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Road rage can kill you...

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Neighbors get upset at jerks who SPEED down neighborhood streets, endangering all and sundry. This happens all the time. But when the said jerks have the gall to threaten (or harm) the complainant, well, then we have very dangerous situations.

Well, we just this week had a 'situation': A 59-yr-old guy who'd repeatedly had asked a 28-yr-old jerk to stop speeding up an' down the street (there were children there, etc.) and it ended badly--right outa the blue, the young asshat SHOT DEAD (shotgun) the innocent 59-yr-old right there in front of the older guy's home! The jerk was caught immediately (lived just down the street, the idiot) and is currently lodged in our Sheriff's Bed-n-Breakfast awaiting trial for murder-one.

Kinda gives you pause for thought about openly confronting obviously irrational offenders.

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Wow. Why even have the trial? Save the taxpayers a few million and put a 20 cent bullet in his brain. Do that a few times and road rage incidents would go way down. This could also apply to drunk drivers that kill people, etc, etc.

Neighbors get upset at jerks who SPEED down neighborhood streets, endangering all and sundry. This happens all the time. But when the said jerks have the gall to threaten (or harm) the complainant, well, then we have very dangerous situations.

Well, we just this week had a 'situation': A 59-yr-old guy who'd repeatedly had asked a 28-yr-old jerk to stop speeding up an' down the street (there were children there, etc.) and it ended badly--right outa the blue, the young asshat SHOT DEAD (shotgun) the innocent 59-yr-old right there in front of the older guy's home! The jerk was caught immediately (lived just down the street, the idiot) and is currently lodged in our Sheriff's Bed-n-Breakfast awaiting trial for murder-one.

Kinda gives you pause for thought about openly confronting obviously irrational offenders.

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I was chased by a guy when HE made a mistake in traffic one morning. Lucky for me I can drive, and knew where the local area cop liked to write out his reports in the early AM. We went by like a bat out of hell, and Mr Sherriff, got in behind, where I immediately pulled over. The jerk did not. His priors, and the drugs in his posession were enough to send him back to the joint for a VERY long time. It took me a long time to get over the rush. I was shaking for at least 25 minutes. I was not charged with speeding. The guy did have a gun too, though he did not brandish it, it was another of his parole violations.

NONE OF US OWN THE ROAD! I wish some people could figure that out.

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I doubt that the trial will take very long at all. :lol:

In another time and/or another setting, the matter would've been expedited and settled to everyone's satisfaction in short order--no muss, no fuss. :devil:

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I was chased by a guy when HE made a mistake in traffic one morning. Lucky for me I can drive, and knew where the local area cop liked to write out his reports in the early AM. We went by like a bat out of hell, and Mr Sherriff, got in behind, where I immediately pulled over. The jerk did not. His priors, and the drugs in his posession were enough to send him back to the joint for a VERY long time. It took me a long time to get over the rush. I was shaking for at least 25 minutes. I was not charged with speeding. The guy did have a gun too, though he did not brandish it, it was another of his parole violations.

NONE OF US OWN THE ROAD! I wish some people could figure that out.

Probably the smartest thing any of us can do. Depending on the nerves...the shaking thing sucks.

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Wow. Why even have the trial? Save the taxpayers a few million and put a 20 cent bullet in his brain. Do that a few times and road rage incidents would go way down. This could also apply to drunk drivers that kill people, etc, etc.

A ball peen hammer would save that $.20.

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some one needs to tie a rope to his leg and drag him down the street. Sorry stories like this just gets me p.o. My father is 59yrs old, makes me think if this situation happend to my family. Just think if he had done this in the 1800's, there would be no trial, just a rope and a tree.

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I had one guy follow me through several turns after I had the audacity to signal and change into a lane that he was counting on getting into as he sped past 20 cars before 3 lanes merged into 2. I guess he figured since he was in a big pickup, and I was in a little japanese sports car, I must be someone he could intimidate.

I led him to a big open parking lot near a home depot, and stepped out of the car. I wasn't wearing my cover garment at the time (laying on the passenger seat). He looked very huffy and puffy as he got out of the car....saw the badge...saw the gun....then waved his hands at me like "ahh, forget you", and got back in his car and peeled off.

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I had one guy follow me through several turns after I had the audacity to signal and change into a lane that he was counting on getting into as he sped past 20 cars before 3 lanes merged into 2. I guess he figured since he was in a big pickup, and I was in a little japanese sports car, I must be someone he could intimidate.

I led him to a big open parking lot near a home depot, and stepped out of the car. I wasn't wearing my cover garment at the time (laying on the passenger seat). He looked very huffy and puffy as he got out of the car....saw the badge...saw the gun....then waved his hands at me like "ahh, forget you", and got back in his car and peeled off.

Yep, I've had some stupid people do similar things and it always amazes me. You really don't know who you're messing with out there. Some very bad people won't think twice about hurting/killing you.

I recall one crazy woman almost rear ending me after she came flying around a corner doing probably 50 in a 25...I was rolling along at 25-30. A quarter mile up the road I stopped at a red light and she pulled up along side me, one lane over, rolled down her window and started screaming at me. I don't remember, but I might have flipped her off at that point :P She then got out of her car, opened the trunk and grabbed a tire iron! Needless to say she didn't like the view when she got near my car and could see what was in my hands so she got back in her car and left in a bit of a rush :devil:

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Great post. I live on a fun road for motorcycles... windy, hilly country road. I was in my front lawn when I heard a bunch of motorcycles blazing towards me... it was a group of kids that had sped by before. I gestured with my hands to slow down as they approached my house. As the first bike came close he rev'd the bike and did a wheelie right in front of me... I was enraged and kind of ran into the group of bikes as if I was going to knock them off or something. I didn't even realize what I did until the last kid in the group skidded to a stop just beyond me. I was thinking to myself "Oh Shit... now what"? He left. My neighbor called the police and the caught the kids in the center of town. The police gave them a lashing but no pickets.

I felt stupid doing what I did but worse than that... they knew where I lived and I didn't know who they were. I was concerned for a while after that that they may come back to "do something"....

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I hear you Siggy. I have dealt with more than my share of these guys over the years and have come to the conclusion prisons are full of idiots not worth the pain and money they cost us all. Glad to be out of it.

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I had a guy honk his horn at me this morning. I looked back to see if it was someone behind me but it turned out to be a guy in the next lane over to my left. We had at least 6-7' between us and I honestly didn't understand the you just kicked my dog/had sex with my wife look he was giving me. We were stopped at a light and apparently, he was pissed that I was too close to the line and his car.

Long story short, I politely point out that he's closer line than I am and he actually steps out of his car, and confirms this and says 'well F U anyway.' I saw that he wasn't carrying so I smiled and said 'get help.' Some people are just plain angry.

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I had a guy honk his horn at me this morning. I looked back to see if it was someone behind me but it turned out to be a guy in the next lane over to my left. We had at least 6-7' between us and I honestly didn't understand the you just kicked my dog/had sex with my wife look he was giving me. We were stopped at a light and apparently, he was pissed that I was too close to the line and his car.

Long story short, I politely point out that he's closer line than I am and he actually steps out of his car, and confirms this and says 'well F U anyway.' I saw that he wasn't carrying so I smiled and said 'get help.' Some people are just plain angry.

Saying "get help" to one of these numskulls might get them more angry. I've dealt with a lot of inmates who would go off and try to hurt someone. You may of felt better saying it, but he could of started to kick your car and/or try to assault you. I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but that's the way it is with a lot of angry people. Yes they are stupid and that's why they are dangerous.

Edited by Gary1911A1
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