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Kids Are $$$ (shooting)


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Now that my son is hooked on this sport (uspsa) I can't believe how much more $$ this is costing me now. Double this, double that,....now he wants to shoot more "major" matches, and he's only 2% points behind me in Open A class and he's been shooting for only a year and a half. I've been at it for 12 years!!! He has really put a dent in my wallet and ego..............ok....I'm done venting........

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Who are you trying to kid? You're a proud dad and it sounds to me like you've got a damn good problem on your hands!

Just wait until your son wins a State, Area or National title - all the $$$ will be forgotten and you'll need a bigger hat :)

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Remember, it's not a crime to expect your kid to foot part of the bill. Send him forth into the world with a lawnmower/snow shovel and a stack of flyers. Then he can ride his bike to the hardware store and bring your gunpowder home in a paper lunch sack. It'll be a character-building experience. (Can a kid do that now w/o going to prison? :P)

Everything seems more valuable when you have to cough up for it.

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You thought just having you kid shoot with you was bad. Immagine the expense of a whole family shooting....You, your spouse, and kid/kids?!?! It could become astronomical. A family of 4 shooting one national match... feels alone are about $1000 for the four of you.... 4 plane tickets....and 2 tons of ammo....5 days of eating out :o

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You don't have to tell me about that! I have two sons that shoot so its triple. We shot one major a month this summer. We do RO some of the local major matches to defray expenses. I will say that my boys pay for their guns and gear or receive some of it as birthday and Christmas gifts. I pay match fees and purchase reloading supplies.

Local shooters are great about helping the boys out. BJ is currently making the switch to Open with someone's loaned backup gun while he is saving his money and hopefully winning contingency for his own gun.

Phil Strader has always been a big supporter of both boys by providing powder and some bullets for Kyle. I will get a raise this year as Kyle graduates, gets a job and will be able to pay his own way. :rolleyes:

You will never regret it though. We have had the opportunity to travel and compete together with some of the greatest people out there. It gives me a chance to spend a lot of quality time with my sons doing something we all love. And your proudest moment will be when your son beats you for the first time.

Just enjoy and consider the $$ an investment that will repay itself in ways that can't be measured.

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I feel your pain. <_< I have one daughter starting USPSA and the other wanting to start ASAP. I have them shooting 9mm and I can make those for about $6.50 per hundred but it still adds up. It would be cheaper if they shot lead but I hate lead and I want to keep that to a minimum. At the end of the day I am just thrilled that my kids love shooting sports. There are soooo many other things they could be doing and I would probably dislike most of them! :)


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Last year he entered his first major match and won his class ©. I haven't won any class in any major match (I'm crying here). I feel for those that have more than just two shooters in the family. I am proud of him and it does make for wonderful father/son times, but geez my wallet hurts.........(cause I'm cheap).

Now he wants his OWN open gun, but he won a SV frame so he's earned it.

The really funny part is he can REALLY game up (beak down)a stage now. Better than most.

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I shot the GA State match last weekend and somehow got put on one of the best squads (I'm not sure how I got on it!).

Anyway, one thing that impressed me was that many of the top level shooters on our squad (Max M Jr, Travis T, Chris Tilly, David C) all had fathers that were shooters. As a matter of fact, three of those guys' fathers were at the match.

See a trend here . . .

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