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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Standardizing the date would cut down on the number of ranges that could host the Nationals. September in Bend is not bad, November and you'll be driving a snowmobile to the range. My guess is the same would apply for Missoula. August-September in Vegas/Arizona is still a bit on the hot side for me, but November at Rio Salado...perfect.
  2. When I spoke to David at Area 3 he was still planning on making the trip. Nice little vacation between Nationals and Ecuador. Should be fun.
  3. I thought it was a very good prize table. Especially for the entry cost to the match. There were something like 29 guns or frames on the table. I was a little bummed that I didn't get a gun for winning my class in Production, but there was only two of us. I ended up with a very nice SureFire flashlight. Even in a small division like Production there were lots of prizes. The distribution was a little disorganized, but who cares. We still got out at a reasonable time, and they even gave away 6 more guns by random drawing at the end. Very nice.
  4. Besides, I'll get my payback when David Sevigny shows up for the Columbia Cascade Section match and whoops my butt.
  5. The doublestack's don't compete for plaques like the folks using 1911's. I'm just using it as a tune up for Nationals. I actually built a 1911 over the winter for this match but didn't think would be a good idea to switch the week before Nationals.
  6. I'll be there shooting my minor Glock to the consternation of all you skinny metal framed gun guys
  7. Is Troy gonna be RM again this year? There's no way he'd make someone remove a kilt. Unfortunately I know what is under his. I made the mistake of looking uphill last year and found Troy looking back down the hill, one leg down and one up on the ATV. It's taken me almost a year of therapy to get over it and now you guys went and brought it back up again. Thanks.
  8. Not sure about some of the results on that list. Some of the results on the SureFire portion seem a bit out of whack. At a glance I know the Aviator is not anywhere near as bright as a E2E. Heath's got it right. There's a huge variable in the Luxeon LED's. Actually any LED is going to have variations due to the way they are constructed. I'm curious to do a little comparison of my own. I use a L4 Lumamax on duty, I just picked up an L5 off the prize table at Area 3. They're both 5 watt Luxeon, 6 volt systems, rated at 65 lumens. The L5 uses a much longer reflector assembly though. I'm curious what the light output/range is like for both. Something I've noticed with a LOT of other manufacturers with the LED lights is that they use poor reflectors. They're just as bright if you look directly at them, but the beam disperses in a very short distance. Some even go as far as to not use a reflector. I've seen lights that basically just have 5+ LED's mounted into the front of the light. Unless you're just looking for a close up task light I'd stay well clear of these.
  9. Well according to the SureFire Dealer Contract I'm not allowed to advertise any prices below retail. That's why I don't advertise my prices. Send me a PM or an Email and I'm sure we can work something out, just don't tell SureFire.
  10. We don't have anyone using the X series from Streamlight. The lenses are longer and don't fit in the holsters that work with the M-3's. And to be perfectly honest, I don't buy their light output claims. Nothing to back it up, but I don't know how they can double the output, same battery life and in roughly the same size package without substantially changing the bulb assembly, which they haven't. Holding the two up I can't see that big of a difference. I called SureFire with this question. They wouldn't come out and say it but they seemed a bit skeptical as well. Measuring Lumens output takes some pretty sophisticated equipment. It's a measurement of the total output, not just the hotspot as with candlepower. The new SureFire catalogs have a much more in depth explanation on this, as in much more than any sane person should want to know, I felt like I needed a PhD to figure out half of what they were talking about.
  11. Got to use my SureFire at Area 3 this weekend. During the prizes the lightning storm knocked out power to the shed. Whipped out my E2E and kept on going. Also another reason to go with SureFire. They actively sponsor USPSA events including Area 3 and I'm sure Nationals later this month. I don't remember ever seeing anything from Streamlight on the table, of course I'm really biased too.
  12. Even with a textured grip you still definitely need the, well I won't refer to it by the name I normally call it as there may be ladies present, Fast Grip. I've got a Tru-Grip on my Glock and at Area 3 it hardly helped at all. My hands normally don't sweat and I never use the stuff. But, I did not have a choice at Area 3. The place where I found myself slipping the worst was between my strong and support hands. No texturing of the grip will stop that. I prefer the Fast Grip more for the packaging. It comes in a little pump. My ProGrip I always had to unscrew the top because it would gum up between uses.
  13. I've never agreed with that. I'd rather have the RO stop the shooter if he suspects a squib, if the RO is right, he may have saved the shooter an injury. I'd rather lose a match to someone on a reshoot than to allow someone to be injured for the sake of "competition".
  14. Vegas got my vote. Every time I've been there it's been great weather. Even when it's 100 degrees it's not that bad (it's a dry heat). I'm not sure how long the Vegas range is going to be there though. Last time I was there the houses were getting kind of close and I've heard it's a lot worse now. Bend would be another choice for me since it's only about three hours away. Frostproof because Frank puts on such a great match. I would love to go back to Missoula or Raton for a 3 Gun but I'm not sure if there's enogh infrastructure there for a full Pistol Nationals and travel would be more difficult for a lot of people. Rio Salado, another great choice, if they could find a weekend available.
  15. I just got back from shooting Area 3 on Sunday. I won't do a match in that area, that time of year again in one day. The weather was just too taxing on me and it just wasn't enjoyable. I'd rather take an extra day and enjoy myself. I do this for fun. I did not have fun at this match. (Only because of the weather and one day format, the stages and staff were great.)
  16. Glad it worked out for you. I've been so much happier with the X200 than the M-3 lights.
  17. The policies of Area 1 specify that the matches be trophy only. Any prizes that are donated must be given away by random drawing. This reared it's head in 2003 when some knucklehead ended up pestering the sponsors for a little over $20,000.00 in prizes. It took a little time to figure out how to get them to the shooters. As a guy who does pretty well on order of finish tables, I'm not big fan of the random draw. That said, I know that many of the prizes of that match went to people who were in C/D class, were new shooters or shooters that were returning from an extended IPSC absence. Some of these shooters still mention winning these prizes as a reason why they stuck in IPSC. I think there is a spot in IPSC for both kinds of prize tables. We'll have to see how 2006 goes. The same knucklehead got roped into prize coordinator again.
  18. The only problem with scheduling the awards to fall right after the shooting comes from using a separate awards venue. If it is just an informal ceremony at the range then the finish time is not a big deal. If you're trying to coordinate something a little nicer, like at a hotel or convention center, you can't just say we'll be there between 1-5 PM. This match ran extremely well, but it was also modeled on 300 shooters. My guess is if it had sold to capacity we'd have been a little later. So basically, if you want the awards immediately after the match, it means no nice awards ceremony.
  19. CPMI also make a blank mount for the Aimpoint Comp if you want to stick with the tube scope.
  20. " Most realistic cops will tell you that they are there to straighten things out after the fact so when you want protection you have to depend on yourself. Its nieve to think the police are going to protect you or if you are a cop thinking you are protecting the people. " It may be naive, but when is the last time that someone called you up and told you there was someone with a gun running around...and then you went there. It's true we spend most of our time doing cleanup. However, I think that the people I've gotten out of their houses while actively being shot at by suspects would disagree with you that we don't protect people. Admittedly we can't be everywhere everytime. People need to be able to protect themselves, but don't think that police aren't protecting people.
  21. Talking to the MD's it looks like they will probably be using the same 1/2 day format that was used in Missoula (and also in Marysville 01 and Bend 03). I think it works great. It did feel really weird to sit on my butt not taping though.
  22. What again was the capacity of the Tanfoglio Sport and CZ SP-01 that everyone was in such a huff about a couple months back? 19 rds? Of course it created an arms race in IPSC, much more so than in USPSA.
  23. It depends on the shooter. For some the 34 will work just as well or better. For me the 17 cycles faster, and returns to target perfectly. This is a good thing in a steel gun. The other consideration would be the type of holster you're thinking about using. If you're going to use something like Kydex, the 17 will clear a bit quicker. If you're going to use an open front race holster then this wouldn't matter.
  24. What type of comptetiion are you using it for? If it's for Duty don't try to game it, a lot of Duty holsters are very quick. We've got a couple guys on the department that can do .8 draws from the 6280 Safariland and one that can do a .70 from a 295. If it's not for actual duty you can get by with a Blade Tech Level 2.
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