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High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. When I took one of my 9 Pros to the range for the first time my first couple of shots went left, then right, then left again. I couldn't figure it out until about the 3rd magazine when the front sight fell out completely. It turned out that the front sight was too small for the cut in the slide. Luckily I had another to put in and it has stayed put, so it wasn't the slide (for me), it was the front sight.
  2. Welcome! Wow! Another one that John ran off!
  3. There's also a weekly night match down south (Autry's, I think).
  4. I have already gotten 3 calls this morning asking for "Tom". On the third one I asked who it was and why they were calling. It turned out that they were a "payday lending" place and that someone named Tom had put down my cell phone number. I asked her if he was also using my address and he was! I asked if he was using the first three digits of my SSN and she said it was something different. Any suggestions on what I should do to make sure he doesn't incur credit in my name?
  5. Beware "The BOZ"! He got me hooked on Swiss Cake Rolls and now look at me! On second thought...don't, please don't. The guys at South River are great to shoot with and you can learn a lot from them.
  6. When I was racing regularly my wife used to say that I made throttle twisting motions in my sleep. Now I make trigger pulling motions in my sleep. She has told me that I cannot take up competitive wood chopping.
  7. Are they shooting an IDPA classifier there? I had someone from Augusta looking to get classified before the GA state IPA match.
  8. You should be able to do it yourself. Are you from Clemson by any chance (tigers)?
  9. No, I'll be flying back from LA thinking about how much fun you guys are having. It will be next year before I get back up your way as I have more surgery scheduled for October.
  10. I'm not sure how to make it any clearer.... Maybe.... 8 ... 3 of which have to contain classifiers!
  11. I love my M&Ps but I have to admit, I have had some problems. The early ones, a 9 and 3 .40s never had any trouble other than some light primer strikes when they got above 10K rounds, 35K in one case. I have also had light primer strikes in one of the newer 9Pros I got this year so I run the extra power striker springs in all of them and haven't had any problem with light strikes since. I did break the lower portion of one striker (the part that engages the sear). Was swapping parts around so not sure which gun it came from. I got one of the 9Cs when they first came out. It had the common problem of the mags falling out. I sent it back, they fixed it, I put another 800 or so through it with no problems before selling it. One of the 9Pros I got this year had a terrible trigger. It was like 2 trigger pulls, once to move the firing pin stop and another to drop the sear. I put the Apex sear and firing pin stop in and it is wonderful, now. The other 9Pro had a decent trigger but I still put the Apex parts in to make it great. From the very first match I had some trouble with it not resetting the trigger (like you mentioned). It happened 6 or 8 times that first match. I swapped parts (frames, slides, etc) around with different M&Ps until the problem went away. Do I think they are as reliable as a Glock? No. Will I switch? No way. I love the way they feel and shoot too much.
  12. Welcome, Will! There's no reason not to do both. For me it's whatever is close and convenient (though if all else is the same, I'm doing USPSA). I've only made one match at that range in Spartanburg but I was very impressed with the people (even Glenn). The stage designs there ROCKED! We even copied one of theirs for our match in Augusta yesterday. How far are you from Columbia? There's a really good match there on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
  13. With my setting of "Show me all content I have not read" I marked everything as read then logged out. While I was logged out I hit the VNC link which takes you to all content active in the last 24 hours. It missed all of the posts in the last 2 or 3 hours AND it still exhibited the behavior of repeating some posts at the top of each page. I just did some screenshots in case they will help: First page lists posts from 08:43 am back to 06:55 am http://themxtrack.com/BE/AC_1a.jpg http://themxtrack.com/BE/AC_1b.jpg The second page erroneously contains the top 2 posts them resumes with posts from 06:55 and earlier. Page 2 ends with a post from 01:07 am http://themxtrack.com/BE/AC_2a.jpg http://themxtrack.com/BE/AC_2b.jpg The third page erroneously contains the top 7 posts shown then resumes with posts from before 01:07 am http://themxtrack.com/BE/AC_3a.jpg http://themxtrack.com/BE/AC_3b.jpg
  14. From: http://uspsa.org/members/club_forms/2003_Reaffiliation_Information.pdf
  15. To me, it's worth the $10 for my son and I to each get our own copy of Front Sight.
  16. I had the pleasure of shooting a 3-gun match out at Desert Sportsman. Honestly, you can get a ton of good (and free) instruction by being helpful and asking the guys you are shooting with lots of questions. There are several top-notch 3-gun shooters that regularly shoot at Desert Sportsman. Show up early, help setup, stay after, help tear down, and LISTEN.
  17. I have never had to let someone fire a pistol to remove the last round but have had several .22s that wouldn't extract from ARs with .22 conversions during Steel Challenge matches. We frequently let people shoot those last rounds out. The timer is not an issue in SC because they have already hit the stop plate. I do have a problem with her not asking if it was OK to shoot the last round but I'm not sure about including that shot in the time.
  18. I, too, get that. I logged out, then back in. I then Marked all items as read and waited a day or two and it still happens. It seems that the first couple of posts on each page are repeats from previous pages then it resumes where it should. My VNC Method is set to Show me all content that I have not read. IE8 on Windows 7.
  19. Welcome! There are also lots of good shooters at Mid Carolina that are more than happy to help people like us.
  20. I, too, have a neck sizing die with a decapping pin in station 1 of the 2nd pass through the 550. I also run all of the brass through a swager after the first pass through the 550 and before I tumble to remove the lube.
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