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Trijicon TR24-3G 1-4X, need info from those who have one.

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Looking to put one of these (German #4 cross hair with green dot) on my 20" 3gun rifle. My 16" rifle now wears my Meopta and is my 300 yrd and in gun. For matches beyond 300 I want to dial my elevation. I've tried holding over with both the Meopta and the Burris XTR and don't like it. I want to dial and hold on the plate beyond 300. I think the TR24 may be what I want as long as the elevation knob is easy to use/grab and the scope will reliably return to zero. My other choice is a NF 1-4X24, but I really want a daytime ill. reticle. Can't swing the Swarovski 1-6X.

For those who have the TR24, have you tried dialing your dope/elevation at longer ranges? Can someone please post a pic of the elevation knob with cap off. Does the scope return to zero when dialing dope?

I know these are hard to find. Anyone know of a shop that has them in stock?



Edited by Nick Weidhaas
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Looking to put one of these (German #4 cross hair with green dot) on my 20" 3gun rifle. My 16" rifle now wears my Meopta and is my 300 yrd and in gun. For matches beyond 300 I want to dial my elevation. I've tried holding over with both the Meopta and the Burris XTR and don't like it. I want to dial and hold on the plate beyond 300. I think the TR24 may be what I want as long as the elevation knob is easy to use/grab and the scope will reliably return to zero. My other choice is a NF 1-4X24, but I really want a daytime ill. reticle. Can't swing the Swarovski 1-6X.

For those who have the TR24, have you tried dialing your dope/elevation at longer ranges? Can someone please post a pic of the elevation knob with cap off. Does the scope return to zero when dialing dope?

I know these are hard to find. Anyone know of a shop that has them in stock?



IMO if you want to dial in the TR24 is not the ticket. NF you mention would be a good choice especially since you can get the zero stop. If you can not swing the Swarovski 1-6x, you should look at the same scope in a Kahles. Have you looked at Vadata/IOR?

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I have used the TR24 on a friends rifle so sorry I do not have pics. I currently have the Z6i on my guns. If I were not running the Z6i I would run the TR24 with Amber dot and German reticle. The green dot washes out too much in sunlight. He originally got the green and we found it to be useless. The dial is large and easy to see and use and is very repeatable back to zero. The knob is a huge improvement over the TR21 knob. I use my Z6i the same way. I have a 200 yard zero. Hold over for 300 and dial anything above that. It is the best way I have found to shoot long range.

The Nightforce turrets are no better for dialing in my opinion than the TR24. And you lose daytime illumination. Nice glass but still not the perfect 3 gun scope.

I wish the turrets on my Z6i were like the ones on the TR24.

Oh....and most everyone has them in stock now. If not there are local shops around here that have them.

Edited by 00bullitt
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I recently bought a TR24 with the red triangle post reticle. I can't now, but will try to get a turret pic for you soon. I find the turrets easy to use but feel they share a similar characteristic with many turrets in that the reference marks and numbers could be larger for easier at a glance visibility. At this point, I have not dialed long range elevation into the scope, but have repeatedly dialed between a 100 yd and 300 yard zero. I have found the POI to return exactly in every instance. As such, I would not anticipate, and certainly hope, there is no POI shift when dialing elevation out to 400 or 500 yards as well. Won't know that until I can get to our longer range facility. Fingers crossed. I have found nothing to dislike about the scope at this point.

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Charles, 00, thanks for the info. I'll give the TR24-3 a try. 00, I'm surprised about the green dot washing out, but I'll take your word for it. Best, Nick.

I think the problem with the green dot on the German reticle is its size. It is way too small for my old eyes and probably why it washes out so easily. I have the TR24G with the Green Triangle Post and there is nothing short of a Solar Event that will wash that out.


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I do believe that the 1moa size of the green dot has alot to do with it washing out. The amber gathers much more light for its size. A red dot would be ideal but its not offered that way unless you get the triangle.

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Looking to put one of these (German #4 cross hair with green dot) on my 20" 3gun rifle. My 16" rifle now wears my Meopta and is my 300 yrd and in gun. For matches beyond 300 I want to dial my elevation. I've tried holding over with both the Meopta and the Burris XTR and don't like it. I want to dial and hold on the plate beyond 300. I think the TR24 may be what I want as long as the elevation knob is easy to use/grab and the scope will reliably return to zero. My other choice is a NF 1-4X24, but I really want a daytime ill. reticle. Can't swing the Swarovski 1-6X.

For those who have the TR24, have you tried dialing your dope/elevation at longer ranges? Can someone please post a pic of the elevation knob with cap off. Does the scope return to zero when dialing dope?

I know these are hard to find. Anyone know of a shop that has them in stock?



The German #4 is not good for 3 gun. I'm not sure what it's for. The TR24 with red triangle post is kind of like a variable ACOG-you zero it and use the triangle for your holds-you can fade the red so you can see through. It's not really dialable-the turrets are just covers-you take them off to zero and put them back on to shoot. If you push down on the dials-they can be reset to be numerically zeroed. I suppose you could get some dope from that point if you really wanted, but it would take so much time to set it in a match-you would lose a lot of time. The big advantage with this scope is the ability to use 1x on really close fast stuff, run up a hill while dialing the scope up to 4x and hitting your long range targets as fast as you can see them. You can keep both eyes open throughout. Not in stock anywhere I know-maybe some shops somebody knows. If you want one this year, pay Trijicon now and wait for it. It is the schizz.

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I have used the TR24 on a friends rifle so sorry I do not have pics. I currently have the Z6i on my guns. If I were not running the Z6i I would run the TR24 with Amber dot and German reticle. The green dot washes out too much in sunlight.

I run a TR24 with the amber dot, and like it much better then the Meopta K dot. While the K dot did have a wider FOV, the TR24 is lighter and a bit more compact. Also, I like the way the turrets are set up as opposed to those of the K dot. That said, if I had the money I would get the Z6i without question.

I will disagree with jadeslade about the no.4 not being good for 3 gun, I think it is very good for 3 gun. The german no.4 ret has been used quite a bit for shooting DG under fast and furious conditions. I personally find it better for the longer shots then the bigger Post/Triangle option. I suppose this will vary with from shooter to shooter however.

Edited by cold
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I'll have to disagree.....the German #4 with 1moa dot works better for me than the triangle in 3 gun. Its not ideal but I prefer it over the triangle. And I dial my dope on targets over 300 yards in the middle of a stage. If I go into a long range stage with targets over 300....I remove the turret cap so that I can dial up if need be. I have had no issues with the turrets on the TR24. The marks could be more visible but its not hard to improvise and make a tape that wraps around it with your dope marked on it.

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You guys are right-the German is a good reticle-I just like to keep both eyes open. It is personal preference. Are you guys actually seeing the dots(on the Germans) during the day? Because of the fiberoptic-or is it just showing on a dark background?

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You guys are right-the German is a good reticle-I just like to keep both eyes open. It is personal preference. Are you guys actually seeing the dots(on the Germans) during the day? Because of the fiberoptic-or is it just showing on a dark background?

I shoot the TR24 with amber no.4 ret with both eyes open without issue. I see the dot during the day regardless of background, at least so far.

This is the first match I used the TR24 at over the K-Dot (2009 KY state 3 gun championship)


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The illumintated dot is what makes it good. The actual crosshair itself sucks but I make the choice based on the dot. The dot is very visible in daylight as long as its not green. red would be ideal but is not available in the German #4.

I prefer a dot and a stadia tree like the TA11 ACOG but that technology is not a possibility according to Trijicon. The reticle would be much nicer with thinner crosshairs but it is what it is and I prefer the German#4 and dot over the triangle. Its all in how you use it and what you make work for you.

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Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the input. I found a TR24-3 (amber dot) to try at a good price. Should be in next week. Someday, hope to be able to get a Swarovski, but at a third the cost, I'll give the TR24 a try first. I too think the dot is the way to go for precision shots. I like the triangle, but would rather put a dot on the plate. According to the guy at Trijicon the dot is 1.9moa at 4X. The dot in a Meopta is 2moa at 4X. I thought the TR24 dot was smaller, but this is what he said.

Regarding dialing dope over holding over, it is a personal choice. I've always held over, but wished I could dial. I too thought dialing would be slow, but at Benning last years I talked to several shooters who dialed their dope beyond 300 yards and were some of the fastest on the LR rifle stage. I got all the targets using a Burris XTR with the hold over stadia lines, but I didn't like it. I really like a day time ill. dot as well. I'll let you know how it works out. Thanks, Nick-

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Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the input. I found a TR24-3 (amber dot) to try at a good price. Should be in next week. Someday, hope to be able to get a Swarovski, but at a third the cost, I'll give the TR24 a try first. I too think the dot is the way to go for precision shots. I like the triangle, but would rather put a dot on the plate. According to the guy at Trijicon the dot is 1.9moa at 4X. The dot in a Meopta is 2moa at 4X. I thought the TR24 dot was smaller, but this is what he said.

Regarding dialing dope over holding over, it is a personal choice. I've always held over, but wished I could dial. I too thought dialing would be slow, but at Benning last years I talked to several shooters who dialed their dope beyond 300 yards and were some of the fastest on the LR rifle stage. I got all the targets using a Burris XTR with the hold over stadia lines, but I didn't like it. I really like a day time ill. dot as well. I'll let you know how it works out. Thanks, Nick-

Nick one reason you are seeing a different dot size is glass quality and how the dot is powered. We have all seen "bloom" in a battery powered dot. One reason I love my DR Spector is because the dot is so crisp and well defined. I also believe it is more difficult to place a crisp dot in a variable power scope than a fixed power scope but Swarski has done it if you wnat to pay the price.

You are not seeing things. At least to my eyes, the dot in the TR24 is much more crisp than the Meopta.

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I love my DR Spector is because the dot is so crisp and well defined.

You are not seeing things. At least to my eyes, the dot in the TR24 is much more crisp than the Meopta.


-where did you get the Elcan? That sounds a great 3Gun scope. I think Trijicon has the best glass in the business-they have mastered the sharp clear non-distorting glass at a reasonable price.

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Just an update for those interested....my buddy bought a Swarovski V6i before my TR24 came in. I made the mistake of looking through this scope. WOW. What a great piece of glass. Super clear glass, crisp 1.5moa dot (he got the 4i reticle which is the cross hair with ill center dot), dot was nice and bright even in bright sun, easy to adjust dot brightness, easy to turn magnification ring, large FOV, 1X and 6X rocks.....only down side was the elevation turret as there are no numbers. The elevation is 1/2moa which will mean less clicks for distance. There is an triangle on the elevation turret that you could line up with a mark you make below the turret for different distances if you didn't want to count clicks.

Today I got in my TR24. Was not happy. The only thing I liked was the elevation turret that would make dialing dope a breeze. Didn't like the reticle. I thought the cross hair was too thick and I didn't care for the dot. It was bright enough (amber), but it wasn't nice and crisp like my Meopta or the Swarovski dot. Playing with the amount of fiber that is covered helped a little, but overall I didn't care for it. Sending it back. Bummer.......

Edited by Nick Weidhaas
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No doubt, scope selection for 3 gun is a personal and subjective thing. No one yet makes the "perfect" scope for that game. Have you tried the triangle post reticle? I didn't like the crosshair/dot for the reasons you mention but really like my triangle post unit.

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No doubt, scope selection for 3 gun is a personal and subjective thing. No one yet makes the "perfect" scope for that game. Have you tried the triangle post reticle? I didn't like the crosshair/dot for the reasons you mention but really like my triangle post unit.


I also like the triangle post, Red. I use the very precise tip of the triangle for zero sight in and distance work. Use the triangle like a dot sight up close. For example, head shots, with the dot (triangle centered in the head) put the rounds just about dead center, compensating automatically for the lower impact up close. The only issue I can see with the TR24 has to do with those shooters that have a problem with parallax. The ocular creates a very heavy outline of the scope compared to the Meopta or Swarovski. For long distance shooting, it is a bit more challenging to center your eye perfectly behind the TR24. Those that have no issues with parallax wont have issue with this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I shoot the Green German reticle and I love it.

Shot the R and R match this year with it and had absolutely no problems seeing the crosshairs all day long, short and long range.

I can shoot this scope with both eyes open (even though they say it does not have the BAC, I can still shoot fast and accurately with it - both eyes open).

I looked at a lot of glass before switching (including my previous red triangle accu-point), and this is, IMHO, the best scope for 3 gun. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

I never missed a single shot with my rifle this match, long range and all out to 360.

I did not dial elevation, just a 200 yard zero, got me where I need to be through the ranges I shoot.

Just my .02, take it or leave it.

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No doubt, scope selection for 3 gun is a personal and subjective thing. No one yet makes the "perfect" scope for that game. Have you tried the triangle post reticle? I didn't like the crosshair/dot for the reasons you mention but really like my triangle post unit.


I also like the triangle post, Red. I use the very precise tip of the triangle for zero sight in and distance work. Use the triangle like a dot sight up close. For example, head shots, with the dot (triangle centered in the head) put the rounds just about dead center, compensating automatically for the lower impact up close. The only issue I can see with the TR24 has to do with those shooters that have a problem with parallax. The ocular creates a very heavy outline of the scope compared to the Meopta or Swarovski. For long distance shooting, it is a bit more challenging to center your eye perfectly behind the TR24. Those that have no issues with parallax wont have issue with this.

Not sure I understand that. Parallax is a problem with the scope, not with the shooter. My TR21 (amber triangle) had a parallax problem which the factory corrected when I sent it back. On most scopes, the parallax should be set by the factory to zero at 100 yards. With a good scope, the shooter should be able to still shoot accurately if their eye isn't precisely behind the center of the scope. If your reticle appears to move on the target as you move your eye around, with the rifle totally supported without you touching it at all, you have a parallax problem that needs to be fixed by the factory.

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I shoot the Green German reticle and I love it.

Shot the R and R match this year with it and had absolutely no problems seeing the crosshairs all day long, short and long range.

I can shoot this scope with both eyes open (even though they say it does not have the BAC, I can still shoot fast and accurately with it - both eyes open).

I looked at a lot of glass before switching (including my previous red triangle accu-point), and this is, IMHO, the best scope for 3 gun. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

I never missed a single shot with my rifle this match, long range and all out to 360.

I did not dial elevation, just a 200 yard zero, got me where I need to be through the ranges I shoot.

Just my .02, take it or leave it.

I shot the first 2 R&Rs, but wasn't able to make the one this year. I'm jealous!

I've never been able to figure out this BAC thing. I've always (since a teenager - MANY years ago) shot with both eyes open, no matter how powerful the scope or what reticle. But I have a pretty dominant right eye. Guess it's just how I trained myself after reading Jack O'Connor in my misspent youth! :rolleyes:

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No doubt, scope selection for 3 gun is a personal and subjective thing. No one yet makes the "perfect" scope for that game. Have you tried the triangle post reticle? I didn't like the crosshair/dot for the reasons you mention but really like my triangle post unit.


I also like the triangle post, Red. I use the very precise tip of the triangle for zero sight in and distance work. Use the triangle like a dot sight up close. For example, head shots, with the dot (triangle centered in the head) put the rounds just about dead center, compensating automatically for the lower impact up close. The only issue I can see with the TR24 has to do with those shooters that have a problem with parallax. The ocular creates a very heavy outline of the scope compared to the Meopta or Swarovski. For long distance shooting, it is a bit more challenging to center your eye perfectly behind the TR24. Those that have no issues with parallax wont have issue with this.

Not sure I understand that. Parallax is a problem with the scope, not with the shooter. My TR21 (amber triangle) had a parallax problem which the factory corrected when I sent it back. On most scopes, the parallax should be set by the factory to zero at 100 yards. With a good scope, the shooter should be able to still shoot accurately if their eye isn't precisely behind the center of the scope. If your reticle appears to move on the target as you move your eye around, with the rifle totally supported without you touching it at all, you have a parallax problem that needs to be fixed by the factory.

We are talking about two differant but related things. You are refering to a manufacturing defect of a fixed parallax scope that was supposed to be parallax free at 100 yds but was not. I am refering to the fact that at farther distances, say 400 yds that with a fixed parallax scope, you must have perfect alignment with your eye thru the scope or parallax can cause you to miss. With the Trijicon's very heavy occular outline it is more difficult to discern that your eye is not perfectly aligned. The Swarovski and Meopta have a very fine line of the occular and a slight movement of your head/eye off center is very apparent in the view of the occular.

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