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Lugnut's journey


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Interesting weekend. I shot two matches- IDPA yesterday and USPSA today.


Yesterday's match turned out well. I was running a squad of shooters and was pretty busy. I ended up winning ESP Division and HOA. I must say I was surprised as I felt like I dropped a few too many points- it turns out others did as well.

I actually won the first stage which was the stage I designed. It involved 3 targets in the open, two of which were at about 25 yards followed by some partials and full targets from behind a barricade.

Stage 2 involved an array of targets from the left of a barricade, followed by a few more targets from the other side of the barricade. Turns out I got a little lax in my use of cover on the last array of targets and earned a cover PE. I think that was the first of them I got in a long time. Dropped too many points on this one which didn't help on that stage.

Stage 3 started from behind cover. After the buzzer engage 4 targets from the left of the wall... including a swinger than moved in front of a non threat. This was followed by a couple targets from low cover (had a down 3 in the right hand shoulder on my first shot... maybe I wasn't settled before I broke the shot). The stage was completed by a couple target at about 35 yards from prone. I suck at prone and don't practice it much. I didn't like the way my hold was so I took a couple extra shots for good measure. I don't like doing that but I honestly was not confident on those shots. I think I was down 1 on each of the prone targets. I got a stage win there with a rug burn on my elbow as part of the cost for the win.

Stage 4 required shooting from inside a vehicle. It wasn't a very difficult stage but more awkward. I felt I shot quick and my transitions were good but I got a a bunch of hits just outside the down zero on several targets. 6th overall on that stage.

Stage 5 was a skills stage requiring a table start- freesystyle, strong hand and weak hand shooting. I shot it pretty well but a little slow. 4th overall on that stage.

Stage 6 was my last stage of the day. I recall being a little tired and hot. It wasn't a terribly difficult stage but required several shooting positions from cover. I had a miss on my first target(only miss) and a few more down the rest of the stage. I think this one was 8th overall.

What helped in this match was no FTNs or HNTs and decent times. I did have one PE and miss but just a couple down 3s if I recall correctly.


Got a lot of As today and in general felt I was shooting pretty well. For the most part I wasn't overly aggressive except on two stages and that just hurt.

Our first stage (#5) was a field course with the smaller IPSC targets which was pretty cool. I shot it very clean and was pretty deliberate. My only issue was that I didn't get in the exact position I wanted to and as a result I ended up having a tough target to shoot at and avoid a no shoot. I got 2 Cs on that one... I think 3 Cs the entire stage but my time seemed a little slow.

Stage 6 didn't have any difficult shots but it required setting up well between shooting positions between gaps in the walls. I planned my last array with exactly 11 rounds. I tried to avoid a reload because it was in a really awkward position and the targets were close.... there was a close mini popper at the end that I had to make to avoid a static reload. Damn I thought I had a good sight picture on that last shot too.... but I missed and cost me over 2 secs with a reload. Damn that sucked.

Stage 1 involved a lot of poppers- mini and std. This stage required lots of movement with almost all shooting from tight openings in the walls. I know I had some make ups on the smaller poppers but all in all it went well. I think my time was decent.

Stage 2 and 3 was run together- basically a speed drill and a modified classifier type stage that was like Madness. I KNOW I made a bad decision on these two. I was doomed before I shot them. I made a decision to push it on these. Not sure why.. maybe because I figured I had to push it on the "speed" stage. The modified Madness stage was strange as hell. For some reason my eyes were transitioning to the next target quickly... but my gun/sights weren't!!! It was almost as if my mind/eyes were WAY ahead of my gun. Well I was impatient. I managed to pop a No Shoot in a transition to a shoot target. Honestly... I'm surprised I only hit one No Shoot. Weird. My timing was just off and I should never have decided to push for speed on this! The next drill was basically 5 targets at close range... 3 on the left then 2 on the right. Again... I pushed for speed and managed to miss the 3rd target on the left!!! WTF. I disrespected these targets and paid the price. Low round count stages.. not many points to win... but lots to lose with 2 Mikes and a NS.

Stage 4 was better. 3 mini poppers at a good distance from a starting position. 3 mini poppers from the same distance on the other side of the pit, followed by a bunch of paper. I did one for one from the draw on the first 3 mini poppers but after running across the pit to the next box I managed to need a few make up shots on that array of poppers. The rest of the shots were mostly up close and personal. I think I got a lot of As on this one as well.

If I don't do well on this match- it was entirely based on the two speed stages... Mental mistake. I should have known better. I never do well when I make a conscious decision to push it in a match... and the times are never as fast as I would like either! I hope I don't have to keep relearning this....

I am tired and sore tonight for some reason... getting old sucks.

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Got a couple practice sessions in this week.

1st session was all at the plate rack! I wasn't feeling in the mood to set up a bunch of targets and the plates racks were empty so.... My club has two plate racks side by side and no one was there that day so I was doing all kinds of drills. Two on one rack then move to another location and get two on the other rack, etc, etc. It was great. Weather was perfect and breezy. I was in heaven. I never really timed myself on the rack so I didn't really have any baselines. I was clearing the 6 plate rack at 15 yards in the mid to high 5 sec range... this was all or nothing... no make ups allowed. At 5.5s or so, it wasn't too difficult to clear the rack one for one. So I decided not to leave till I broke 5 secs or ran out of ammo. I had already gone through a couple hundred rounds but I had a ton left... just in case. :) I was easily able to get sub 5 sec runs.. but I was getting a miss or two. I'd get 4.80 with a miss on the last plate. Or a miss on the third plate with a 4.5s run. Damn it was hard. I was swearing at my self. At one point I got a 5.11s run but it wasn't good enough. Suffice to say my draw and first shot was getting better. After a couple hundred rounds I managed to get a clean 4.56 run! I was cheering to myself! I think I had another hundred rounds left if I needed it. ;) It felt good. Now I have a baseline. LOL

Today was a little different. For one it was HOT! I just hate the extreme heat. Regardless, a friend and I worked on some basic drills. Draws, transitions, etc. Mostly at 12 yards or so. I felt my shooting was off a bit and I wasn't very smooth, certainly at the beginning. Towards the end I decided to do a 15 yard bill drill (hands at side). My first run was a 2.97s run- all As. I was surprised. My next run was 2.98s with 2 Cs. After that run a got a 2.72s run with 1C. I must say I was baffled. I have been starting many of my practices with this drill per an idea from be. In the past my runs were in the 4 sec range. My last cold run was 4.10s with 2Cs. So I'm left to wonder.... was it just my day for this drill or am I that far off when starting "cold"? I'm puzzled.

I'm really starting to believe in taking a log to the range with me to track certain kinds of drills like this. Plate rack at 15 yards and a 15 yard bill drill are two that I'll incorporate right way... and they are easy to set up.

Oh and I'm a believer of practicing hard at long distances for most of my practices. I sometimes get discouraged when I see a few Cs at this distance but it will just make everything that much easier up close!

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Ran a classifier match last Sunday. The match included 5 classifiers and 1 field course so it was a good time.

My first stage was Can You Count. A couple things came to my mind on this. First and most obvious was I needed to make sure I took the correct amount of shots. Easy right? Well last time I shot this classifier a couple years ago a managed to pop 6 into one of the targets. I'm used to engaging targets with 1, 2, sometimes 3 or 6 shots... not 5! I also realized to shoot this well I needed to somehow remain calm and relaxed.... not the easiest on the first stage. I managed to run my first string relatively fast and smooth at 4.05s... but one C. The 2nd string wasn't as smooth as the adrenaline kicked in. I think my reload was a little off. I managed to get a 4.22s but with another C. 96 points, 8.27s- 69.75% run.

My next stage was Time Two. Apparently my mind hadn't slowed down on this one and after the first run and I was thinking "speed". Not so good. I was awkward coming into the 2nd box and managed to get 2Ds and a Mike on the 2nd array. Ughh. 7.55s- 42.5%

3rd stage- Diamond Cutter. Seems like I see this one in matches all the time. I really needed to stop pushing for speed on this one as you really need to get As to get a good run- and they are tight. I felt too deliberate on this run and got 4A4C at 4.77s- 63.89%.

4th stage was Iron Sides. I felt like I ran this ok, but getting into a good position (and out) was tricky. I didn't want to kneel as it would take too much time. On the other hand if I squatted I wasn't sure how stable I'd be on the shots. I decided to just squat and it worked out ok. 9A3C, 10.89s- 79.73%. I think the HHF might be a little low on this one but I'll take it.

5th stage was Take Your Choice. I specifically wanted to focus on good solid As on this run. Simple stage, not much lean. I didn't want to get too close to the barricade to give myself enough room for a smooth reload. My hits were good- 10A2C, 9.26s- 74.56%.

The field course was fairly straight forward with a mix of targets- wide open and partials with HC/NSs. A few steel as well. The run was good for the most part however on the first array of 3 targets my last hit was a D... I was in too much of a rush to get my reload in before the next array! I missed a mini popper which threw me off and I didn't a final reload I didn't need to do! Overall it was a decent run.

Came in 1st production... although it was a classifier match, I know for the most part I shot the classifiers exactly as I would in a match. I wish I could have shot Times Two again as it was soo bad but shit happens.

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Got in a quick practice today. Wow- something was off and I'm not sure what. I was driving the gun too much or something- my shots were going low and occasionally left. Maybe I was mashing the trigger or something. Couldn't figure it out. My timing felt wrong today. It got worse as the practice went on. So we decided to try a few things for fun... my 30 yard head shots were good. Then we tried doing draws at 7 yards. I was around the one sec range with good hits. But we decided to push hard. I got a .77s A hit but my friend beat me with a .76s draw! I will say that there were some bad ones too to get there but it was fun. There were some runs faster than that but we honestly weren't seeing the sights at those speeds.

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I almost hate writing all this stuff.. but it is a "diary" and it does reflect what is happening....

Local USPSA match didn't go well today shooting Limited Minor. It appears I missed a wide open target today on my first stage... twice! Yeah, I'm actually embarrassed to admit it... but it's reality. I had the first stage jitters but there was no reason this should have happened. The last target of the array. I shot Tight Squeeze right after an got all As for a 71% run. I wasn't pushing at all but I really wanted good hits. After the run I let out a scream. I couldn't understand how I could shoot this stage so clean and the previous one so bad. The RO looked at me and said I wasn't paying attention on the other stage. Glaringly obvious but I can't for the life of me understand how I let that happen. But it really is that simple. I need to dedicate my matches to seeing things better and lose all concerns for speed! I have to figure this out to get to the next level as I think my fundamentals are solid.

The rest of the match was ok- some good, some bad. I felt sluggish- there was lots of movement and it was very hot out. I realize in matches I'm struggling with hits once I get into position from a quick run. Yet another thing to work on but it must be done. Sometimes this journey is painful.. yet it's what keeps me coming back!

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It's been a long time but I finally made A Class is Production!

I honestly feel proud but yet so humble at the same time. I'm pleased that I achieved a major goal already this year (one that I missed last year) but on the other hand I feel like I have so much more to learn and have many more skills I need to acquire and/or develop. I still need to get better at steel... as evidenced by my Steel Challenge performance today. However i still welcome the challenge and work I need to do to overcome any obstacles. Hard work and perseverence can make up for lots of shortcomings and I'll keep at it!

I did have thoughts run through my head today about going back the Glock platform... I will finish the year with the CZ as it would be foolish to change now, however there are some things I love about the CZ and some I don't. Regardless.... the gun is the least of my worries currently.

I've reread more of Lanny Bassham's book and realize I need a better balance of power. dry.gif

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So I'm going to be honest. I know dry fire is important. But I believe in some ways my failure to do more dry firing has led to delays in improving. I don't enjoy gearing up, going downstairs into the garage and dry fire. I don't have much room to practice coming into a position to shoot from a running start. My neighbors wouldn't appreciate me doing this in my backyard either unfortunately. I know I'm making excuses but I'm having a challenge motivating myself to do more. Did I mention I hate heat as well??? Practicing in the heat wave (dry or live fire) is annoying to me. I know this is a negative post but I can't help myself today. biggrin.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last week's USPSA match was a great match. 7 stages which included 2 classifiers, 2 speed shoots and 3 good field courses.

1st stage was a field course with multiple boxes with various arrays of small poppers and plates and paper to be engaged from different positions. The was pretty far away and challenging. There were people that approached 100 secs on that stage. I ran it pretty good, with a few make ups on some of the steel. My time felt slow but I thought it was ok. I ended up winning that stage.

The next stage was a speed shoot with a couple of no shoots. I planned on doing what I could to get a good sight picture on this stage. Unfortunately, even thought I thought I did well- I ended hitting a NS and got that miss. Not so good on a 50 point stage.

3rd stage was Band and Clang. I didn't try to push it, and made sure I would go one for one on the steel. I did that and got all As. Won that stage and got a 74.5%.

4th stage was Fluffy's Revenge 2. I never saw this one before. I thought it would be a fun classifier and again- I knew the trick was to get the steel one for one. I shot that stage with all As and won the stage with a 75.5% classifier.

5th stage was a tricky one. You had 6 targets each with one-six blacks circles representing the dots on a dice. You had to roll a dice and what ever number showed up- that was the one to NOT hit. I hate these kinds of stages because if you roll a simple number on one of the end targets it's an easy shoot. I rolled a 5 which was somewhere in the middle. I was concerned I might mix up that with the six so I hesitated just enough to hurt my time. Didn't do so well on this one.

6th stage was a cool field course. It wasn't terribly difficult but there was a couple ways to run this one. I opted to take an array and an extra target that most didn't shoot so I would have extra if needed on the last section where there was a popper. If I didn't go for that target I'd have only one shot for the last popper. I figured it wouldn't cost me too much extra time at all and gave me some insurance. I got all poppers with one shot and got good hits on the paper and won that stage.

7th stage was our last field course. It was 120 points.. but 40 of them were bonus targets activated by poppers. I made the decision to go for all the bonus targets which I got just fine... but there was an array of poppers that caused me some grief. That cost me a bit of time and placed 4th on that stage. The stage winner left 20 of the bonus points but had a smoking run with one less reloads. Interesting to figure out the HFs and trade offs of going for the bonus targets for sure.

I ended up coming in 1st in a real close match. Very happy to win my first match as an A shooter.

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I had a couple matches this weekend- IDPA match on Saturday and a charity match on Sunday.

IDPA match went well- I came in 1st ESP and 2nd overall. Sunday's charity match was a mix of disciplines that included SC, IDPA, USPSA, Falling steel and PPC stages. It was a great balance of skills- I came in 1st Production and 2nd overall (funny there always seems to be someone else HOA!). Even though it might not have been quite as competitive as a typical match- it was awesome and challenging. I think of the 5 stages my weakest was the falling steel stage... historically it hasn't been one of my strengths so I need to work on this still- although overall I think my confidence with steel is coming along nicely. I did manage to come in 1st in SC, USPSA and PPC.

I feel I've been shooting pretty solid recently which is great considering I have A8 and the NE IDPA Regionals, followed by A7 in September coming up. I'm trying to keep the same focus on local matches as I will on major matches- treating them the same. Really working on the mental part of the game. I hope to get some more practice in this week to work on SHO and WHO and a couple other things. Work always seems to get busy at the wrong times though!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was disappointed at my performance at A8. I had 3 stages that just killed me- but many in the top 20 range. I'm trying to stay positive and focused but I let myself down. Need to regroup for A7. When I can sort things out I'll write down some notes.

Match info.

I had about 6 stages that I felt I performed well on, 3 that were ok and 3 that... well.. they were real bad. I was calm during the match and I even think I broke down each COF the best possible way.

Day 1

Stage 12- Separation of Power

Stage was pretty straight forward. Started on the left and while drawing I engaged the two targets thru the port while moving back after which I'd engage the outer target while leaning. I then ran directly to the middle of the plank and shot the middle arrays of targets static. I finished by running to the right outer target then finished the two thru the port. Good run.

Stage 1 - 1 The Third Option

This stage required a start with an empty gun with all magazines to be used on the top of barrels. I decided to grab a mag from the middle barrel and initiate the reload on the way to the left array- while staying close to the left barrel. I then engaged the 3 targets on the left. I had a slight glitch as I must have not reset my trigger on my last target shot... and I had already grabbed a mag from the left barrel. That surprised me and there was a delay finishing that array. I then reloaded, finished the middle array, grabbed another mag from the middle barrel and reloaded on the way to the right array. Good hits and not a bad run.

Stage 2 - 2 Athena Project

Skill drill at about 18 yards. 6 targets- 2 full, 2 partial HC, 2 partial HC/No shoots. 2 strings- 1st string was 1 shot each strong hand, reload, then 1 shot each strong hand only. Next string was the same but finished with weak hand instead of strong hand. I felt pretty good about this before I shot it even though it seemed far away. Draws and reloads were fine. On the weak hand string I could not get the gun to stop shaking! I distinctively remember being surprised and I wasn't nervous but I couldn't hold the sight picture!! I managed to get a lot of mikes and a no shoot. Not a good stage at all... very bad. I was disappointed but moved on.

Stage 3 - 3 Lions Of Lucerne

Only memory stage of the match. I didn't have a good plan when I was walking thru this and it seemed like everyone was going to do it differently. It took me a few minutes just to find out where all the targets were! Thankfully about a minute before the 5 min walk thru ran out... it just came to me! It turned out to be a great plan and there were several shooters a head of me so I had plenty of time to rehearse the stage. I shot it well with only a handful of C's. My foot work was a little off for the final array which cost me about a sec. All in all a good stage for me. It felt good especially after following the previous stage!

Stage 4 - 4A Rapp's Response

A fast stage. I figured 4 & 5 both would have high HFs. They also had the smaller international targets. On this one I drew the gun immediately and then engaged the left array & targets thru the port, reloaded, engaged the middle targets, reloaded, then engaged the outer targets on the right and finished with the array thru the port. Good hits, good run.

Stage 5 - 4B Harvath's Way

Similar stage but the start position was inverted so to speak. On buzzer I immediately went to the left array & port and when finished took the right target thru the middle starting port. Reloaded, engage outer targets on the right then the right port and lastly the left target in the middle starting port. Unfortunately I missed a shot on one of the targets in the middle port. If I didn't have a mike it would have been a good run. Day 1- finished.

Day 2

Stage 6 - 5 Extreme Measures

Field course with a fair amount of movement, distances weren't bad at all but there were a bunch of walls, barrels and ports. My first two targets should have been taken on the move but I somehow went in too deep and got caught flat footed. I felt a little choppy on my 1st run but it was a good plan. I managed to hit a barrel which yielded me a Mike on one target. I didn't even see the barrel hit. If it wasn't for the Mike and my bad foot work it would have been a good run.

Stage 7 - 6A Rainbow Six

Simple stage with 6 steel at about 18 yards (3 mini, 3 pepper). I engaged all steel from the right side of the barricade. The lean wasn't bad. I went one for one on the poppers but the last mini on the left wobbled and I thought I got it good but it was an edge hit. I paused and reshot the popper to knock it over. The delay hurt me a bit as it was a short stage. I guess my delay was about a sec. :(

Stage 8 - 6B Red Rabbit

6 targets of varying heights from a barricade at about 18 yards. I engaged 3 from the right side, reloaded, last 3 from the left. I recall being very deliberate with my hits. 4C, 1D. Good run.

Stage 9 - 7 Blowback

This was my best stage. It involved lots of movement and mostly reasonably close targets. My reloads seemed smooth and well timed. Only glitch was going into my last position my foot jumped over the fault line as I was pushing out to shoot. This cost me less than a sec. All good hits.

Stage 10 - 8 Teeth Of The Tiger

Unbelievable. The prior stage was mybest... this turned out to be the worst! I was the first shooter for this stage and maybe I felt this was a stage I could just push speed as my prior stage went so well. In retrospect this was a bad thing to think of. The stage was comprised of a bunch of walls, each opening had two paper target at close distances. I choose to start by going to the left. I think this was the best way to run the stage.

Stage 11 - 9 Takedown

Last stage of the match. Started with 4 poppers and 1 paper at about 25 yards. Two mini and two pepper. I was confident I could hit the steel one for one but I didn't. I had several make ups on the minis. This caused me to do an extra reload but I finished the stage pretty well... unfortunately I hadn't realized a hit on one of the large poppers was low and I didn't knock down the steel! OMG I didn't I see that!!

Overall the match was fun but I had shot 3 stages really poorly. I had only 5 deltas for the entire match... but way too many Mikes!! Ughh.

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This prior week was a long one setting up for our Northeast IDPA Regional match. Staff shot Friday and we ran our guests on Saturday and Sunday. I managed to pull off a Division win in ESP which was one of my goals this year. Ironically it was a little bitter sweet as last year's champion didn't make it and there were a couple of other Masters that didn't make the match. I was pleased at a few things though and I was 4th overall- and there were some strong SSP shooters.

I'm kinda tired to replay all the stages back here but suffice to say I avoided a potential mess. At my own stage (2nd stage I shot) I had a miss, hit on a non threat and a bunch of points down- I jerked the gun on my first shot which plugged a non-threat and didn't see it. I don't design stages that fit my skills, instead set up up challenging stages for me. I guess I over did it... lol. No, I just had a glitch. I was able to keep my head together and finish with just one PE the rest of the match- I dropped a mag that fell out of my pocket from a tac reload! I didn't feel super fast at all but I was mostly pretty clean after my 2nd stage. The rest of the match felt pretty good although it was a long, hot and humid day for sure. I had a blast with my crew this weekend. Got to see some friends I haven't seen in a long time.

I saw a lot of shooters get frustrated on a bad stage. I really tried to help them understand that it's a long match and it's very possible that their competitors were struggling at some point as well. I hate to see people just throw in the towel. I think some took my advice.

Now it's all USPSA for the rest of the year for the most part with A7 in a few weeks.

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Snuck in one good practice this week which included a lot of movement into positions with a lot of partial targets. So I was feeling good being ready for today's local match.... well it didn't turn out so well.

I was really disrespecting some close targets today and I managed to get several Mikes. I swear in my mind I'm shooting them and moving on to the next targets... but I'm not finishing up on them and leaving some with only one hole. I'm trying to stay positive but I was really agitated today. The misses I got today were on wide open targets less than 10 yards away and some much less. There is NO reason I should be missing these. Damn- I was getting great hits on the tougher further targets and partials, but no... not the WIDE open targets at close distances. It's clearly a mental thing that I still need to drill into my head but I'm not sure how. I keep telling myself to see the sights and get the As but clearly my mind is not patient enough and it's hurting. I got to think about this long and hard as Area 7 is just two weeks away.... the roller coaster ride continues....

On a bright note I got a 76% on El Pres without trying to push it and with a crappy reload. This is my 4th mid seventy classifier in a row so at least I'm shooting them in solid A zones. I had some other moments of decent shooting and I'll try to remember them the most. Like my last stage of the day where I got just a couple C's and the rest As. It started with 2- 25 yd poppers that activated drop turners at the same distance... I managed to get 2A and AC on the drop turners so I felt good about that... so I KNOW I am capable of shooting well.... if I used my sights!

At this point I'm seriously giving thought to trying to get the most As in Production at Area 7... the hell with times.

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Some cool quotes I've just read... love these.

They succeed, because they think they can.


I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.

Michael Jordan

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

Winston Churchill

Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.

Victor Kiam

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.

Robert H. Schuller

When you fail you learn from the mistakes you made and it motivates you to work even harder.

Natalie Gulbis

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.

Henry David Thoreau

Source: http://www.brainyquote.com/

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Took a 2 day class with Manny Bragg. He's great person and teacher. I still have to sort through the notes from the class but I have at least two big things that I'm going to work on in the short term (and long term for that matter). The class was a lot of fun aside from the torrential down pours that prevented us from doing more during the 2nd day. Oh well.

THe biggies are: Trigger prep and using two eyes... and of course- working to call my shots better.

I need to come off the trigger quicker and get the trigger prepped while transitioning to the next shot. I think this one thing alone will help considerably with my performance... along with shot calling. I was shooting steel much faster than I thought I could once I started prepping the trigger right after the shot broke! I think I have a better understanding of drills I can work on as well.

It's a damn shame that after Area 7 USPSA pretty much dies down locally. I may be doing some traveling coming up. rolleyes.gif

Already working on my 2013 goals!

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Area 7 is behind me. Some goals have been met for the year some not. Time to come up with a plan for the upcoming year.

I expect to train differently, hit more Area matches and work smarter. As much as I'm tempted to try Open it's not what I want to do yet. Stubborn, committed or stupid I don't know.

Focus will be on fundamentals like shot calling, consistent and smooth trigger prep, and better grip. I'll start there for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Local match today... amazing fall like weather.

Good first. I had lots of As and did well on steel... and got all close targets! Plenty of respect!

Bad part. I was helping scoring and somehow put a couple of partially loaded mags ON MY BELT!!! I was running the stage and it started good... till I pulled a mag that I KNEW was too light. Oh shot... I had no idea how many were in it. I was paranoid as I wasn't sure how many partials were on my belt. Quickly my subconscious shooting turned to conscious shooting... I was wondering when I might go dry after EACH shot. Oh man was I pissed. I have never done that before.... and it won't happen again. I got all good hits (amazingly) but lost a lot of time.

Did ok considering some other issues I had too..... like weak hand shooting on classifiers!! blink.gif

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  • 5 weeks later...

Wow... time just passed by so quick. Haven't do too much this last month at all with shooting. Catching up on other stuff. However I'm running my local IDPA match this weekend. I'm shooting my SSR gun... but I haven't practiced with it in over 6 months. Oops. LOL It will be fun nonetheless!

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My match went well this past weekend. It turned out to be a great match and ran smooth so I was happy with that. Even though I was MD for this match, I don't think it took anything away from my shooting. I shot the 686 well with very few points down, after not shooting this gun for most of the year- it just seems to come back quickly for me.... except for the reloads. I did some reload dry fire the night before the match but it wasn't enough. I earned two PEs because I stepped out of cover before the cylinder was closed... I had couple rounds hanging out of the cylinder so I couldn't close it before my feet started to do their thing. I found myself shooting some targets and thinking to myself to speed it up.... but overall I was very pleased with my performance. Worst shot was one down 3 which I called.... everything else was down zero or "good" down ones. rolleyes.gif

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I'm getting worried. I'm not shooting much and am really enjoying the time off I think. A big part of it is the cold weather and the fact that their aren't many local USPSA matches around and the season is winding down locally. At least I hope this is it. Tomorrow is a local falling steel match and an hour and a half drive to a USPSA match... I may bag it and do stuff around the house. I think something is happening to me. Oh and I keep thinking of shooting my 686 instead of my CZ. No I'm not drinking now either.

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Went to our club's IDPA match today- was CSO and we had a good crowd so it was a long day. But on the bright side we had pretty darn good weather for this time of year!

My shooting felt great. I was using the CZ today. I had a stage win on my first stage of the day. I was shooting accurately but there weren't many tough shots in this match anyway. I didn't feel blazing fast but I was respecting targets. On the indoor stage where I usually do well I wasn't pointing the flashlight towards the targets good and smoke distracted me. It was an interesting array of targets which required one shot each. Somewhere along the way I missed a target and that cost me big time in penalties and points. I can chalk that up to being not prepared for the stage for if I was it wouldn't have happened. We had a prone stage with some steel that went real well and my transitions felt good. Still managed to come in 3rd overall.

Sad part is there just aren't many matches coming up that aren't indoor... so I'll just be doing drills in the cold all winter long... along with some dry fire I hope. When I get the ambition that is. :)

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