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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Reality TV


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Few things get under my skin more than seeing the reality drivel on any TV in our house. Why anyone watches this S&^T is beyond me!

I really do hate this stuff. I do not see the entertainment aspect, nor anything else quality about it. How can you think that anything produced by a media company can be "reality" in any way?

Just junk :angry2::angry:

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speaking of these shows and the Media, since when did stupid TV shows become News ? Over the last couple of years what happened on what ever reality show has suddenly become front page news. I'm not talking about an Entertainment section or a music report but a mainstream news cast with blah blah blah American idol, blah blah blah Kardashian,. I DONT CARE ! This isnt news !

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They wouldn't be on TV if they didn't attract lots of viewers (morons). I haven't watched a total of one minute of that crap. Fact is I probably haven't watched over three hours of any TV since the beginning of the year. Too many other good, productive things to do.



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