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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. He's been in the hospital twice since the competition began. I don't think it was an act. I think they dang near needed the Defibrillator on him. I think Casey will end up in the top 5, 4, 3? Don't know if he'll win it, but he's got skills. I'd rather see him than that gigantic chick with the shaved head. I think everyone thought Casey was safe last night and tried voting for their number 2 or 3 or 4 to make sure they got through. It's happened in previous years, which is why they have the save.
  2. You heard right. Those are all evil features and only the gubmint needs them to keep you down. Ruger made a tactical decision in a political climate that was extremely hostile towards black guns the looked icky. They've come around and are now selling dang near anything, including some really cool threaded end .22 pistols for putting a can on, to the general public.
  3. The Mini-14 GB was LE and Gov't sales only. Heck used to be Ruger wouldn't even sell the hi-cap mags. However just like LE Only ammo like Federal Hydrashok +P+, it's a decision by the manufacturer to restrict the sale. What those Gov't and LE folks do with it after they get it is up to them. That was a little skewed during the 94-04 dark ages but Ruger had been doing that long before the AWB. I'm happy to say Ruger is now selling their full line to everyone again (Colt said they were also getting back into the civilian market) Unless it's full auto there really isn't anything that is LE/Gov't only anymore.
  4. It's all marketing. He's just got you chomping at the bit for details doesn't he. Only the cool people know when and where this match is...don't you?
  5. I would say before June. There are an awful lot of shooters that plan their season around Bianchi. AP till May, then USPSA or SCSA or IMGA afterwards. If you keep it in MO, the summer is effectively out. September-early Nov is so packed with matches there is not an available weekend that doesn't conflict with something major that would draw shooters away. Anything after mid October in MO and you get very iffy on weather as well. If you think the mover in heavy rain is bad, try shooting it in a foot of snow.
  6. No problem with suggestions. It's just a matter of what the NRA thinks would be most beneficial. Who their target audience. I'd imagine 100 of the people who shoot Bianchi would shoot it no matter when they put the match. Another group would shoot it anytime it's reasonable, read not July or December in Missouri. I'm okay with it pretty much anytime before June 1. After that my scheudle gets so tight I doubt I could wedge it in, at least and still have a wife to come home to.
  7. The downside is it would conflict with many other shooting sports, Steel Challenge, USPSA, IDPA, and several three gun matches have their Nationals, or World Championships between August and early November. I think the dedicated hard core guys would still shoot Bianchi but you'd lose out on a lot of crossover shooters. I know my shooting schedule is now Bianchi in the spring till May then transition to USPSA and three gun practice. Put it at the end of the year and I can tell you which one would give.
  8. I was wondering who that was nipping at my heels. Damn good showing. Welcome to Master Class
  9. Same reason I never have a problem with the stop plate on Speed Option, but I'm normally good for an extra shot or three on Smoke and Hope. You are underestimating the target and the focus required to hit it. I'd bet if you put a 1" paster in the center of that same plate you could hit the plate if not the actual paster. It's easy to say, well it's a huge target at close range, you don't put in the fundamentals to get the hit. Are you shooting multiple targets? If so, that's the other hitch, you're alreay moving onto the second target before you've actually hit the first.
  10. I've got the Gunslinger II that I've been using for about a year. Great bag. I know the scabbard fits my 22" Browning but I don't have the handle on it. Let me check my Benelli when I get home. He also makes a four sided scabbard, as opposed to the three you're thinking of. The 4 side fits my Open Saiga or my 3 Gun rifle with bipod and optic.
  11. Hang tight guys. I bounced the question to the BOD this AM. I think part of that may have been the way the question was phrased. I'll let you know what the answer is as soon as I get it. As far as wanting to circumvent the rules I doubt anyone is looking here to cheat. It's just many Production shooters have had this done for years and years, have gone to Nationals and never had an issue with it. It's just a bit surprising to have a change like this.
  12. Just got a look at the rules. When and where is the Orientation class that as a "new" 3 Gun competitor (Well new to the Midwest, I've only been shooting three gun for 15 years) I need to take? How long is my training going to take?
  13. The longer format is great for people who want the whole "Bianchi" experience. But until we get them there and try, they won't know. I nearly didn't go last year because of the length of the match. This year I'm getting in on the 19th, shooting the three gun match the weekend before and I'll be all Bianchi starting Monday morning (or Sunday night if I get done soon enough) Convincing someone who has never been to the match is the difficulty. The camraderie on the practice range is what's bringing me back. Having Bruce, Tony, Dave, Robbie, Scott, Jess, Mark, Doug and a dozen others showing me how things are done on the practice range and making sure I had my head on my shoulders instead of where it was when I showed up is well worth the extra time for me. I do really like the idea or the two gunners doing three days, and the one gunners getting through in two. You can still show up early and get everything else, just compress it if you need to. The issue might be scheduling though. One or two new competitor meetings, one or two registrations and gun checks. Might be a little tricky.
  14. 18. Legally-possessed sound-suppressors are allowed, are not considered compensators and therefore are not subject to the size restrictions on compensators in Standard and Tactical Rifle Divisions. Any suppressor which has functional characteristics which serve to reduce muzzle-flip and/or felt recoil (e.g., externally-visible baffles or ports) will be considered a compensator. It's no longer a ruling, it was added to the rule book a few years ago. Look in the appendices under the Division rules. This is different than the rules for Limited pistols however. The compensator rules is specifically that, comps. The Lim/L10 rules refer to external mods.
  15. Sorry I'm not buying that. Unless you're planning on having squads jump ahead, which is a recipe for disaster, you're still going to have the exact same backlog. Whether it's squad 1, 2, 3, and 4, or 1, 3, 5, 7. You're still scheduled to occupy that bay with shooters, the whole match. The only issue would be potentially from shooters taking too long to get to the stage and leaving it open and without shooters. I just don't remember that being an issue.
  16. I would argue the point about keeping the sponsors happy. The one on/one off schedule keeps you at the range all day but depending on the layout, doesn't really give you time to spend at the vendor tent. If you have to get there and get back early enough to make sure you don't miss the walk through you've only got 30 min or so in the tent. The layout Rio has used for years with the one stage before and after lunch works great. Gives shooters plenty of time to hit the tent but not really enough to wander too far away. At a range like Rio where the stages are for the most part, next to each other I just don't see a reason to go every other. RM3G, absolutely, only way to do it. Either way, It's Rio's match, they can run it as they see fit. I'm just trying to figure out how this schedule would have any effect on a stage that's running behind. You're still gonna have squads backed up waiting.
  17. Not gonna argue it, but take a read through the thread on that episode. One of our members went through and came up with some pretty good percentages, based on frame by framing. Chris hit 78%, if memory serves next was somewhere in the 50ish range.
  18. How does it balance? I love the look of the comp, but that's a lot of weight hanging off the end for a Steel gun.
  19. Hanging a half pound weight on the end of your barrel is definitely not legal in L/L10. It definitely counters recoil and would be viewed as an external modification. Heck the little tiny extention on the Tru-Sight was nearly considered a muzzle weight. This thing definitely is. Congratulations on getting cans legal in Washington. Unfortunately now I won't be able to point to you guys as having the most retarded silencer laws in the country. I wonder who's next on the list?
  20. Chris did a bit better than average on the plates, he beat everyone, on both teams with the number of hits certainly, and I'd be willing to bet he did it in a much shorter time as well. When you get to the skill level Chris, Maggie, and Athena are at you've fired enough rounds that you really are in tune with the gun. That's why you don't see many National Champions hopping between Divisions at every other match. The pick a gun and stick with it. If they do have a different gun (Dave Sevigny's Glock 35/34) I will bet you they are very close to each other. As close as possible. Take that instinctive shooting ability with a red dot sighted gun and a 2 pound trigger and try to translate it to a stock 1911 with crappy sights and an 8 pound trigger and if you're pushing, things won't go well. As far as USPSA being about speed over accuracy, it all depends on stage design. Last years Nationals was certainly biased more towards accuracy than speed.
  21. Setting up an AP range is not terribly difficult. USSA in Oklahoma has 90% of the setup already in place, but they are in receivership with a bank, a new owner has not been identified since the previous owner killed himself. I'm thinking Oklahoma is out. It wouldn't surprise me if Universal Shooting Academy in Florida would be willing to host it, and they would do an excellent job I'm sure. I'm not really suggesting a move. But one of two things needs to happen. Either increase the size of the range and parking in Columbia to hold more people, or move the match. Increasing the length of the match will get you more spots but make it much more difficult to get new people to take so much time off work. I know the international guys take a ton of time off work to come, but we could do just about anything to the match and they'd still come. The trick is to make it easier for new shooters to get in. Easy answer would be to break it in half. Run it 4 or 5 days, but schedule shooters for only the first or second half and don't require them to stick around for any reason. But I think this would ruin the match. This really is the only match I shoot anymore that feels like a true championship. The pagaentry that goes with this match is really like a World Shoot for IPSC. I don't want to see that go away.
  22. I don't think running a 4 stage match over 4 days is going to draw that many more shooters. But hey with my extensive Bianchi experience (1), what do I know.
  23. I'm bringing Everett Mastrich (but he's not shooting Production) and my little ace in the hole, Ryan Leonard (who is shooting my Production gun) to take all that first time shooter money.
  24. Why? From a stage management perspective, you're still running the same number of shooters through the same number of stages. I wouldn't imagine an RO would even notice the difference. If so it would be very minor. I'm not a big fan of the all day schedule. The half day was one of the things I really liked about SMM3G. Gave me the opportunity to go to Scottsdale Gun Club or Dillon on one afternoon. JJ, as far as parking I hope you weren't talking about the RM3G when you said you haven't noticed parking being an issue. Whittington is a bit different than Rio...just a touch more spread out. Every time I went to Rio there was parking available, but not a ton of parking. I would imagine the full day folks will be doing a lot more walking than before.
  25. I've got Ballistic, Ballistic FTE, and Bulletflight. Haven't used the Ballistic programs hardly at all. I just Bulletflight for everything. Has worked great and very easy to use, but a bit pricey. I'm happy with it though.
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