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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. No way... if the word "desert" is anywhere in the name, some moron is going to try to eat it.....
  2. Pretty amazing. What remains to be seen is whether he can stay focused for enough years to re-write all the records. That's the hard part. Nicklaus was at top compettive form throughout a total of four decades (and won a major in four differnet decades). If Woods chooses to dedicate to that level, he will probably be the best eventually.
  3. that gets my vote as well. In lockup, a properly fitted 1911 barrel has contact at the upper lugs against the slide and the two lower feet rest "just right" on the cross pin. No play, but no stress either. If it's fiitted wrong, the slide stop pin will be stressing the lower feet each time it goes into battery. Don't know if that's what happened here, but barrels sure as hell are not supposed to fail after 15k rounds. ADD: I doubt if you did this, but lower barrel lug fractures are common in 1911's which are "slide dropped on empty" from lockback repeatedly and regularly. That also stresses the lower lugs.
  4. Sorry about the divorce. It must be the worst thing to go through. I can't even imagine it because I don't know how I could even function without my wife to help me.
  5. I don't think so. Most likely, he saw a chance to beat a bad rap in a Thailanese prison by making the confession, knowing full well the DNA evidence would clear him once he got here. He may still have some time to do in CA, but it's very cushy time compared to what he had waiting for him in Bangkok. Bastard.... Maybe so. Sociopaths are very manipulative.
  6. They kicked him loose today. The DNA cleared him. He's just another wacko wannabee looking for his 15 minutes of fame..... and he got them.
  7. Our paper says that Pluto has been officially demoted to "dwarf". I thought the proper term we had to use now was "vertically challenged individual".....
  8. I avoid a sharp angle bend just on general principles. That's why I prefer a mandrel (curved) bend, although I have no proof a sharp bend would damage the spring.
  9. If anybody ever does find a product which is non corrosive that will strip the burned on carbon off a revo cylinder without scrubbing...... that will be the revo equivalent of the holy grail. I have seen products which claim it, none do it. That hard carbon burn ring inside the tube is the most aggravating thing to clean on earth. The SLIP green "Carbon cutter" stuff supposedly does well on the outside of revo cylinders. A guy at the SC was raving about it. I was going to get some, but then the airplane people got all funny about liquids and snakes in carry-on baggage. I ordered the SLIP "carbon killer" and used it EXACTLY as they specify in their ads. IT DOES NOT WORK AS ADVERTISED. You remember that cylinder that came "shiny clean" with just a wipe off? Baloney. Somebody with a good right arm scrubbed that SOB. I soaked a cylinder in the stuff for days and the burned on carbon did not budge. (neither inside the tubes or on the surface). They refunded my money. It does work OK on loose carbon and grease. It does NOTHING against burned on carbon.
  10. How much do you think I could get for the "two screwdrivers"? One scredriver handle to bend the spring around, the other to press against the top of the spring to apply pressure?
  11. bountyhunter

    Glock Ad = Dq

    Well, the Sotelo trigger set I got also resulted in the trigger releasing the striker farther forward than stock.... and I got occasional light strikes because the FP blocking plunger was not fully raised. I reshaped the top of the "bird's head" to get it to travel farther back before releasing. Should add, it works fine now and I am completely happy with the trigger. The striker blocking safety plunger was not working properly, Bountyhunter. The trigger return spring was to heavy for the striker spring, which was causing the trigger safety to not work (two safetys are now out of comission). In theory, if you put in a REALLY heavy trigger spring, and all you would have to do to fire the pistol is move the trigger block safety, since the trigger spring pulls back on the trigger, and the only thing pushing forward is the power in the striker spring. My trigger was in a sort of limbo. Not enough power in the striker spring to over come the force in the trigger spring enough to push the trigger safety into place. So technically, the trigger was half way pulled by itself, which caused the striker blocking safety plunger to be partially, if not fully disengaged (this was also due to a very weak plunger spring). Check the pictures in the middle of the post, they explain alot. So firing pin block safety plunger is not working, the trigger safety block is not engaged, and there is hardly any contact with the striker face and the crucifrom sear. Three strikes. HMMMM..... interesting. I see what you're saying. The trigger bar was far enough back to disable the FP safety and still caught the striker foot enough to cock the striker. But, only just with a tiny area of the stiker foot engaged, it could easily be jarred off and discharge. Yeah, that sounds possible. It means either the striker spring is WAYY too soft (I doubt it, your gun would be misfiring) or the trigger spring between the end of the bar and the disconnector is WAY too strong. If you change that spring, the problem should be fixed.
  12. bountyhunter

    Glock Ad = Dq

    Well, the Sotelo trigger set I got also resulted in the trigger releasing the striker farther forward than stock.... and I got occasional light strikes because the FP blocking plunger was not fully raised. I reshaped the top of the "bird's head" to get it to travel farther back before releasing.
  13. Print the above words out and frame them. They are possessed of great wisdom. I do a "mandrel bend" to get a gradual curve. Clamp the bottom in a panavise, and use the handle of a screwdriver to bend the spring over to get a smooth curve. I put the bend about 1/3 of the way down from the top of the spring.
  14. bountyhunter

    Glock Ad = Dq

    The striker blocking safety plunger would never let that happen. For that AD to occur, that plunger would have to be stuck in the raised (fire) position at the same time the striker got jarred loose from the trigger bar as the slide banged into the frame.Theoretically posible, probably less likely than winning the lottery. Travel is shorter on the light setups. It releases the striker with the trigger farther forward.
  15. There are three forces your finger has to overcome pulling a 1911 trigger:1) The "sear" spring leaf against the trigger itself 2) The "sear" spring leaf against the sear (through the disconnector) 3) The force to cause the sear to rotate and drop the hammer. Numbers #1 and #2 are easily understood and adjusted by bending the leaf in question. #3 is made up of a number of aspects.... for one, the hammer spring weight. Most trigger jobs require a sear/hammer hook angle such that the hammer is deflected rearward slightly as the sear nose rotates. This "positive camber" helps lock the sear into the hook and prevent hammer follow.... it also increases pull weight since it is moving the hammer against the mainspring. The sear itself has two cut faces: the primary (I call the "capture" face) and the secondary "relief" cut. In effect, the primary face is the area the hammer hook face has to "catch" and rest against to hold the hammer cocked. The relief cut is simply removing metal to allow the hamemr to drop with less movement of the sear. The angle of the relief cut is such that the hammer spring will cause the hammer to push by the sear (and drive it out of the way). Hammer follow occures when the primary face is too narrow or at the wrong angle, and the hammer does not "catch" on it securely coming forward. The trade off is, the narrower you make the primary face, the crisper and sharper the trigger will break... but the gun is more prone to hammer follow. As the sear nose wears and "rounds over" in the transition between the primary face and relief face, that's when hammer follow starts occurring. Getting the angle too flat on the primary cut will cause hammer follow right away. In some guns I've seen that only "don't follow" at 3 -4 pounds or more, the sear spring force is actually being used to compensate for a trigger group that is set up wrong. if you crank up enough spring pressure, you can usually get the hammer follow to stop... but that is definitely not the way to fix it. BTW, I also vote for letting the pros do 1911 triggers. There are many guns I do trigger jobs on, the 1911 ain't one of them.
  16. If anybody ever does find a product which is non corrosive that will strip the burned on carbon off a revo cylinder without scrubbing...... that will be the revo equivalent of the holy grail. I have seen products which claim it, none do it. That hard carbon burn ring inside the tube is the most aggravating thing to clean on earth. Take a Q-Tip and apply it to the burned on carbon inside a revo cylinder tube. If it actually "lifts" that hard carbon ring off without scrubbing it, I'll be ordering a 50 gallon drum......
  17. Does the phone read 'No Service' or are your calls getting blocked - getting fast busy sound? It says no service, and there is also an icon which shows the phone with a red line through it which means it is not getting connected to the network. That I can understand. But, sitting in my living room in the middle of silicon valley and constantly getting no service is ridiculous.
  18. Still remember when I was 12, walking in the woods.... one of the guys stepped on a log and the air went dark with wasps as thick as a cloud..... ran like hell, then realized they were hanging on me and stinging the hell out of me so I just stopped running and started smashing them against my body to get them to stop stinging. I think I got stung maybe 30 times, didn't seem to hurt me too much.
  19. A couple of years ago, my wife bought a cheap plan from T-Mobile that had unlimited free calling on weekends which is what we needed to call relatives. PROBLEM: can't get calls through on weekends. So she goes out yesterday and gets a fancier phone and upgraded service..... and she buys it from T-Mobile again. With the new phone, from about 2PM to 7PM Sunday, the network was almost constantly "NO SERVICE". I have no idea why she went back to their useless service, or why she refused to go back to the place she got the phone from and tell them it was a worthless plan after we got no improvement..... The plan: all the calls you want on weekends, just don't bother to try to use it on weekends. She says all the services are that bad, I doubt it. Any opinions? BTW, we are right in silcon valley, so it's not like we are trying to use a cell phone in the middle of the wilderness.
  20. Had an in-ground pool in the house we bought 20 years ago. Picture about 20 hours of work cleaning for every hour of usage..... and the truth of the old saying: a pool is a hole in the ground you pour money into..... We had it filled in.
  21. It has been confirmed that the US forced the Brits to move in before they wanted to. The Brits wanted to wait until the suspects had actually made overt acts such as obtaining and preparing chemicals. They now have a problem to prosecute many of the suspects, because it's all conspiracy and that is harder to prove than catching them in the act. I have no doubt most of them are guilty, it remains to be seen if they can be successfully prosecuted.
  22. I had to learn to gunsmith all the guns I own with awful triggers (HI-Power, Beretta 92, CZ, Para, Ruger...) just so I could get a decent trigger job. The backlog on a good gunsmith out here is measured in the passings of haley's Comet. There is nothing so nice as getting it just right... How did you learn to do trigger jobs on your guns? Did you buy a video, book, or just take them apart and play with them? Redwoods P.S. I want to do a trigger job on my 1911s and ruger vaqueros I hit the net and found a lot of info there, I also bought shop manuals when available. The 1911 really needs a cutting fixture to do a decent trigger job, since the sear/hammer angles have to be precise and the sear face areas are narrow. Never worked on a Ruger.
  23. Cancer really sucks. My dad was killed by a form called mesothilioma, which is one of the most deadly cancers there is. There was no hope from the diagnosis, and we had to watch it take him progressively. It may not seem like good news, but you can be thankful he has something that has a high rate of treatment success. So many cancers do not. I hope he gets well soon.
  24. They obviously know what they are doing. Reports said they had a spy inside the terrorists group and were onto them for months. They had to jump on them yesterday because the main heads in Pakistan were about to "go dark" and disappear into the badlands of the mountains of pakistan.... where they would get lost like Bin laden has successfully done for five years. Well done to the Brits, I wish they would come over here and give a class to our guys.
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