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A more in-depth set of question on the thumbs-forward grip


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Something that has been missing from this discussion of leverage and recoil management is what I consider the best attribute of the "thumbs forward" or "B.E. grip": both of your thumbs are pointing straight at the target.

Physiocentric Orientation (my favorite 50-cent word) is the body's ability to know where every other part of it is. If I were to ask you to take your left hand and place it on your left butt-cheek, you wouldn't have to turn around and look. Any "feeling around" that you would do to find it would be purely recreational.

In the B.E. grip, both thumbs point at the target; the gun is just along for the ride. This promotes much faster indexing, whether it be during a draw, coming back from a reload, or during transitions between targets.

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  • 5 months later...
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I wanted to drop in and give an update. I've had a bit of a breakthrough last month that I felt was worth sharing. In essence, I've done a couple of things:

1. I finally have an indoor range at which to shoot. A new one opened up not too far from my house and I'm making a point to shoot at least once a week. This is keeping my shooting skills "fresh", so to speak.

2. I changed the way I form my grip. Rather than going with the pinch and roll, I've started bringing my support hand onto the grip first and then wrapping my fingers around under the trigger guard and over my strong hand fingers. Also, I don't worry about locking the support hand wrist but rather I concentrate more on just forming the grip with an overall neutral upper body posture. Finally, a slight and natural push-pull seems to form between my hands but it's not necessary forced but rather almost a product of the setup. To me these changes have had a significant effect. Without my support hand wrist fully canted, it seems to be allowing my grip to move with the recoil of the gun as needed. The result is that while I might have a little movement of the gun inside my hands, they're not coming apart any more.

3. Finally, I quit worrying about how fast I can shoot have started working more on calling my shots as they break. I'm still using the stock craptastic Glock sights but the exercise is still the same. In fact, I'm actually starting to get used to them. I vary the distance of the target as well as the timing of my shots but I'm always trying to see what I can observe on the gun and in my body while shooting. It has been great.

Shooting is starting to be fun again. :)

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I wanted to drop in and give an update. I've had a bit of a breakthrough last month that I felt was worth sharing. In essence, I've done a couple of things:

1. I finally have an indoor range at which to shoot. A new one opened up not too far from my house and I'm making a point to shoot at least once a week. This is keeping my shooting skills "fresh", so to speak.

2. I changed the way I form my grip. Rather than going with the pinch and roll, I've started bringing my support hand onto the grip first and then wrapping my fingers around under the trigger guard and over my strong hand fingers. Also, I don't worry about locking the support hand wrist but rather I concentrate more on just forming the grip with an overall neutral upper body posture. Finally, a slight and natural push-pull seems to form between my hands but it's not necessary forced but rather almost a product of the setup. To me these changes have had a significant effect. Without my support hand wrist fully canted, it seems to be allowing my grip to move with the recoil of the gun as needed. The result is that while I might have a little movement of the gun inside my hands, they're not coming apart any more.

3. Finally, I quit worrying about how fast I can shoot have started working more on calling my shots as they break. I'm still using the stock craptastic Glock sights but the exercise is still the same. In fact, I'm actually starting to get used to them. I vary the distance of the target as well as the timing of my shots but I'm always trying to see what I can observe on the gun and in my body while shooting. It has been great.

Shooting is starting to be fun again. :)

Glad to hear it!

#3 is likely the key. Once you start seeing what is going on really well, your body can adjust on it's own (when we let it).

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3. Finally, I quit worrying about how fast I can shoot have started working more on calling my shots as they break. I'm still using the stock craptastic Glock sights but the exercise is still the same. In fact, I'm actually starting to get used to them. I vary the distance of the target as well as the timing of my shots but I'm always trying to see what I can observe on the gun and in my body while shooting. It has been great.

Shooting is starting to be fun again. :)


Great stuff. Stick with it.


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Hope no one minds that I'm treating this thread like a blog, but I'm making great progress in my shooting. I put another 125 rounds through my Glock. A few additional discoveries:

1. Bringing my support hand onto the gun by contacting the grip first and then wrapping my support hand fingers over the strong hand fingers is the way to go for me. I "feel" more like I'm forming a balanced, two-handed grip rather than trying to pinch, roll, 60/40, cam the wrist, etc, etc. For me it seems to be easier just to bring the hand on, wrap the fingers around, and note that I'm surrounding the gun in a balanced matter.

2. Biggest accomplishment in my shooting career - I'm tracking the sights now. I'm seeing the front sight shoot up as the shot breaks, stop at the top, and then drop back down. Depending on how hard I grip with each hand the front sight will either drop back into place (during faster shooting) or stop above the rear sight (slow fire).

3. I'm still not great at shooting very tight groups at slow speed. In fact, I'm almost more accurate by shooting at a consistent but hurried pace rather than shooting slowly with a surprise shot break. When I run the gun at a pace I'm more likely to relax my shoulders and not try to steer the gun as the shot breaks (i.e. run it low and right). At slower speeds I tend to flinch. I seem to be able to keep about a 2-3" group at 5 yards with maybe a 2 to 3 shots per second pace. At about 15 yards I can keep my shots inside the head of the silouette target at which I'm shooting (maybe a 6" group?) at about a 1 shot per second pace.

4. Picking up from #3 above, I'm learning to shoot only as fast as my front sight lets me.

5. I'm shooting 124gr PD bullets over 4.3gr of TG with an overall length of 1.13" to 1.145" (see my thread in reloading about this). I have no idea how tight this combination groups since I haven't tried shooting off of a bench yet. I do know that my line of impact appears to be behind the front sight (big white ball on the stock sights) at 5 to 10 yards.

Edited by ER_STL
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Hope no one minds that I'm treating this thread like a blog, but I'm making great progress in my shooting. I put another 125 rounds through my Glock. A few additional discoveries:


Not at all. I've bookmarked this thread since I find it a great detailed look at grips. Here's my question:

I shoot a Glock 17 right handed. Using the techniques described, I found that the best angle for my support hand is when my left thumb is *almost* parallel to the slide. That is, the thumb's knuckle that is closest to my face (MCP joint in anatomy terms), is just a smidgen lower than my other thumb knuckle (IP joint). So my left thumb is pointing slightly upward relative to the bore axis.

If I try to cant my left wrist forward enough so that my left thumb is parallel to the slide, two things happen that concern me:

1) The contact area of my left hand on the grip seems less firm, like there's less surface area in contact with the pistol.

2) My right thumb sits higher on the pistol to the point it's just touching the bottom edge of the slide. I'm worried I'll actually be in contact with it when I shoot.

I just saw BE's grip in one of his photos, and yes, his support hand thumb is parallel to the slide. Should I still make a point of ensuring my left thumb is really parallel?

Edited by pistolcompetitor
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My support thumb's outer segment actually drops below the side of the frame and ends up on top of the trigger guard. Its tip touching a bit of the uppermost part of the trigger guard. If I make it parallel w/ the slide and point it towards the target, I feel some stress on the innermost knuckle of the thumb and my support hand as a whole, so I just let it be in its natural state without feeling any strain. My support grip's position was arrived at w/ the goal of producing forward pressure by canting it forward to manage recoil better by positioning not by exerting more effort. I've been on it for a few years now. Am I doing it improperly?

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  • 2 weeks later...

My biggest gains in the last two weeks have come in the form of learning to relax during the shot. I'm moving past my tendency to flinch during slow shots and am starting to see a little better accuracy at 15 yards. I'm also starting to see the limitations that are offered with the stock Glock sights. The front sight is so wide that it's tough to really lock onto a smaller target at 15 yards on out. Since my POI is behind the sight I almost have to use them like XS sights are used and cover the intended target.

Also - and related to this thread - I'm continuing to develop my grip strength, which is benefiting my shooting. When I first decided to start training my grip I could barely close a CoC #1 gripper. Just the other night I was able to do a set of 3 reps on the #2 gripper (after a set of 12 reps on the #1.5 gripper).

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My biggest gains in the last two weeks have come in the form of learning to relax during the shot.

... I'm also starting to see the limitations that are offered with the stock Glock sights.

When you really start to "see" that leads to sorting out a whole bunch of everything else. (which further helps reduce tensions, etc).

Good stuff. Thanks for sharing.

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My biggest gains in the last two weeks have come in the form of learning to relax during the shot.

... I'm also starting to see the limitations that are offered with the stock Glock sights.

When you really start to "see" that leads to sorting out a whole bunch of everything else. (which further helps reduce tensions, etc).

Good stuff.

That is good stuff. Learning to stay relaxed, as in "not tense" is key for optimal performance. And was for me, a battle that never ended, as my natural response to the buzzer was to forget everything I had learned and start cranking bullets down range like a madman.


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Great feedback, considering that I'm learning to relax my body's natural tendency to want to tense up and flinch when I break a shot. I'm getting to the point now where I no longer have any low-right fliers because I'm learning to see the front sight on the target as I break the shot. I can't yet say that I'm consistently calling each and every shot but I usually am able to tell when I miss a shot.

I also had fun running what I guess you could call acceptable accuracy today. I had a target that had five, independent target areas that were probably 3"x5" ellipticals. My goal when shooting was to keep my shots inside those targets, regardless of the distance. I started at 5 yards worked my way back to 10 yards. As the distance increased, my split times would of course grow a bit but my groups were fairly consistent.

I guess this brings me to my next question: what exactly do you see when you're running at say .20 to .25 second splits? How do you describe your sight picture? For me, I'd say the sights are a blur. I see the front sight driving up with each shot and then dropping back down but I certainly don't get a snapshot clear front sight picture before each shot breaks. Rather, I get an approximate relationship between front and rear right as I'm breaking the next shot. This probably means I'm exceeding my current limit.

Speaking of limits, I need to get a shot timer to see if I can learn where I'm at. I've been doing a pretty good job of letting the front sight dictate when my next shot breaks but I'll occasionally try and push myself to see if I can grow.

I'm still really enjoying shooting. I need to pick up a second G19 though so I can have one for carry and one for abuse. I'm getting tired of having to clean my gun so frequently...

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I guess this brings me to my next question: what exactly do you see when you're running at say .20 to .25 second splits? How do you describe your sight picture? For me, I'd say the sights are a blur. I see the front sight driving up with each shot and then dropping back down but I certainly don't get a snapshot clear front sight picture before each shot breaks. Rather, I get an approximate relationship between front and rear right as I'm breaking the next shot. This probably means I'm exceeding my current limit.

With that in mind...

Load up a bunch of ammo and go...ASAP...to the range and shoot the Burkett Timing Drills. While doing so be in a observational mindset.

(After that, I will tell you what I would tend to see at .25 splits...and at 0.15 splits.)

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I had kind of an off day today. I don't know if I was just too tired or what but I had trouble keeping a good focus on the front sight. I didn't run the Burkett timing drills either. :blush:

What I sometimes do is load up 10 rounds in a magazine and increase the pace of my shooting through the magazine until I either reach my limit or run out. I do this at 5, 7 and 10 yards. Then I'll run some slower, concentrated fire at 10 and 15 yards, followed by faster fire at 5 yards (strings of 3 to 5 shots usually).

This is where I start to lose the sights. If I just grip it and rip it as fast as I can at close range I tend to have somewhat of a loose focus. I sometimes think it's because I shift my awareness from the sights to a concerted effort to run the trigger and keep a consistent grip. In other words, the front sight is no longer dictating the speed at which I shoot but rather my ability to run the trigger is.

Another (rambling) point...I still haven't found a consistent way to run the trigger. At slower speeds (.5 sec/splits on up) I ride the reset; faster than that and I think I end up slapping or just rolling through the trigger in its entirety. I originally learned (in my only training class) to reset and prep the trigger during recoil but I've gotten away from that.

So now, Flex...are you gonna tell me what YOU see at speed? :bow: When you are running .2 sec/splits are you actually calling each shot? Is it even possible to visually ensure the sights are aligned or do you press the shot and then determine - after it breaks - whether or not you were on target?

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I didn't run the Burkett timing drills either. :blush:

There is more to the Burkett drills than shooting fast and slow. Especially when you are seeing well. ;)

This is where I start to lose the sights. If I just grip it and rip it as fast as I can at close range I tend to have somewhat of a loose focus. I sometimes think it's because I shift my awareness from the sights to a concerted effort to run the trigger and keep a consistent grip. In other words, the front sight is no longer dictating the speed at which I shoot but rather my ability to run the trigger is.

Trust your vision. The feedback you get from your senses will let you KNOW more of what is going on. Knowing reduces tension..and will free you up.

When you are running .2 sec/splits are you actually calling each shot? Is it even possible to visually ensure the sights are aligned or do you press the shot and then determine - after it breaks - whether or not you were on target?

Be sure not to confuse calling the shot with making the shot. Calling is an observation. It is knowledge. (in particular, it is the seeing as the shot breaks) You can/will also be able to see in a continuous manner throughout the recoil and return.

Seek this knowledge.

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Excellent thread. Is it really about the "grip" or "managing recoil"? There is a very good video from Saul Kirsch on YouTube about Recoil control that briefly covers grip and moves to the entire body posture.

Good shooting, and thank you all for the excellent observations.


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  • 2 months later...

Quick update and a question...

Well, I've evolved my grip yet again and I think this time (for sure) I've got it. I went back to applying the support hand very tight and around the strong hand but I brought my elbows out and concentrated on driving the support hand into the gun. The result has been a very strong grip that stays planted even when my hands feel dry. I love it. The sights seem to be tracking consistently and I'm getting better and better and keeping good (enough) groups at speed. I'm still using the stock sights as well. While I've learned to track them ok, I'm finding that they leave a lot to be desired when it comes to taking a more precise shot (because the front sight is HUGE).

I've hit a bit of an interesting challenge though. I normally spend a lot of my range time shooting as fast I can while keeping my shots on a set target (say a 4" circle at 7 yards). Doing this is helping me find the front sight and see as much as I need to see in order to call the next shot. I think though I have subconsciously developed corrective action to the muzzle rise (i.e. a flinch) during faster fire in order to bring the sights back on target quicker. It's like I've figured out the timing of the gun and have developed the downward push to initiate right after the shot breaks at speed. If I take up the trigger but pause before breaking the shot, I'll flinch.

As a result, when I slow down and work on taking more precise shots (say hitting a 1" sticker at 10 yards) I have to really concentrate to avoid a flinch. I have to force myself to hit the breakpoint in the trigger, pause, and then gradually increase the pressure until the shot breaks while keeping my front sight on target. After strings of faster fire this sometimes takes me a bit to adjust to slower fire in order to keep respectable groups at distance (i.e. 2" at 10 yards).

Anyone else deal with this? Would it be beneficial to move to a gun with a rolling break (DAO or LEM perhaps)?

Random thoughts...

1. WSF rocks. It's cleaner and I like it better than Titegroup. I don't see myself going back.

2. MG bullets are puuuuuurty and appear to be made with better QC than the PD bullets I was using prior. They're very consistent in shape and weight.

3. 115gr factory ammo feels soft compared to 4.3gr of TG or 5.1gr of WSF under a 124gr bullet. I'm not sure if my ammo is loaded to a higher power-factor or not but whenever I try out someone else's factory ammo, it feels weak.

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