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Jon Merricks

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Everything posted by Jon Merricks

  1. Shot at the NC sectional this past weekend. Had a great time and met a bunch of great people. Was on a great squad. Several masters on it. The staff was great and the range very nice. After I had three FTF on the classifier the match went down hill for me. But I still had a great time talking with Jody Taylor and Jim Shananhan. Two nice guys helping out a NewBE. I finished 9th in L-10. You can see the results here. http://www.employees.org/~swgc/ (Edited by Jon Merricks at 11:32 pm on May 20, 2002)
  2. Just shot it yesterday at the NC Sec. of all times for me to have 3 failure to feeds. The match went down hill from there. 84pts 27.12 sec 3.0973hf L-10 (Edited by Jon Merricks at 9:37 am on May 20, 2002) (Edited by Jon Merricks at 6:17 pm on June 19, 2002)
  3. If you could have every member pre order two, thats 1700 shirts. That would be cool. Oh yea can you get them done and shipped out so I can wear it this Sat. How about a dark tan or biege so its not to hot.
  4. Is anybody going this weekend? I just found out Im able to go. Not much time for practice. I think I'll be on squad 2 maybe we can link up.
  5. Hey Newguy, Do you enjoy the sport? I bet the answer is yes. For that reason dont give up. Where are you located? There maybe someone on the board that can point you to an instructor. I just took a two day class from Beenie Cooley, and I can say it was money well spent. I'm going to take another one on one with a GM in the next couple of weeks. And again it will be money well spent. Untill you get up with a teacher heres your home work. 100 dry fire drills per night for the next 90 days, same for reloads. Practice perfect. Go through all the motions of the draw sight alinment and trigger pull. Make sure no ammo is near by. I bet you money you will show improvement by the end of the 90 days. Also go to the other forums on this board and try the drills. But be sure to get some one on one training.
  6. First a SWAT mag to replace it now a Cowboy one...
  7. The past two matches I went to a L-10 shooter won high overall. Of course there were only a hand full of open shooters there that gave him any compitition. And you can see him here on the board every once and a while.
  8. Shot it and saw it for the first time Saturday. In The rain of course. 9.86sec 51pts 5.17hf 55.918% (Edited by Jon Merricks at 10:47 pm on May 21, 2002)
  9. I'm no pro but I tought TG burned to fast for an open gun. That would be great to use the same powder in open and limited.
  10. TD Ive noticed it too. And Im shooting a real gun
  11. I got to try one out at Cooley's class this weekend and it was nice. I did'nt get to spend much time on it but if I had the chance I would get one. Cooley did give it some praise even though he does'nt use one. I dont remember the exact price but its steep.
  12. Yea there were some good shoters there. I thought some of the B and A shooters were fast until I saw Chris Tilley shoot. There are a bunch of nice people there too.
  13. Shot my first ipsc match saturday and had a blast. Stage three I was 15th overall. (we dont have to talk about the other stages) I finished third in L-10, but there was only nine of us. You can see match results here http://www.sirwaltergunclub.com/result1.htm
  14. This was my very first classifier. I fumbled a little bit on the leftside cost some points and time. Shot it yesterday. pts 116 time 32.53 hf 3.5659 %54.029 (Edited by Jon Merricks at 12:04 am on April 8, 2002) (Edited by Jon Merricks at 10:44 pm on May 21, 2002)
  15. lol that would be funny. I dont shoot with Jody but maybe I can pass it along. Boy he hated the back-packs.
  16. Thanks I'll give it a try. My barrell is chromed lined does that matter on the methods you provided.
  17. Yup. The only one I know. He was the one that hooked me up on the training. I invited him to come and join the forum but dont know if he has had time to.
  18. He also wrote about breaking in your AR for accuracy. How do you do that? I think I have read about putting something in the bore but just cant remember where I saw it.
  19. I get to spend two days in April with Bennie Cooley, training with 13 other students. I am so excited I cant stand it. If your out there thanks Jody Taylor.
  20. I was told I should put it back with a warning. OK here goes. Warning naked chic's at an ipsic site. www.teamadrenalin.com.au
  21. Sorry thought the warning at the front page would be enough. No more problems with this one. (Edited by Jon Merricks at 5:14 pm on Mar. 14, 2002)
  22. Oh! I thought someone told me it ment long. Kind of like the H&G 68. Thanks for the info. Now I really feel stupid.
  23. Yup, 45acp 200gr I see the SWC but none with the L for Long. Or maybe Im blind. http://www.laser-cast.com/AllBullets.html
  24. Oregon Trail LSWC? I place an order with them on the SWC but they said they did not make a LSWC am I missing something?
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