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Coming Out Of The Closet . . .


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I can't live the lie any longer.

Today, I have to admit to you all what I am.

I am . . .

. . . a practicer.

There! I said it!

I willfully and deliberately p-p-p-p-practiced for about two hours today. It's likely that I might do it again, too. Sure, I feel soiled now, but the pressure of trying to hide my sins is gone.

I blame twix for enabling me.

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It’s okay Rhino, but since you’ve “outed” :o you might as well embrace your alternative life style. Who really knows where this could lead? Maybe “B” class, would that really be so bad? Would your parents understand, would your friends stand by you? I think they would. Be proud! ;)


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I think most of my family has suspected for a long time that I was practicing, even when I was not. Maybe I give off some signals that I don't notice.

I doubt if this would have happened without the group "intervention" I experienced on Sunday (the match at So. Central GC in which I sucked mightily). :P

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I willfully and deliberately p-p-p-p-practiced for about two hours today.

Where do you find the time ?

Between my kids, job, travelling to and from my job and -oh yeah, I almost forgot- some sleep I barely have time to sit down for dinner !

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Get ready for a serious spike in skill.

2 20 minute dry fire sessions a day will get you to master...


Well, let's not get crazy! :wacko: It's me we're talking about, after all.

My ambitions are set on the upper half of C-class! :lol:

I'm going to go do some dry fire after I log off of here.

Oh, the shame of it all!

My brother doesn't know yet, either. When he finds out, I will be dead to him. B)

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Where do you find the time ?

Between my kids, job, travelling to and from my job and -oh yeah, I almost forgot- some sleep I barely have time to sit down for dinner !

I'm something of a "man of leisure."

Well, more like "prematurely retired."

In any case, time isn't really one of my constraints! I'm just lazy. I was discussing this with twix this week and I reminded us that the more you have to get done, the more you do get done. When you have very little to do, it's easy to get even lazier than you are and get nothing done!

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We suspected all along that you were a closet practicer. Now tell the truth, you are really a closet GM, right? Whip out you foo foo gun and let us see it.


Here's the catch, though . . . I only shoot at the GM level when I'm wearing my fuschia spandex bodysuit with the chartreuse lightning bolt from my left should down my right leg.

Otherwise, I'm just a mere mortal on the range. B)

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Say it ain't so man. I can't believe it. And after I looked up to you as a non-practicer. Now I will have to find a new idol. Ohhhhhh the pain. :P:P

Doug . . . I wanted to stay clean, but the compulsion was overwhelming. I have no excuse and I can only apologize to you. I have not only shamed myself, but my family and friends as well. :(

I just finished doing thirty (30) dry fire draw 'n' snaps. :(

The sad thing is, now I already know why I've been shooting to the left lately . . . I wasn't getting a proper grip at the start of my draw. When I get my hand in there deeply, everything else falls into place. <_<

Whoulda thunk it? :blink:

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In seeking divine (or otherwise) forgiveness for MY "practicing" habit and atonement for same, I'm going to subject myself to the guaranteed humiliation of six full weeks' worth of weekly competitions at the local range in front of about 70 people. That should embarrass the sin right outa me...! :o Sorta like confession--only worse. ;) I should be pretty well forgiven (or ruined emotionally) by mid-November in time for the group atonement banquet to be held after this stretch of torment. :lol:

And what do I do for 'penance' when at home..? I slide open the closet door (like I said, it's kinda like confession) and RELOAD. Oh, the guilt...!

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Okay, this is already getting out of hand.

I did thirty more dryfire presentations before I went to bed last night. In fact, I only counted the "good" ones (for me), so I probably did 75-80 for the whole day, counting the thirty I did earlier in the day.

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Take heart Rhino, you don't need to dry fire twice a day for 20 minutes to get to master. Heck, ten minutes 5 times a week combined with weekly live fire and 2-3 club matches will get you to M class in no time. If you want to flaunt the fact that you are a practicer that's your business. Frankly, I think it is a bit more acceptable if you keep it low key.

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It's hard to be low key when you're violating principles you lived by for close to ten years! :P

Oh, the humanity!

And really . . . I don't think I can keep much of anything low key. I'm not what you'd consider a low key kinda guy. B)

Thanks for the link, Flex!

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