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USPSA Open/Production Nationals


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If you stay out of movement areas I'll generally be fine with downrange cameras.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when I plan out my locations.

Does anyone know if there is a place to check my zero on Friday (or Thursday evening) ?

How about going to the shooting range that is receiving ammo for competitors. You should receive a free one time pass in your shooters bag. See this post link below.


American Shooters

3440 S. Arville Street

Las Vegas, NV 89102

Just North East of match hotel a few block.


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Assuming my writing skills have not gotten to rusty then, perhaps we can get detailed coverage in Front Sight this year.

Maybe just a little....sorry, couldn't resist! :P

I'm planning on taking video of each stage on Friday....walk through and try to record what the competitor will see. I haven't done this at a really big match before, so it's just an idea.

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Paul, I made some changes to the settings on the photo/video gallery. You should be able to register now... here's the direct link: http://womenofuspsa.com/gallery/register.php If you hover your cursor over the @, the link to register should come up now.

Well, unfortunately the cell reception at the range is hit and MISS BIG! I'm going to search around tomorrow with the squads and see if I can find some "hot spots" with better reception. I don't know what I'll be able to accomplish with the webcast (we're in VEGAS?!?! Where's the cell service?) About 100ft off the range the service is great. I can update via twitter and facebook... and if all else fails, I'll upload pictures, video, updates each evening.

I'm sorry everyone. This is the ONE thing that is just out of my control. :(

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Can't complain about something that's free. :)

Thank you. :)

Well, there was a brief moment of reasonable reception today on Stage 11. I'm really sorry everyone. This was just so unexpected.

Also, I'll be staying with Squad 9 for the most part. This is the most difficult range to get around on that I've ever been to. Some of the stages today were probably a half mile apart. In 100 degree weather, with my trailer park wagon full of equipment, it's extra tough to get around (although John Amidon towed me to one stage :D ). The stages we were on today were so far apart I really didn't even see any other competitors/spectators except briefly the Squad 8 on our first stage (Stage 9) and Squad 10 on Stages 10/11.

Squad 9 Internet Superstars: when service is available

Randi Rogers

Jessie Abbate

Athena Lee

Lisa Munson

Doni Spencer

Carrie Jamrogowicz

Julie (Goloski) Golob

Mark Hanish

Tasha Hanish

Maggie Reese

Billy Abbate

BritinUSA took some AMAZING pictures today! Hopefully he will upload them to the womenofuspsa.com gallery ( http://womenofuspsa.com/gallery ) I got about 4 or 5 videos today of the ladies. I'll either upload them later tonight or in the morning. We're on our way out the door.

I have no idea about current standings in the race. Like I mentioned earlier, the fact that we don't see ANYONE makes it really hard to get an idea on scores. John Scoutten has promised that he'll update me with the information he is able to obtain. If I'm able to get a reasonable connection tomorrow, he promised another "special guest appearance" on the webcast to report the standings. If not, I will Twitter them and post here when I can.

Again, I apologize for the lack of information. Hopefully it will get better tomorrow!

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Paul, I made some changes to the settings on the photo/video gallery. You should be able to register now... here's the direct link: http://womenofuspsa.com/gallery/register.php If you hover your cursor over the @, the link to register should come up now.

Well, unfortunately the cell reception at the range is hit and MISS BIG! I'm going to search around tomorrow with the squads and see if I can find some "hot spots" with better reception. I don't know what I'll be able to accomplish with the webcast (we're in VEGAS?!?! Where's the cell service?) About 100ft off the range the service is great. I can update via twitter and facebook... and if all else fails, I'll upload pictures, video, updates each evening.

I'm sorry everyone. This is the ONE thing that is just out of my control. :(

Don't worry about it. You are doing everything you can and more than you have to. We all appreciate your efforts. Whatever you can do is certainly better than what we would have without you, which is NOTHING.

Keep up the great work.

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Sharyn - you are a rockstar!

Paul has some AMAZING photos.

I left the range early today to rest/ice my arm, but will try to get some photos and video tomorrow as well. Just as Sharyn said, it is soooooo hard to get around to see where everyone is. No standings right now other than some snippets:

Ladies Open: Tasha had a HORRIBLE jam on stage 13 and Athena popped a couple of no shoots on the same stage. Other than that though the Open ladies seem to be burning it down on squad 9. Squad 9 follows Rebecca, Megan and Kay but we have only caught up to them once. Of course Eva M., Grace Tan, Yael Dagan and Valerie Lavanza are also in the mix too. I am sure there are several more too that I am just too tired to remember at this point.

Ladies Production, Squad 9 - Jessie is shooting very well - fast and clean. Randi had a bad break with a with a pepper popper (she hit 8 times and it was brutal to watch :( ) No reshoot given. She filed an arbitration and when I left the range they were still deliberating. Carrie and I have a couple misses and no-shoots at this point, but tomorrow is another day.

Men's Race Rumors: I hear Max Michel and Matt Mink are burning it down.

All the best,


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Got to watch some of the live feed today. Stage 11 was fun to watch. It was fun to see some of the shooters talk to the camera, and talk on camera. You gals are doing great. Keep up the good work.


edited for spelling.

Edited by h2osport
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Sharyn, I think we all appreciate your efforts to stream the video live but I think you might be better off filming with a regular video camera, maybe giving it a light edit, and then dumping it to youtube or something. I would have thought that Vegas of all places would have excellent reception, but I see this as an ongoing problem for you if you wish to broadcast USPSA/IPSC events. Unfortunately the ranges for our sport are remote and and so cellular reception will always be sketchy at best.

Quote of the day would have to be: "Oh you've got to f*cking joking" :) When that guy set his camera up in front of you.

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I tried uploading some shots to womenofuspsa gallery. The 1024kb limit was for all pictures (I did not realise that) so I have to resize them so that I can post more. Some shots are coming out very well. The issue is the cluttered background but I think I can blur that up a bit for when I send them to Front Sight. I have been working on the Production article this evening. I got some great shots on Stage 10..... Jessie's run was freakin' awesome.

I am so tired.... Our squad finished on Stage 14, we were there for about 2 hours, the squad ahead had several reshoots and when our turn came, the wind came hard, blowing down walls, poppers, targets and even the shade had to be taken down as it was trying to fly over the berm at one point. I was the 2nd to last shooter on my squad and had to shoot into the sun on the right two targets. I hope to get some photos of this stage tomorrow afternoon.

The RO's worked their butts off to keep the stage running, in an ideal world we would have been allowed to shoot it the next day, everyone was exhausted, there were not enough chairs to go round. It was a long day.

I got to meet a lot of great shooters today, watching the women shoot is an education in itself. I am a little in awe. The top women are spread around multiple squads so I got some shots of many of them going through stage 10 and then went walkabout to find some shots of Israeli National Champion Yael Dagan (a genuinely nice person), I'll try to get some shots of squad 30 in the morning (when I have a break period) and then hopefully squads 9 and 10 on stage 14. Hopefully the wind will stay away as I have a great place to put the camera.

I have not seen any scores posted.

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Sharyn, I think we all appreciate your efforts to stream the video live but I think you might be better off filming with a regular video camera, maybe giving it a light edit, and then dumping it to youtube or something. I would have thought that Vegas of all places would have excellent reception, but I see this as an ongoing problem for you if you wish to broadcast USPSA/IPSC events. Unfortunately the ranges for our sport are remote and and so cellular reception will always be sketchy at best.

Of the (many) ranges I've been to... Bali, Indonesia and Las Vegas, Nevada are the only two I've had problems with. <_<

Quote of the day would have to be: "Oh you've got to f*cking joking" :) When that guy set his camera up in front of you.

*GASP*... that wasn't me! I swear! (seriously though... how rude was that? :roflol: ) The other side of the stage had fantastic viewpoints, but no cell reception... they could've gone there... (according to me :P )

BritinUSA, I checked the setting and that 1024KB limit is per file. We should get together at the hotel for a few minutes and I could help you out. If not, email me the photos you would like to upload and I'll batch add them to the gallery (sniper_le@yahooDOTcom)

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BritinUSA: Yeah some camera guys (video & still) need slapping sometimes. I'm a motoring photojournalist who does video on the side and the stuff I see people in the industry do, makes me shake my head sometimes. There's no need to be that close to the shooter.

Sharyn: Yeah, the number of times I've had people do that to me is beyond belief. I've set up my camera before while working and had people set up directly in front of me (I mean within slapping range) like I'm not even there. One time at Bathurst (which is like the Indy 500 of Australia) I had a guy I was paying to be there do it to me. Well I ripped him a new arsehole in front of a hundred other photographers who were also trying to find the right spot on turn one. The rest of the weekend no other photographer dared step in front of me. Maybe I should do that every year, pay some guy to abuse. :)

You might need to assert yourslef and set up a bit closer. :)

I do appreciate the efforts that you've gone to Sharyn, it's just amazing that Vegas has almost third world reception. It looks like sometimes you might need a plan B.

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How any shooter can concentrate with a camera this close is beyond my capacity to comprehend:


Wow... He was there? Had no clue. Maybe I need someone that close on every stage. :goof: That was my best run so far. I uploaded this last night:


good run, looked good!

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ooooooh, BritinUSA... I'm sorry, I just saw another area that says "space quota 1024kb". Yikes! Until I figure out how to change that, please feel free to email me any photos you want posted and I'll batch upload them. I'm so sorry!

I uploaded two videos to the gallery. Both on Stage 12, one of Jessie Abbate and one of Maggie Reese.

You can also view them here:


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How any shooter can concentrate with a camera this close is beyond my capacity to comprehend:


Wow... He was there? Had no clue. Maybe I need someone that close on every stage. :goof: That was my best run so far. I uploaded this last night:


For a few years I was a freelancesports photographer, and shot tens of thousands of flash shots of high school basketball players. Even at that level, players were often surprised to see the pics later, and couldn't believe that I'd been 3 feet from them shooting a flash at them while they were making their big shot. Focused attention is hard to break!

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How any shooter can concentrate with a camera this close is beyond my capacity to comprehend:


At the IRC I had that guy follow me on 2 stages and I didn't like it however my 13 year didn't mind, even when being double teamed by her mother.

Rachael IRC

Edited by TMC
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philosophical mode on

One of the things I really like about shooting, which is really difficult to explain to non-shooters, is that competitive shooting forces you to look internally and address issues within yourself that impact your life in general. If you're not patient, you must learn. If you're not focused, you must learn. If you can't push yourself, you must learn. I think a lot of people here know what I'm talking about.

I think that I currently have some life lesson that I'm just not learning. This webcast project is bringing back distinct reactions and emotions that I encountered during last year's shooting season.

No matter how prepared you are, no matter how hard you try... there are things that can happen to derail your efforts that you just can't control. I understand that part... it's the feeling of failure that I just can't seem to get over.

philosophical mode off

I don't want to jinx myself and be optomistic about the webcast tomorrow... but the range layout on Stages 1-6 appears to be a bit better. I walked the stages over there today and found a few spots with some cell reception. I'll try again tomorrow.

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We just updated the blog with results from the 2 Ladies Squads. There are several more in contention though so it is by no means telltale:

From Women of USPSA Blog: http://womenofuspsa.com/wp/?p=204


Squad 9:

Doni Spencer – 492.9409

Athena Lee – 477.5723

Lisa Munson – 453.8086

Tasha Hanish – 450.7630

Squad 10:

Megan Francisco – 494.7282

Rebecca Jones – 480.9728

Kay Miculek – 472.5903


Squad 9:

Jessie Abbate – 540.3976

Julie Golob – 497.9300

Randi Rogers – 460.8835

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