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Russian Women

Rufus The Bum

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I was introduced to a friends wife, who happens to be Russian "Mail-Order, for lack of a better term" And I immediately fell in love with this gal. We talked casually for nearly an hour and it I was just floored how different Russian women are from American women, they don't talk about materialistic stuff, it's all about inner-peace with them, making a happy family and serving her man "her words"

Man I have to get me one of these and dump that unemployed, lazy, two-toothed jelly-roll of a girlfriend I have now.

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I know of two folks that went the Russian "Mail Order Bride" route and were extremely happy .... for a while ... then things went very bad. As soon as the citizenship issues were resolved, and they had remained married for something like 6 months, the girls got out of there pronto.

I guess there are many different circumstances that are involved in this type of relationship. One of the guys had been unable to keep an American girlfriend for more than a few months because they refused to treat him like the "God" that he "IS". It did not take that long for the Russian girl to figure out that there were better fish in the sea. The other was a strange "reclusive" sort of guy and I don't think that he was willing to put out the effort to maintain a relationship.

Regardless of how these girls were raised, once they get to the USA and watch television, go to the mall, talk to other women and see what is happening, they will adapt to our customs and norms and become Americans. May take longer for some but it will usually happen.

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Some of the current crop of good looking Russian women would make excellent car sales people.

You'd go to the Chevy dealership intending to "just look," but you'd leave with a Cadillace Escalade Suburban. And you'd pay for the "undercoating" and other "extras" and be happy to do it.

Then you'd find yourself with a big payment you can't afford as soon as the new car smell is gone.

I'm sure there are some who are very honest people with impeccable ethics and values, but many are very highly motivated to get out of Russia and into the USA and will do whatever it takes to do so. I don't know of any way to differentiate between the two other than taking your chances and hoping for the best.


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I have a business acquaintence that recently adopted a baby from Russia. They have a very difficult, and time consuming, procedure that must be followed to adopt the child. It required several trips to Russia with some stays lasting as much as two weeks or more to attent court proceedings. They mentioned that, in the poorer villages, young women congregate near the transit terminals begging to be taken out of the country. They are willing to give up anything they have to get a chance at a life. Very sad situation.

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Regardless of how these girls were raised, once they get to the USA and watch television, go to the mall, talk to other women and see what is happening, they will adapt to our customs and norms and become Americans.

If you haven't already seen them, rent Eddie Murphy's stand-up comedy shows "Raw" and "Delirious".

I forget which one had this piece, but Eddie bemoans that American women are materialistic, so he suggests going to Africa and finding "some butt-naked chick called Um-Foo-Foo, sitting on the back of a Zebra" or words to that effect.

When he finally takes her home to California, it doesn't take long for Um-Foo-Foo to learn the way things work, and she sues for divorce saying "Eddie, I want half" (said in a deep, heavily accented African brogue).

And a word of warning - go take a pee before you watch the DVDs B)

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I have a friend who tried it twice. The first he found out later was writting 50 or so guys, each sending her $25-100 per month (about what he was sending) for family emergencies and the like, he later found out. That's about $2500 a month. He later "imported" a "model" he like better, but after she got legalized, she disappeared.

Just my 2 cents, but look in the mirror. Chance are if you like what you see, someone else will to. If you don't, fix up yourself the best you can.

Selfish relationships seldom ever work. So to find yourself a princess you must first become thier prince.

If that is too much, just remember (Eddie Murphy impression) "HALF!!!"

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Man I have to get me one of these and dump that unemployed, lazy, two-toothed jelly-roll of a girlfriend I have now.

Fear not. I emailed her a copy of your post. You're covered.

Best wishes to you and your betrothed in a future meretricious relationship.

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Rhino had the right idea, treat 'em like buying a car. Trade every two or three years for a new model. You get a great girlfriend for a couple of years and she gets out of a bad situation and makes good as an immigrant. Everybody wins as long as you can practice non-attachment. ;) And get a prenupt before signing any other contract.

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Rhino had the right idea, treat 'em like buying a car. Trade every two or three years for a new model. You get a great girlfriend for a couple of years and she gets out of a bad situation and makes good as an immigrant. Everybody wins as long as you can practice non-attachment. ;) And get a prenupt before signing any other contract.

That's not quite what I meant, but I like the way you think, Dale!


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Pre-nups are made to be broken! Da Judge can look at a clause, decide it is "patently unfair" and overturn it. If you're going to get one, shop for language that is unlikely to be broken or overturned. Don't settle for the "downloaded boilerplate" version.

After all, if you are getting a pre-nup you're assuming there will be a breakup and disagreements over property. Go in looking for armor-plate, not boilerplate.

I used to hate lawyers. I've learned better. But the American legal system is not called the "adversarial" system for nothing.

And since you're shopping for a wife as chattel, it would be a good idea to insist on an independent medical inspection. The incidence of STD and antibiotic-resistant diseases in second and third-world countries is enough to have given even the younger me pause.

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