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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I was actually just thinking that it's pretty interesting how different personality types perceive this quote.
  2. It's more of a lifetime commitment than a goal to me. Everything we do is either taking us closer to our goals or further from them.
  3. I don't think so. If it is something you couldn't have I don't think it would have as bad of an effect on you as something you could have had if you tried.
  4. I don't think it's as much as regretting my past decisions, but knowing that I could be doing more to improve myself than I am. Does that make sense?
  5. Because it's the definition of Hell.
  6. I got this from another forum I go on frequently. They didn't say where it was from, but it is too good not to post here. "Someone once told me the definition of Hell: The last day you have on Earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become." That one keeps me up at night...
  7. All you need to do is forget that it's in your pocket.
  8. The main difference is you were working different metabolic pathways back then than you are now.
  9. I feel there should be a copy machine in that picture rather than a horse.
  10. Anyone see the video from Savage (I think) 3 days before screaming not to get out of Bear Stearns? The dollar is definitely tanking...it's only a matter of time. Here comes the Amero. It's amazing how they are trying to fix the problem of inflation with more inflation.
  11. Derrick, I'm doing pretty much the same thing you are. I'm focusing on strength until around May 1st and then starting back up with MetCon. You definitely can mix ME and MetCon at the same time, but something is gonna be lost in the translation. The body just simply wasn't meant to gain endurance and strength at the same time. You can do it but it won't be as effective as doing one or the other. What you described is pretty much how I'm gonna run my training for awhile.
  12. O lifting compared towards shooting is like comparing running a 1:50 - 800 to driving a car. The most you can practice is gonna be the most that your body and mind can handle physically and mentally. I think a good rule of thumb is to practice as long as you can keep your attention focused on what you're doing and to stop before you're physically or mentally exhausted. That makes another good point. In live fire there is only so much more you can do until you are physically too exhausted to continue. I would have serious issues with shooting 2000 rounds of live fire in a day. However I can do that in dry fire no problem. Dry fire in not an impact activity, so naturally you're going to be able to go longer than live fire.
  13. To be 100% honest, I usually throw away anything that isn't HOA. Although I do keep some losing plaques for the lessons they taught me. I write on them and hang them near the door so I see them whenever I leave.
  14. Awesome. 175# press is nice - that's my weakest lift.
  15. The only difference here are the actual tactics...unless you don't want the speed and accuracy of a competitive shooter.
  16. There's actually a lot to that sentence. How much of a Natural gift for shooting does Ron have? Doesn't sound like a whole lot, but he's also a 53 year old man who holds 5 M cards...and it's not like he got them back in his 20's. That speaks for training and persistence over talent more than any argument I could make.
  17. Guys let's keep this thread on track...this is about specifically the Supreme Court case and any developments that we hear about. We are straying dangerously close to the political discussion that almost got this thread closed in the first place. Jake Di Vita Forum Moderator
  18. Here's and article I recently posted in the Mental Conditioning section of the forum that might answer some of your questions. Tactics and analyzation are pretty much only improved in actual match settings. A good thing I did for awhile was break down each stage I shot for both 10 rounds and Open/Limited Divisions. I have a checklist of things to look for made out somewhere...I'll look for it and post it once I find it.
  19. You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm not saying that a sloth necessarily has the potential to become an elite level sprinter....but they can get pretty good. Unfortunately most people use genetics as an excuse to hide behind. I know you aren't going to agree with me, and that's fine - we are all entitled to our opinion. My auditory reflexes are not very good, but that doesn't stop me from having a pretty fast draw speed. Fast twitch muscle fibers can be trained - just like anything else. I am living proof of this. I firmly believe anyone (assuming this person does not have any glaring physical (including uncorrectable vision) or mental disabilities) can become a GM if they want to. Most people just simply don't want it enough or aren't willing to do the work to get there. There is nothing wrong with that - it's just the truth. The reason I hate it when people say I have talent is because I know how hard I worked to get where I'm at - Talent had nothing to do with it. I don't like to think that I'm not in control of the development of my own abilities. This is one of the best articles on talent that I've ever read. If you have a physical gift from God, great! That definitely helps. But it is in no way a requirement.
  20. spook, Got an extra room for me to stay in for the next few years?
  21. moverfive, I would have to say that the shooters ending technique is a result primarily from how they train and their focus in competition rather than "natural" abilities. Anyone can increase the speed of their running, their explosiveness, their visual acuity, etc... through proper and consistent training. I think the main point I'm trying to make though is that it doesn't matter how naturally talented you are - if you don't put the work in you'll never be great. Yes I do have the asset of being fairly quick, but that was attained more through my training than anything else. Lumbering efficiency obviously works well for Robbie, but that isn't to say he couldn't change his style if he wanted to...not that he needs to at all.
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