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Everything posted by Canuck223

  1. On another forum, I posted a WTB ad for a type of pistol. One seller responded, and we agreed on a price. I asked him for his prefered method of payment, and then he disappeared..... After three days, I copied and resent my last e-mail, along with a note that if he was away from the computer, or if he was no longer interested in selling, that was fine, but to please let me know. How long would you wait before moving on? My gut suggests that after a week without communication, I should be guilt free if I walk on my offer and look for another gun.
  2. I've never entirely understood why the US has to have it's own rule book. All the other countrys of the world seem to get by with one. Not trying to pick a fight here folks. Just scratching my head.
  3. My mags are always loaded. Only time I leave them unloaded is if they need to be taken apart for cleaning.
  4. Or you can carve a slot in the slide stop's detent face and grind down the contact pad so it won't lock back unless you lock it back. Yes, that means you need to learn to count. It also means that your immediate action drill is always the same. Mag dump and tap-rack-bang.
  5. +1, exactly what I was thinking... +2 there is probably more to this. Even factory loads in an XDm shouldn't be too much unless the factory loads are +P. No offense intended here. I just don't want you to look into a minimum $3k investment into the Dark Side when this could be a simple technique problem that could be resolved through training. Worse than that, spend the $3000 and still have the issue. Open is not a cure all. Now you just hush your mouth. If it wasn't for guys spending $3000 for the wrong gun, then selling them for 80% of their new cost, guys like me would never be able to afford to shoot.
  6. So I manage to provide comic relief yesterday. In a medium course of fire with a lot of duck and weave through hallways and doors prior to engaging the first target, I choose to keep my gun holstered and locked until I slowed for the first shooting position. I drew my STI GP6 out of my Hogue holster, and engaged the first steel double action. On moving the gun to the next target, I noticed that the slide was locked back. (First jam ever) I did a tap-rack-bang, except it was instead a tap-rack-slingshot- as my slide, barrel, and recoil spring launched downrange. It appears that in snatching the gun from the holster, I must have been slow getting the lock off, and popped the trigger guard down, which is step one in disassembling the gun. Good news is the tenifer finish holds up really well to a concrete floor.
  7. Lawrys in Caledonia is your best bet, but frankly we're as screwed as y'all. I can't find N320 for love nor money, and primers are just as scarce.
  8. The Dillon trimmer sizes the outside of the case at the same time it trims. What it does not do is expand the neck after sizing. That's the purpose of the sizing die in station 5. The decap die goes in station 1 because it should be stronger than a normal sizing die for decapping tough crimped-primer cases. On the second toolhead, a decap die in station 1 would insure the flash hole has no media stuck in it. Optionally, a neck size die could be used to help case neck alignment as well as clean out the flash holes. That's how I set up my 1050. The only issue was the case mouth tension after trimming. I used a Lee Collet die in my loading toolhead, and polished the mandrel undersize. My purpose was to just clear the flash hole and make sure the mouth wasn't too tight.
  9. Take a hard look at the new STI GP6. It's out of the box ready.
  10. I just love being at work and trying to check IPSC match schedules when the work computer network blocks shooting related sites.
  11. I worked with a Richard Long. Fortunatley, his father did exercise msome judgement by not using his name for the boys middle name. The father was a Harry.
  12. I find I can't really get comfortable behind the smaller presses. If it was me, I'd invest in more brass and instead of dicking around with a second or third press, I'd just load more ammo on the 1050. I know it's a buzz kill to switch, but I just test the snot out of a load, then stick with it. I'm sitting on a years practice ammo already and I've only just shot the first match of the season.
  13. If you like polymer guns, but prefer the lighter trigger pulls of the 1911, seriously look at the new STI GP6. I'm on my second Grand Power gun. I traded my older K100 for the new STI branded model, and WOW is it slick. The origional was swell, but the new GP6 is just awesome. If you can find someone with one close to you, beg a test drive and see for yourself. The upcoming GP6-C should be a real treat with better sights and better safetys. I've upgraded my sights to the fiber optic front and Dynamic rear, but will probably not worry about the safetys. Since I shoot production and never use them, It's not a priority for me. (May change my mind when I try them)
  14. I hate to get all BSG here, but this has all happened before. It will all happen again. Only difference is how we deal with the period between. Last time, the cache lead to a small blip in the number of active IPSC shooters, but at the same time, the subsequent dip in component sales lead shops to stop keeping inventory. This time, lets all try to lend a hand. This time next year, when the store shelves are full, and your bench has 5 years of supplies on hand, think hard. When you burn through 2k of stock, consider buying 1k from your local dealer. Shoot more. Build your skill set. Encourage new shooters. Keep your local dealer wanting to bring in fresh, reasonably priced stock. Put another way..... We're all pissed off at the shortage of supplies because the dealers can't get stock. If we turn around, sit on our stashes, and slowly consume them without buying from our local dealers, guess what the result will be? In five years time when we need fresh stock, the number of stocking dealers will have dwindled and the remaining dealers will be charging more. If nothing else fl\olks, let's make this period of time a net positive one for sports shooting.
  15. If you adjust your swager to very lightly swage every case, you will be amazed at how few primer issues you have. A monster munch is not required. Just be sure the backing rod supports the case from the inside, and the swager collar kisses the edge of the primer pocket.
  16. Um, it's been in production since 2003. My origional K100 was made in 2004. Since then, they have improved an already great design. It's new to the US market, but it's not a new design.
  17. I own the GP6. I really can't say enough about it. Try before you buy if at all possible. I recently ran mine back to back with an SP01 over the chrony. The SP01 felt harsher in recoil and the trigger in single action sucks by comparison. I'm using the fiber optic front sight, and Dynamic rear, with the big head mag release.
  18. It's so easy to second guess yourself in your choices. Ten years ago, both my buddy and myself were offered jobs with the local school boards plant services division. I took it, while Gary took a job in an automotive plant. Over the years, I've been able to transfer 4 times getting closer to home each time. I'm now foreman at my school, just down the street from home. Gary has had several years where he was working crazy overtime, sometimes 6 and 7 days a week. He's also been through a 6 month re-tooling and several partial or full lay offs. There have been times where I've questioned my choice. I like my job. It pays better than most assume, and has full benefits and nearly iron clad job security. At the end of the day, I doubt I could take the stress Gary's put up with, even during those times when I bet his take home pay may have doubled my own. Currently, the Chrysler plant his factory supports is likely to close. I honestly don't know what he'll do. He's lucky in that he's an excellent carpenter, and several of his car restoration projects have won prizes. He's not the type of guy who will go long without an income. Still, every time I open the paper, I think about him and wonder if he'd have been happy if he'd joined me at my work.
  19. If you use the Dillon carbide dies, you still need lube, but very little of it. Once my cases were cleaned, I had a cardboard box cut down so only a 1.5 inch lip or so remained, and I'd lay the cases out like french fries. (Little or no overlap.) A very light spritz with the Dillon pump spray lube, 6+ inches over the top of the tray was all I needed. Just be sure to let the cases dry before use, and run them through te tumbler again after loading to remove the lube. Untreated corn cob works best.
  20. Up here we have to keep our guns unloaded and locked up. Pistols need 2 layers of protection unless they are in a "safe". I keep my competition pistol trigger locked and in a locked gun rug in my range bag. Mags are always loaded. I keep my rifles and shotguns in the safe in my workroom, and the ammo is in a seperate cupboard. I'm giving serious thought to getting a 12.5 inch Norinco (Rem 870 clone) that feeds from a 5 round box magazine, and keeping it in a push button trigger locked high mount in the closet. My boys are 7 and my daughter is almost 10. I've had both boys to the range to watch dear old dad shoot IPSC. They enjoyed being the range brass and mag rats for the day. My daughter tells me she'd like to go to the range. Hopefully this year I'll get her and MrsCanuck223 out for a demonstration.
  21. Production in the land of the 10 round mag limit. I have 6 mags on the belt and one in my back pocket. The club I call my own tends to run shooters through two stages back to back, so having a full deck saves time.
  22. Don't laugh, but when I got my first 1050 I found a great way to keep it clean without a complete strip down. Babywipes. OK, you can laugh a little. They are tough enough to remove grease and powder, and leave a slight lanolin film that doesn't promote rusting. My boys were newborns at the time, and we were buying the wipes by the case.
  23. I had the Marstar Import M14s, and while it had some tuning issues, it was a great value. The op-rod guide needed to be repinned to take out the clocking. The gas system was shimmed. I burned the commie firewood stock and fitted a fiberglass stock. With SA Surplus, it was a 3 MOA gun with iron sights.
  24. I was suprised at the difference as our mutual friend recomended the load based on his experience with his SP01 and Shadow. Oh well, I'll just have to custom load the boys ammo.
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