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Getting rear ended by an Big Truck


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At least you were in a decent sized truck and not a go cart.

Neal in AZ

LOL yeah I would have hated to have been in a go cart..... I really thought about getting one when gas so high but I went and test drove a few and I looked like a Sasquatch trying to fit in a mini coop or something... It was not cool at all......

I am just glad he was able to slow down some before he hit me.....

The deal with this wreck was there was already a wreck with a big truck and two other cars and a trooper writhing every thing up. As with any wreck everyone has to slow down to look.....but this guy forgot the slow down part he was just looking..... It was a very scary moment to look in the rear view and see him bearing down on me.....

The whole life before your eyes is all BS..... all i thought was S**T!!!!!!!!!!! and it was over.....

I just thank God that my little boy was not with me!!!

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Great that your ok!!! Sux about the truck. Looks like maybe a bed and a bumper. Hope they can fix it back up!!!

I am paranoid about people behind me....... :unsure:


Had a woman in a mini van rear end me once. I was stuck in traffic all around me and could see her coming at me and not paying attention in my rear view.

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Glad you are ok. I had the same thing nearly happen to me way back. Topped an overpass & traffic on the down hill side was stopped! I hit the brakes & immediately check the mirror. I see a dump truck coming, fast. Woman driver. She sees I'm stopped & literally stands up in the truck on the brakes trying to stop. I ease forward as much as I can to give her all the space I can without risking my hitting the car in front of me. She is still standing up on the brakes. I keep easing forward, she is slowing but eventually I can see she is gonna hit me. Finally there is no more room so wham. Just bumps me forward almost into the next car but not quite. WHEW! I was @3' away from the one in front of me when we all got stopped!!!! Got my bumper but that was all. CLOSE! Bad thing was my truck was about 1 month old. I was sure sweating it. They bought me a new bumper & all was well. That lady put everything she had into trying to stop the truck, I had to give her that. Wasn't completely her fault but it wasn't mine, either. Should have been a cop back on top of the overpass to slow traffic down.


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Glad you're ok. Do you mean big truck as in semi-type truck??


What's funny about this is about 4 years ago on the same interstate almost in the same spot heading the other direction I got rear ended again.


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Yikes....glad you're okay!

Edit to add: not sure if it's normal for rear-end collisions, but did any airbags go off?

So now you've been hit in a Ford and a Chevy. Are you going to try your luck with Dodge or just jump right out of domestic and get a Tundra or Titan? LOL....

Years ago I used to drive cement mixers, dump trucks and transfer trucks (dumper with a trailer) and I always drove conservatively. The company owner walked up to me with a smile one day and said "I got a call from one of our best customers yesterday. He said he saw you tooling along at 40mph in the right lane of a 45 zone on the way to his construction site. That's exactly what I want to hear about my drivers. One accident usually makes the entire day a wash from a profit standpoint....good job". Sometimes drivers get so used to their rig that they forget how much damage they can do at even a very low speed. I once had an elderly guy make a right on red into the right front wheel of my mixer truck. It was empty and I almost got it stopped but was still going about 3-5mph when the wheel opened up the side of his Caddy from the driver's side mirror to the tail lights...like a sardine can. His car was about a foot narrower, but luckily nobody got hurt....old guy got a ticket for failure to yield.

Edited by G-ManBart
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Edit to add: not sure if it's normal for rear-end collisions, but did any airbags go off?

Nope I would have thought with an impact this hard they would have but no.

So now you've been hit in a Ford and a Chevy. Are you going to try your luck with Dodge or just jump right out of domestic and get a Tundra or Titan? LOL....

:roflol: Nope Going to stimulate the economy and get a new Ford..... LOL

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