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Atkins Diet

Bill Nesbitt

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Hi Bill,

Fortunately, I have an ace in the hole. My brother is a sports nutritionist and kinesiologist so I got the full skinny from him prior to doing a modified Atkins. Basically, pure Atkins does work. The first time I did it, I dropped 25 pounds in 6 weeks with no exercise.

The modification that we made is as follows:

Breakfast - Balanced Protein and Carbohydrate meal w/ option of more protein

Mid Morning - Myoplex meal replacement bar/shake (by EAS)

Lunch - Pure Atkins lunch

Mid Afternoon - Myoplex meal replacement bar/shake

Dinner - Balanced Protein and Carbohydrate meal w/ option of more protein

Here's another key. You must exercise! If you're going to only do aerobic, do so in the morning. Your body burns calories and carbohydrates much more effectively in the morning as it's not having to work through the days food. Second, incorporate weight training into your exercise on alternate days from aerobic training.

The modification is based in part to the Bill Phillips, Body For Life (which absolutely works!). His premise is one carb for one protein. Alternate, and focused exercises and one cheat day per week to prevent backsliding.

I'm a little more intense (or masacistic). In the last 3 months, I'm down 40 pounds of fat and have gained 15 pounds of muscle. My body fat percentage has gone down 10%. I know what you're saying. -35 pounds in 3 months? The difference is that the fat and muscle are being developed at a rate to where they will be more apt to not backslide. I work out twice a day and have additional supplements in my plan but the results will be similar. The energy levels are extremely high and haven't felt as good since I played tennis professionally.

Hope that helps. Write if you have questions.

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Flex is right. Exercise is as essential as food and water. I see SO-O-O many people (especially women, but then they talk more about their drugs...) who take mass quantities of frickin' pain killers to address their muscle and joint pain when most of 'em just need a kick in the ass and 20 minutes of simple exercise each day! God, you don't have to do a full killer workout, just be consistent and regular with what you do--but DO it! But no, they'd rather poison themselves with drugs....... I dunno...... <_<

Anyway, it works for ME and I've got LOTS of joint problems--all of which are helped considerably by a few simple exercises each day. It's called self-mastery. Period. B)

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I lost weight on the Atkins diet at 2 different times, and both were effective for rapid weight loss and still feeling full and energetic. However, I had a hard time staying on Atkins, you know, the mindset that you are on it for LIFE. Anyway, since after 50, you have to be on some kind of weight control, I found the sugar buster diet, it is similar to Atkins, but you can have whole grain products. You do without any processed or enriched products, and no white flour,rice,bread,sugar. You can have fruit if not near a meal, and you can have milk, which I like. The one thing that I really like about this is the fact that it is easy for ME, and easy to envision myself on it for a lifetime. The have a website (google on "sugar busters) that has recepies and deserts. Just an alternative that I thought I would share.


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I'm at 20% bodyfat and I want to lose 15 lbs to get to 10%.

One thing is to exercise upon awakening before you eat so you burn last nights carbs. Then within 20 minutes eat mostly protein, especially if you were doing resistive exercises (so you maintain a positive nitrogen balance after tearing up the muscles).

My wife just won't stop cooking her normal dinners, which are mostly carbs. And I really can't get myself to exercise.

I'm using moderate amounts of the caffeine from Guarana & ephedrine from MaHuang stack (Twinlabs Metabolift) to raise my metabolism setpoint. Great supplement info on a page by a guy who was morbidly obese as a child--


If you are over 40 get your testosterone etc levels tested and get "testosterone replacement therapy" to keep the levels at the average for a 25 year old. If you can afford it- health insurance thinks your levels should decline with age so you die sooner. Info on correct lab test methods & interpretation (which many doctors WON'T know) at--


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So you're mixing caffeine and ephedrine? Be advised that this is extremely hazardous. Especially if you are over 40.

If a good healthy metabolism boost is what you're looking for, and in the form of a supplement, look into EAS Thermo Dynamx. Much better, healthier and ephedra (a.k.a. speed, crystal methamphetamines) free.

Adding exercise to your day is fairly simple. Wake up 30 minutes earlier than you do and go walk about 2 miles. At lunch, have your lunch (about 20-30 minutes) and then go walk for the rest of it. After dinner, when most of us would be watching television, go and walk 2 miles. Then, practice draws and reloads! :D

This combined with having smaller meals throughout the day (i.e. a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack) will put your metabolism into overdrive. My brother used to prescribe the following for folks in your condition (times are relative):

600am - Wake up and do morning exercise

0630am - Return from excercise and get ready for work

0700am - Have breakfast (light meal with a banana and good protein source, and very few carbs)

* A normal dose of caffeine (i.e. a cup of coffee) is good at this point of the day.

0730am - Go to work

1000am - Mid morning meal (try a piece of fruit and start drinking water...not Gatorade...not tea...not lemonade...water)

1100am - First bottle of water complete (1 liter)

1200pm - Lunch (another light meal with a BALANCE of protein and carbohydrates)

* Do some activity

0100pm - Second bottle of water complete (1 liter)

0300pm - Mid afternoon meal (again a piece of fruit and add maybe an oatmeal, not granola, bar)

- Third bottle of water complete (1 liter)

0500pm - Get off work and Fourth bottle of water complete (1 liter)

0600pm - Arrive at home and have dinner (eat whatever you want but eat an appropriate amount)

0700pm - Do an evening walk and practice draws and reloads :D

You'll be suprised as to how much energy you will have, how much better your life will be and how much money you save (when you don't eat everything on the table, you have great left overs for lunch :D ). Your body will be an engine just knocking out fat and burning calories. By following this, you've ingested a gallon of water in one day and have had a relatively balanced protein and carb intake for the day. And, since you do no exercising now, this will be great for you (and the wife).

Hope that helps.


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Thanks to everybody for the answers, web sites etc. I have been on this since Monday morning. It has been pretty painless so far. Sue is also on it so that makes it easier. :D I thought I would have more trouble not drinking Mountain Dew. I usually drank 2 or 3 cans a day. I had a little headache the first 2 days. Sue and I have always walked and will probably step up that. ----------- Mashed Potatoes and gravy------- Now where did that come from? :lol: Well, yes, I do miss a few foods. :P I think this is something I can live with.

Atkins is not zero carbs. You start out with 20 carbs a day then add more as you go. And Jake. You are 18 years old. You can eat anything you want for now. Talk to me again when you are 30. :D

Bill Nesbitt

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Not that this has much of anything to do with the Atkins diet (or any diet for that matter) but something about weight management itself. The more lean muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate is, basically. Read: your ability to burn calories at rest, which is where the majority are burned. Building or toning lean muscle is essential to weight management.

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Couple of ideas to "enjoy" a low carb diet: hot wings and blue cheese! Read the labels, some hot wings are very low carb. Also BBQ pork rinds to give you a little crunch you may miss. I ate tons of eggs, cheese, and bacon. Not only did I lose weight, but after a short early spike, my cholesterol went from 210 down to 165. The man was a genius!! Now I can eat most anything I want but remaining always aware that if I gain a pound I know that carbs are the cause and I can then adjust down a little in the carbs to go down a little in weight. You simply learn its a direct correlation.

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Hi Bill,

From the studies I've read and from the lil bro' nutritionist, about the only real side affect is during the first 7 days. Basically, since you're taking in no sugar (practically) you will probably one morning have a pretty nasty headache. This is completely normal and actually a good thing. Usually it will go away with a glass of water and/or your first meal of the day or snack.

What's going on is that your brain runs on sugar. Since your levels are low, your braining is kicking your liver's ass to make more and reminding you of such.

It is very, very normal. One thing to watch though is the amount of saturated fat you're taking in per day. You do not have to count calories (that much) but watch your fat intakes. You can exceed daily recommended intakes and still continue to lose weight, it just means you'll be doing more aerobic to burn it.


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The same thing seems to happen when trying to kick caffeine. Maybe trying to ween off it rather than cold-turkey might be a better way to go....(I start induction next week....I'm ramping up to it this week....)

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Yep! Headache The first couple of days. ;) I just thought it was because I was cutting back on caffine. I was pretty much addicted to Mountain Dew. I only drank 2 or 3 cans a day but I had to have it. Now I get my morning jolt from a can of diet Mountain Dew Code Red. B) I carry several 12 ounce bottles of water to work with me to moniter my water intake. I am drinking the 8 eight ounce glasses per day required plus a little.

Last Monday morning I weighed 190#. This morning I am 183#. :lol: I haven't weighed this little since I had the infected tooth and couldn't eat. :lol: I am going to stay on induction for the full 2 weeks. Exercise is easier thanks to Tom Rayner. He had 3 stages "across the hollar" yesterday. :D

I have more energy and don't feel tired all the time. I wouldn"t have believed it could be this easy. B)

Bill Nesbitt

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Help me out here. What does drinking lots of water have to do with eating 5 or 6 small meals a day. I know it is better to graze than to eat a huge meal anytime during the day, but especially in the evening.

what is the deal with the water?

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