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Everything posted by Vagus

  1. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/...r.govt.guns.cnn Don't think I need to explain why I put this in the things I hate category
  2. Telling you that you can shoot the single stack nationals. Even though you thought you where so far down on the waiting list it was seemingly hopeless.... Whoo Hooo
  3. This can not work. Lateral epicondylitis, tennis elbow, is an inflammation of the tendons of the origin hand extensors.. The movement of the hand and wrist during recoil puts a lot of strain on the origin point for those gripping muscles in the elbow. It is just like jerking on a taunt rope that is attached to the wall eventually it will start tearing little fibers.. In short it has nothing to do with the energy transfered through your arm, but the mechanics of your grip and the break in your wrist that cause lateral epicondylitis. Physically adding more weight to your hand might help, as the heavier the hand is the less the recoil will move it - but I would wager a guess that the amount of weight needed to make a difference is pretty significant. Simply loosening up your grip might help more than anything.. The elbow clasp help tennis elbow by limiting how much those extensor muscles can contract, basically making them weaker and relaxing your grip anyway. I could expound on this for pages and pages dealing with the anatomy and physiology of these conditions in relationship to the biomechanics involved, but it really isn't worth the time because the device is so incredibly stupid. I would bet some cash that impressive oscilloscope graph was done with the sensors places on the skin, and the reduction in the energy transfered was through the superficial skin and only the skin. Vagus, too many credentials to list..
  4. Self employed = Self sponsored. Anyone here claim it as a business write off? advertisement expense right? I think it is a worthwhile idea, the sumer softball leagues have all kinds of sponsors. As do a lot of other "hobby" sports. I know a lot of other Chiropractors, PTs, Sports rehab types, and gyms that love sponsoring local athletes.. They also like to do it for people that are already established as patients. I am a sucker for it, especially juniors - I couldn't turn one down. Heck a T-shirt and $20 a month for a season goes a long way to making someone feel good and promote a good image for your business in the community. Also makes you proud when they want you to have their trophy and you can display it for your other patients/customers... definitely a win-win
  5. I know I am switching from L10 to SS from now it is an official class. I don't know if is indicative of a larger trend, but for the guys with single stack pistols it seems like a natural move. I think the distaste for L10 is from the ideology that it represents a politically scary situation. I know I don't like thinking " I better keep these higher capacity magazines around in case...." Edit for homie... I agree. Every USPSA member has to know at least one other avid pistol shooter that is not a member. I have brought two out this year already, and we just had our first shoot
  6. I am not sure what the Lewis method is, could some explain? Would it not be easy to solve the sandbager situation by applying statistical means... If your match score is X% higher than your class you get bumped to the next class? I think this allows for shooters in the top of their class to have an exceptional day and still win, and if they are being honest it would be rewarding in of itself to bumped a class. As for people that say it is just about the shooting or having fun... Well I agree, but we also should acknowledge that this is a Sport and these are Competitions and thus have Winners and furthermore winners customarily are reworded in prizes and or trophies. If it was only about the shooting and the fun, you don't need to spend money to travel and entry fees and all that other stuff when you can shoot at any old range and old time. Most of the other sports I can think of that work similar do prizes by class/div with means to eliminate sand bagging. I guess that isn't really adding and substance and just stating what is already known.
  7. Vagus

    Back pain!

    Chiropractor here. I've seen a lot of people with SI problems get a lot of relief with chiropractic care, myself included.
  8. Sometimes I shoot both eyes closed.
  9. Chiropractor here... Mainshootah and BadChad are probably right, but I would recommend getting a professionals 1st hand opinion on it. It is rather silly not to go to a Doctor and let a group of strangers diagnosis and offer recommendations. The old saying an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure fits well here. Why monkey around with best guesses and "I've had something similar before" anecdotal type stuff. Best to properly take care of the issue then have it be worse.
  10. Just making sure it is not something unique to me. I know I've shot a long day when I have to clean out skin out from my back strap and the grips. I have a little callous in the palm of my right hand so it never get sore but it sloughs off a bit of skin at the end of the day. Getting this on topic for the forum, Would you think this is a sign indicative of a grip that is too strong or too weak? Or is it pretty normal for guns with aggressive checkering and textured grips?
  11. Completely realistic if it has a spoiler and NOS sticker or two.
  12. Sure it is only C class in L10, but was I surprised and stoked to see a plaque in the mail today. Looks like I would have been 3rd in B class, and with 6 of the 10 stages being classifiers I might be close to going B class when they are ran through next. the HF calculator guesstimates right around that 60% for most of those stages.
  13. Why not say 9 guns for every 10 people? Liers, Damn Liers, and Statistics. I assume it sounds scarier and alarmist to say 90 guns for every hundred.....
  14. Especially when it's cold outside Oohhh a cold floor... Grrrr. Or a dog sleeping at the bottom of the stairs.....
  15. Getting up to pee is also a symptom of a full bladder. But I am glad this thread can be a public service announcement of sorts - Prostate cancer is very serious, and all men should be aware of it. It actually starts with out any symptoms and is only sometimes discovered with a PSA which is done routinely. PSA doesn't always find all prostate cancers and digital exams usually only find cancers that are more advanced. Symptoms to be worried about are frequent urination, increased urination - especially at night, difficulty starting and maintaining a steady stream of urine, blood in the urine, and painful urination, difficulty achieving erection, and painful ejaculation. These are very similar to symptoms of Benign prostatic hyperplasia which effects nearly half of all men between 50 and 70 - over 90% over 70 years of age. iirc
  16. Depends are a great idea, Having to pee in the morning is not the same as frequent urination, but irregardless I do not have diabetes as of a few months ago. Sorry about everyones large prostate and family members with urinary problems. The point was more along the lines of - if getting up in the morning to pee is the worst thing I can think of, then I have it pretty dang good. Which is true.
  17. I hate to be the one to say it, but that is a heck of a lot better than suddenly coming home and finding that your girlfriend moved in on you ! I can joke because I've been in your shoes. Even though I felt crushed, it came to be the luckiest day of my life. I just didn't know it until I met my future wife.
  18. Vagus


    Start by looking in the index. Find 8.6 Assistance or Interference page 56 Rule 8.6.2 is the one you want Ah, thank you What i needed to start with was a thesaurus. Assistance -duh
  19. I can't find any mention of it in the rule book except for page 13. But I seem to recall that there was a penalty for shooters that follow coaching advice from the crowd or something along those lines
  20. "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." John Stuart Mill
  21. I like to support businesses that support our sports, but I am having trouble finding mag extensions for Remington's on the usual sites. Point me in the right direction please.
  22. This sounds stupid and I know I lack the basketball sized pair to pull it off -- but what if..... On a stage with a step on style activator (lets say activates a swinger) is box C or D - could a real gamer improvise a "gernade" prop or throw a mag down range to activate the last swinger? I haven't been around long enough (or I am lucky) to encounter a stage where you need to throw things or do monkey movements. The idea sounds pretty ridiculous reading all the previous post. Oh yeah, I guess this a good place to add something that has gone through my mind every single time I leave steal standing need to reload for one shot - I always have the urge to throw my mag at it.
  23. Have someone do it to the other side and then you can call them racing stripes. Maybe they didn't know or perhaps they didn't see the that it actually damaged. I guess you will probably get there early and wait in the parking lot for them next time.
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