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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. When less experienced shooters use a cadence they tend to shoot more off of that than their vision. In other words they let the shot fly without necessarily having the gun on target - and even if they do they don't know it.
  2. What an awesome post. I'm not really sure what I got was what you were going for, but either way it works for me.
  3. I don't have a problem with people doing it during the day - although I don't listen to or even like rap - but at 1AM through a neighborhood is pretty bad. I can think of a few things you can do.
  4. Z, I dunno if I was included in on that, but I definitely have never seen it either.
  5. Now all we need to do is send him a fifth of crown.
  6. I agree and I disagree. I agree he will win as much as he wants to, but I think his mental game is far and away the best - maybe in the world. Yeah he gets frustrated when he makes a bad shot....so do I. I bet most of the shooters here would be frustrated if they blew a stage - and that's without even having professionals in this sport vying for millions of dollars or the equivalent of a green jacket. Yeah he gets pissed at himself when he blows a shot - can you really blame him? Just because he is a professional athlete does that mean that he can't even get upset anymore? What you see as whining I see as the frustration that stems from not performing like you know you are able to. I don't really agree that he is acting like he's doing everyone a favor by showing up. But the thing I disagree most about is that because he makes money in endorsements he doesn't feel he needs to work hard at it. I'm pretty sure he has put more work into his game than just about anyone in the world has at anything.
  7. The biggest thing for me is staying in shape and having a good diet. Usually my awareness tends to fade with my energy level.
  8. Trevor had the eye of the tiger for sure....the look on his face told me all I needed to know. He did however come close to blowing it. I'm still impressed as hell with Tiger though....worst round of golf I've ever seen him play by far, not a good week at all, and he gets 2nd and only loses by 3 strokes. Best competitor in the world without a doubt.
  9. Neither....that's the reason the champion is a champion.
  10. The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching. -Anson Dorrance Always liked that one...
  11. I think people who expect the best out of themselves and work ceaselessly to attain it in one thing tend to do the same in other areas of life as well.
  12. What double tap issue? Transitions operate totally independently of splits - it shouldn't matter at all.
  13. Plate racks do help but since the transition distance between them is so short, it is of limited value to improving your transitions as a whole. Working some in there can't hurt though.
  14. Yep, that is a good drill to use for sure...however make sure you only use the cadence as a tool for improving your transitions. Don't ever practice it so much that you revert to a cadence in a match.
  15. Ya, I think having that extra gear you can rely on is a huge advantage to have. Also gives you more options during the course of a match. Being able to take an extra target before a mover will give you at least 4 tenths every time.
  16. Focus on snapping your eyes to the center of the next target as quickly as possible after you call the previous shot. The biggest thing that will help you is a desire of seeing the next target at the earliest possible time while still calling every shot. Once you have that down, dry fire a lot using that principle.
  17. Ditto Flex... Faster splits won't win this game for you, however having .10 - .15 splits available for you in your bag is definitely formidable and will yield some match points to you.
  18. I'll echo everyone else's comments....the issue is not in the POI changing, you just aren't keeping your sights on target until the bullet leaves the barrel.
  19. Sometimes the name of the club in the USPSA database is not the same as the name of the actual physical location.
  20. Only problem with this drill is that you can't distinguish between the movement being a flinch and compensating for recoil. A flinch happens before the bullet leaves the barrel and compensating for recoil happens after.
  21. You're D class and hitting draws in the .7s at 10 yards?!?!?!?
  22. Ya, this is going to be my 10th SS week on Monday and I've made some pretty huge gains...I would recommend that program to anyone. Nutrition also has a crucial role in recovery.
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