I (and motorcycle) hit the pavement, I landed on my right shoulder. I didn't go to the doctor, but I couldn't raise my arm above shoulder high for months. I guess I got lucky because I gradually worked it back to "normal" except it makes grinding noises and hurts sometimes.
  18. A lighter trigger usually helps this, but you can learn to shoot correctly without it. One thing that helps me in bullseye (where a perfect trigger pull is essential) is to focus on alignment and trigger pull as two completely separate functions. Align the gun into the proper area, then once you start the pull, execute a smooth progressive pull and ignore where the sights are. I believe you will learn the minor movement of the sights is small error while rushing or "start-stop" motion of the trigger finger produces large errors. FWIW: consistently going low left (assuming the gun is accurate) in a new shooter typically means he is seeing the sights cross on "perfect" and yanking the trigger at that moment. I should know, I must have done it a thousand times. It's a natural reaction and you have to learn to ignore the sights once they are aligned and execute the trigger pull the same way every time.
  19. Nose dive commonly is the result of one of two things:1) Anticipation push to fight recoil. 2) Sympathy squeeze of the strong hand fingers when you pull the trigger. When you are dry firing, take your normal grip and then clench your strong hand while looking through the sights. The barrel always goes down and usually a little left (for a right hander).
  20. As to whether dropping a 1911 slide on empty is "an issue", I know a parade of gunsmiths who say it should never be done for a number of reasons which include sear face chipping as well as stressing the lower barrel lugs. Most forums that deal with 1911's have posted threads regarding why this should not be done, and the technical explanations as to why and what is potentially damaged. If the person in question wants to drop the slide empty on his own gun, I would not argue with him. Most competitors would smack anybody who did it to THEIR gun, however.I did not imply that anybody who holds a 1911 trigger back to protect the sear when loading is a "safety moron". It used to be standard practice on a tricked out 1911, many would not appriove of the action because it can be dangerous if done carelessly. On the other hand, an inertia trip on a 1911 with a light trigger is also dangerous. For the record: some experts (Michael Plaxco in Shooting From Within) say the proper way to chamber up the first round in an auto loader is to lock the slide back, insert the mag, hold the hammer down fully with the strong thumb from under the slide and then trip the slide release lever with the weak thumb to prevent a possible inertia trip or sear damage. I'll wager that would not go well with the RO's at most ranges. So I guess safety is in the eye of the beholder and the hand of the shooter.
  21. For the other catholics in the group, an ode from Jethro Tull called "Wind Up" on the Aqualung album: When I was young, and they packed me off to school... And taught me how NOT to play the game. I didn't mind, if they groomed me for success, or when they said that I was just a fool. But to my old headmasters, and to anyone who cares: Before I'm through, I'd like to say my prayers. You can excommunicate me, on the way to Sunday school. And have all the bishops harmonize these lines: How do you dare to tell me, that I'm my father's son? That was just an accident of birth. I'd rather look around me, and write a better song. That's the only true measure of my worth. In your pomp and all your glory, you're a poorer man than me. You lick the boots of Death and cower in fear...... I don't believe you. You have the whole damn thing all wrong: He's not the kind of God you have to wind up on Sundays.
  22. Pachmayr Decelerator grips are the best for reducing recoil, and add more material between the backstrap and your hand. I have never found anything better.
  23. The answert to WHY is actually complex.... the bottom line is that all products go through a honeymoon phase where they can keep selling new generations at higher prices by offering better performance. When your computer was running a 66 MHz processor, the new 166 MHz processor model was a huge improvement that you could feel and see when you worked. Now the garbage grade CPU's are running at least 2.8 Giga Hz and have hard drives that hold at least 40 G bytes of storage space. 99.999% of users will never need better performance, so the only way to get new sales is add features and cut costs. Hence, the bottom fell out of the price of PC's a few years back and now you get one with blinding speed and huge hard drive and two CD-ROMS etc for about $600 including monitor and speakers and printer... so, as to why they build worthless junk? The selling price point doesn't allow them to do anything else. BTW: cell phones are nearly at the same place. That's why they are "featuring" like crazy with cameras and text messaging... they are desperate to find ways to motivate you to buy a new phone and pay more than $50.
  24. Actually, the funny thing is I work at a company that makes the reference designs for the voltage regulator modules (VRM's) that power Intel CPU's on their mother boards. Believe me when I tell you that not all mother boards are created equal. Intel asks us to develop a reliabe power supply design based on the CPU requirements and then they publish that design as what is required to power the CPU. In the old days when Intel had their own mother board division, those boards met the refernece design spec.... those days are long gone. Now, the Pacific Rim board schlockers start with the reference design and start removing the most expensive components (ceramic and tantalum capacitors) until the CPU starts screwing up and then add just enough to make it run. Problem is they also substitute garbage quality capacitors which dry out and lose their stuff with time. They also get taiwanese and Korean IC makers to knock off the voltage regulator IC components except they don't hold the same tolerances as ours do. A couple of years back a big name designer from one of our competitors did an expose on what the board makers were doing and how it affected (destroyed) expected operating life. Bottom line, PC hardwrae is so cheap now that nearly all of it is junk and they only hope that most of them will limp through the warranty before they poop on their shoes and go belly up. Next time you are downloading a file or running something and you get the old: "XYZ has unexpectedly quit. We must shut down now." message, it could be a software bug or it could be that twelve cents the board maker saved shaving money off the board cost.
  25. Update: I climbed the food chain at Best Buy and found somebody who agreed that they should have paid both advertised rebates and that person now says my second check will be mailed... so I guess their policy is they pay both to the people who threaten to go to the attorney general about fraudulent business practice. Anyway, I'll assume for now Best Buy is going to make good, maybe they just screwed up. I am still furious at e-machines because I have never heard of a rebate offer that says "Good until 7-29", but has a tiny clause at the bottom of the endless terms and conditions section that says must be submitted withing 30 days... which I missed by a week. Bottom line, the rebate didn't expire, they just refuse to pay if you wait 30 days to send it in. It's the first time I ever heard of that, I didn't catch the microscopic print so I thought I had plenty of time as the rebate did not expire for another month. Kiss that money goodbye. I am annoyed that the top CD drive is already acting flaky, but glad I sprung for the $100 upgrade for the machine with two CD drives. The drive that does read and recording still works (knock on wood).
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