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John Z Sr

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Everything posted by John Z Sr

  1. Otis, you are now representing us as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, do us proud as a NATION, we need this one bro. Just tell them you taught the 2 gun bug gun guy everything he knows and they will be scared to shoot against you. Best of luck and safe trip back, the REVO nation is all behind you, and Mel says hey from Glock chick squad
  2. Welcome, Pitt County has a great match every month, as does Sir Walter and now Caswell Ranch. Get to know more of us and you are more than welcome at ALL the local NC matches
  3. That was a tough one to take Krag, you kicked it on both stars, enjoyed shooting with you today, and thanks again to Dean on great stages and to Bev for having everything run smooth, 6 stages shot and scored in under 5 hours!!!! Less than 4 hours for the match, running smooth
  4. Looking forward to SC Section in the spring Greg, hope to shoot with you then
  5. Stage Brief: Four rounds in Bug gun, waistband carry, primary gun loaded and holstered to division capacity. On signal, draw, put two on each body with bug gun, then draw primary, one round to each head. (He didn't say which hand, and the S.O. was laughing too hard to give me a procedural. I OWNED that stage!) Down zeros on the heads, three down zeros and one down one on the bodies...
  6. D&D holster all the way, I use them for all my and my girlfriends guns for IDPA, welcome to revo world, where all the cool kids play
  7. Work on transitions over splits, in my opinion
  8. So besides Dean and me, who else is revo shootin' on Sunday?
  9. Welcome to the best division in USPSA, in my opinion, not sure about shootin' lefty, but good luck and have fun
  10. Can't have your son develope carpul tunnel from that nasty heavy revo, I have a spot in my safe for it, just looking out for the boy
  11. Calm down boys, it's an IDPA match, you must keep your vest on during all celebrations and down the beverages near to far, from low cover under the table, and sip, sip, gulp, sip sip the first 3 glasses, and if you drop a glass it's 3 seconds
  12. There is always revo, my favorite, learn to not miss, and plenty of time to think during the MANY reloads
  13. This match will belong to Bones, unless Josh shows up, then he will have to work for it
  14. That just goes to show ya, we can all get along and shoot both !!!!
  15. Nice comparisson, I might stick in IDPA for a little longer, thanks
  16. All kidding aside Josh, I had you to win the match, get a 100% classifier for the match and make GM. Just don't tell Otis I thought you would win another one. Otis is still THE man, good luck in school!!!!
  17. What happened Josh? Hard to shoot a match at back to school time? Get any cool teachers this year?
  18. Revo shooters, lets try and make Caswell Ranch THEE place to shoot USPSA revo class in the area, we have plenty of IDPA revo shooters and the ICORE folks can join us as well, come out to the Sept 12th match
  19. Little Otis at Hooter's? The boy is growing up, soon he will be Medium Otis. What kind of Mom would let her kid even be around Otis? Only kidding, the boys are fine young men because they have a great Mom like Karla, and I hope they thank you every day for all you do for them. Hope to see you at Caswell Ranch USPSA match Sunday the 12th Sept, and every third Saturady starting in October
  20. Welcome, anytime you're up in NC, let us know, we have matches every weekend in the Raleigh area and you are welcome to join us anytime
  21. The best part of the whole match, for me anyway, was that Mel earned her way into "C" class in both Production and Limited 10
  22. The first match is in the books, around 50 shooters for our first one, not bad at all and a HUGE thanks to EVERY shooter that came out. I hope everyone had a good time and got the classification they wanted. The next regular match will be Sunday 12 Sept and will be a perfect compliment to Sir Walter and Pitt County here in our area. Another chance to practice up before the NC SECTION in OCT. By the way, if we did the math correct, every hat in the shooting world should be off to Dean, who might have just made GM in REVO in 4 classifier stages shot in 1 match, I'm not sure, but I don't think that has EVER happened in the history of USPSA, revo div anyway. If so, mucho congrats to Dean, and thanks for giving us a place to shoot USPSA
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