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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. I know I wouldn't want to throw a new piece of equipment on my gun that I've never had a chance to try that will mess up my grip and draw. It was probably the best move for him.
  2. There are still a handful, 2 maybe 3, spots left open for the USSA class. This is a great opportunity to train with Mike Seeklander and Phil Strader. Then shoot the match with them and continue learning. If you're already signed up for the match, I can still get you on Phil and Mike's squad if you're taking the class. For those that have never taken a class like this it is a great opportunity. Taking training classes from skilled proffessionals helped improve my shooting more than anything else that I did. If you've never taken a class like this I promise you will learn something good.
  3. I would just call JPL. The paddles are easy enough to make. He might have made it himself. Or you could see if Bob is interested in making one for you.
  4. I skipped the mover. But not on purpose. My mag didn't eject and by the time I figured out why the new one wouldn't go in the mover was long gone. 4 NP mikes on top of the one in the house did not make for a good stage.
  5. Is there any chance that someone can bring a Glock front sight tool to the range tomorrow. My travelling partner managed to blow up his 34 today and I can't find mine to put his old front sight on his new gun. I'm guessing we'll probably get to the range around 5:00 PM to look at stages. If so can you give me a call sometime tomorrow? Cell phone is 503-453-3781. I'm landing in ATL at 2:57 PM Local.
  6. Phil listed that in post #97 Those are the folks who would be pros if they registered. Doesn't really answer the question he asked of how many pros did sign up and who are they.
  7. The application is not up just yet. We're still pretty busy with the Area 1 Pistol match. Details should be coming out soon though. The app will probably be at www.nassonline.org when it becomes available.
  8. I've used CR Speed for years, but I just hate the new inner belt they come with now. It doesn't fit any of the belt loops for my pants and it's a royal pain to put on. I just got one of the Double Alpha belts. Takes care of the inner belt issue, is very stiff. So far I really like it. More than the CR Speed.
  9. Hi Chuck, I talked to the Sabre guys at R&R Racing's 3-gun last year and they told me that they don't make a 20" with a rifle length gas system, they're all mid-length. I started to argue the relative merits of each system and then shut up. I didn't want to aggravate a major match sponsor... Ed They must have taken your conversation to heart because they are selling them now. Looks like the competition specific guns are mid-length with longer tubes though.
  10. For the price difference between a used .45 Edge and a used .40 Edge it might be a lot cheaper and easier to sell your .45 and buy a used .40. It'll probably be a minimum of $400.00 to convert the gun, new slide new bbl. And that is not including the gunsmithing and fitting that will be required.
  11. 20" with a mid length, I doubt. 16-18" with a mid length, could be. There is a good article in Small Arms Review talking to Jim Sullivan, a guy who has designed a gun or two. His big issue with some of the modifications to the M16 system is that end of the bbl needs to be further from the end of the gas system. The pressure in the bbl drops immediately after the projectile departs. by having 7 ish inches of bbl after the gas port you greatly increase the reliability and durability of the system.
  12. I've used both. The Redi-Mag for work and competition and the coupled mags for play. The Redi-Mag works great but does add a fair amount of weight to the gun due to steel construction. It also limits the use of drum mags. I really like using the Arredondo mag yokes for competition. I keep a couple mags with the yokes on and a few singles with me. If I'm shooting a 16 ish round rifle stage, I just use a single and the guns is that much lighter. I've tried a variety of the mag cinches and the Arredondo is the one that works best for me. I don't have any problems with the top round of the off mag sliding. Try the Arredondo setup. If that doesn't cure it, try some different mags in the cinches, with new springs. If that doesn't work, you really need a better comp system on your rifle.
  13. Wow from bike riders to goverment intrusion on civil liberties all in one day. As far as the helmet law, I fully agree with it. I've seen too many soft headed kids with head injuries. I see kids and folks around here without helmets all the time. I just saw 10 or so in my neighborhood this morning. As far as the kid who got killed by the idiot going 65 in a 35. It's pretty obvious who is at fault. If your riding and the speed zone is 20-35 mph, I would expect traffic to be going that speed and have time to stop, evade or just generally not kill me. If I'm on a roadway where the speed limit is 55 mph, and there are blind corners with NO opportunity for drivers obeying all laws to see me, I'm an idiot. My biggest issues are the guys that specifically pass up roadways with bike lanes in favor of the skinniest, curviest death trap they can find. If it was just them they were putting at risk, I would have less of a problem. But I see drivers on the wrong side of the road all the time trying to pass the bike rider. Is it illegal for the driver, yep. Can I blame the driver or expect them to drive 5-10 mph up a hill? Nope. I'm sure that I'm seeing, and being annoyed by, a small minority of bike riders. I'm sure there are a lot of bike riders that are thoughtful and intelligent folks. It's the minority screwing it up for the majority, kind of like gun owners.
  14. No they will not. Not ever. You will never know how you finished. And all competitors there have been banned from telling you. bwahahahaha.
  15. I figure its by the grace of God that so many live. A lot of cyclists do some really stupid things. Its not wise to tempt the laws of physics, and I'm a cyclist. Now lets combine cyclists with people from the north who are well aged and can't drive worth a rip or care. You know, the snowbirds. Folks who come to places like Arizona, or Florida, or Texas during the winter and actually drive vehicles - where they are from, somewhere up in the midwest, the locals don't let them drive but when they play snowbird they go on a licensed killing spree. Sigh.... fortunately the season is about over. The heat is driving the rif-raff north and us cyclists, some smart and some not, will have another summer of continued survival. Here in Az , in the summer, we only have to face blonds in SUV's chatting on cellphones while putting on makeup while dehydrating. Dude, if you're riding a bike in Arizona, in the summer, when it's 110 degrees out...welcome to the thread.
  16. Now, I have nothing against bicyclists, just stupid ones. I have a friend who is Chief of a little town in the county I work. He loves writing bike riders tickets. They started riding in packs up there, 10-15 or so. And they all ride through stop signs without stopping. He got a group not too long ago and gave them all tickets for running the stop sign. There were 12 riders, he got 14 tickets. Wrote the first two for running the stop sign and told them they could go. They rode to the corner, ran the stop sign and kept going. After looking at the other 10 in disbelief they were told to wait there, he wrote the first two their second tickets, then came back and wrote the remaining 10. Plus the city code says the judge can't reduce bail on the $299.00 ticket. Over $4000.00 in tickets in one stop.
  17. It's also illegal for IPSC. Which is what Stefano, and I'm guessing his buddy, shoots. Cool for USPSA, no go for IPSC.
  18. So yesterday was the first nice day we've had this year. And it brought out all the spandex clad, Lance Armstrong, wanna be's I live near a fairly large peak and to get into town I have to drive over the major highway up and over the hill. Nice curvy road, filled with 20 mph blind corners and there is zero shoulder whatsoever, just the white line and gravel. The road is dangerous enough already and there have been numerous accidents just since I moved down here less than a year ago. So were do all the bike knuckleheads choose to ride? I passed at least 30 of them in the 8 miles of road yesterday. Witnessed 4-5 almost crashes with cars trying to get around some middle aged twit huffing his bike up a steep incline at 5 mph in the middle of a damn highway. I came very close to stacking up my own car after coming around a blind corner and finding traffic backed up because of one of them. And the best part is, at the bottom of the hill, where there actually is a bike lane there's two more riding, tandem, still in the roadway. I really don't understand why bikes are allowed to do this. We would cite, hell probably arrest a guy in a car that was puttering along at 10 mph on a highway but if you're wearing spandex and stupid hat it's okay. If you want to ride a bike fine. Just find someplace to do it where I don't have to scrape you off of my hood.
  19. I think you would have a hard case making at case for Recklessly Endangering, unless there was some additional conduct. i.e. loaning your gun out to peple, or selling it without telling them it was deactivated. Deactivating a safety is not as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. And the deactivation would have to, in some way, lead to the incident. Since almost no other guns on the market even have this feature (since most guns aren't designed to be used by mounted cavalry) I think you would have a strong legal argument. That said, if you shoot someone or your gun is involved in a crime, (whether it was stolen from you or not), there's a good chance of criminal prosecution or civil lawsuit. It will be a topic, just like the hair trigger, textured grip (you know so you can hold on when it's covered in the blood of your victims), wide safeties (the quicker to shoot with).
  20. I wouldn't shoot lead through any comp, at any velocity. You're just going to leave a ton of lead that is a pain in the butt to clean out there. If you do, don't get an aluminum comp. You're going to have to use steel to get that stuff up and you'll damage the comp. I've heard good and bad about the Fast Fire. The ones I've shot were in fixed applications, rifle and shotgun and worked great. I'm not sure how it will hold up on a slide moving back and forth with the switch mounted on the side. I wish they would change that to the front or the back. We'll see.
  21. Open Glocks can work just fine if set up right. I'm looking at an SJC gun sitting on my desk right now that has never malfunctioned. I'm also taking a 17 with me to Area 6 to drop off with the guys at SJC to have customized. If you're going to get the Lone Wolf setup get the 17 slide and comp. You're still going to have to figure out a sighting system. The best ones I've found are the C-More setups. I've had a few and as long as the ejection port is relieved they seem to work fine. The down side is you're frame mounting an optic. If you want the option of just switching out top ends, the easiest solution is the slide mounted optic like the Docter or JPoint. I've just never had any luck at all with them. Dim dot and wandering point of aim were my two biggies. You're best bet is to just buy a 17 and trick it out like you want. Price of a new 17 is not going to be a lot more than the slide combo you're looking at. You can normally find a 17 for $400.00 ish.
  22. I've never had a problem with 147s in mine. I shoot Zero 147 JHP or Winchester 147 TMJ. I haven't tried a conventional RN profile though.
  23. The only slots we have left for the match are Friday all day. If you want to shoot the match, get your app in soon. If you have a special need to shoot the match on one of the other schedules let me know. If we have a cancellation I might be able to get you in.
  24. Just a heads up. We have some rather large bays at Tri-County and will be making use of them. Some of those targets may be a bit farther out than they look in the diagrams.
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