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Good flick. Enough plot, enough leather, enough guns, and enough blood to keep me in my seat.

I particularly like it when they set movies up for a sequel and you can see where the story is going to go.

I would NOT want Kate Beckinsale on my side in a gunfight, but wouldn't mind her waiting at home for me. :D Oh, and silver nitrate is a salt when not in aqueous solution... it AIN'T silver in color, dammit!

Rundown with The Rock and Stiffler (Sean _______ Scott from American Pie and Dude, Where's My Car?) is next on my list. Christopher Walken RULES! Rosario Dawson... now THAT's icing!!! :wub:

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Thanks for putting your finger on what was bothering me about the "AgNO3" rounds.

Underworld was fun, but I wasn't going to admit that to Wakal at the time. :P I told him if it was bad, it was his fault for dragging me to it.

We are both looking forward to "The Rundown." With a line-up like that, it will be hard to mess up.


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I saw "Underworld" on opening day last week, but I still can't decide whether I liked it or not. It's not conventional ambivalence per se, but I either really like it or I it was a huge disappointment with nothing in between. Kind of like those McDonald's "McGriddles." I've had several, but I can't decide whether they are delicious or they nauseate me.

I will say that for a skinny twig girl, Kate Beckinsale has a cute li'l boo-tay, although it's possible they padded her spandex/pleather pants. The subtle overbite is also a feature, a la Audrey Hepburn. :wub:

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It sure tried hard to be showy...but all the low-end extras lounging around in the "vampire castle" trying to look cool every time She Of The Pleather Buns stalked through the foyer...sigh...

Loved the "out-Croft'ed" USP Match pistols. Barrel weights AND full auto :P

Hated the "wall-crawling" werewolves.

Acceptable for a afternoon of mindless fun.


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One thing that struck me when watching Underworld was just how much the character of Selene resembled Marvel Comics' Black Widow. Really, aside from the fact her hair is black instead of red, based on her costume and visual appearance, Selene is the Black Widow. I'm not saying she's a rip-off, but there's no doubt in my mind Selene's appearance/costume was inspired by the Widow's - with a few minor modifications. This is all to the good, as the Black Widow, IMHO, is one of the most visually striking characters in comics. There are some comic book characters whose costumes look great on the page, but would look ridiculous in live action. The prime example being Wolverine's yellow spandex. The Widow's outfit is an outstanding example of a costume that looks sexy as hell in the comics, and looks even better wrapped around Kate Beckinsale.

BTW, I've been a Kate Beckinsale fan ever since I saw her in this British flick called Cold Comfort Farm. Check it out. It's hilarious. Since then, I always wished she'd become a big American movie star so I could see more of her. Okay, she was in Serendipity but we don't hold that against her. At least I got to admire the bone structure in her face again. And those lips! Ooh.

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I like the quasi monochromatic darkness look the film has, lends itself well to a vampire vs. werewolf flick. Also liked Kate's outfit, and Kate.

More plot than I expected, actually has several twists and turns as well as an interesting ending, I smell a sequel.

Nice guns, but terrible gunhandling.

Worth the price of admission. ( damn movie prices have gotten out of hand. )

Travis F.

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It was bothering me in the early parts of the movie that we were supposed to buy into the vampires somehow being "good guys" and the werevolves being "bad guys." I'm glad it got "grayer" as the film progressed, but I would like to have seen more "evil" from both sides.

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Finally saw this one last night. I thought it was OK , but the vampires really seemed pretty wimpy. Despite being "imortals" , they seemed to get dispatched pretty easily. I would have liked to see a bit more skin from Kate , but I did enjoy her smooth glide like strolls thru the castle with lots of rear views. Nice . Something about that UK accent really rocks my world too.

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  • 3 months later...

I thought I'd resurrect this thread since Underworld is now out on DVD. W/ the DVD I could pause, slo-mo, and rewind just to get all the nuances of the movie.

First the guns: Kate uses Berretta 93r's w/ comps in 3rnd burst mode in alot of the close up, slow mo gun fight scenes. I guess the directors wanted us to see lots of brass in the air and lots of muzzle flash. She also uses Walther P99's when she's dispatching werewolves coup de gras style. In a few of the scenes that she uses the P99's, she's shooting semi-auto, but it sounds like multiple rounds go off. Those clever sound guys. She only uses the USP once during the firing range scene and then Kraven uses it at the end to shoot Lucian. Then of course the other cool gun was the Desert Eagle loaded w/ liquid sunshine. I had to roll my eyes at that one.

Anyone notice that it is never daytime throught the whole movie? Anyone notice that you couldn't tell what country they were in? England? America? Eastern Europe? Anyone notice that the vamps cast reflections?

I guess the directors thought everyone would be too mesmerized by Kate's leather clad bod to notice any of that. They were right.

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I read the book then watched the DVD. It all made complete sense that way Someone who hadn't read the book and watched the movie with me needed some exposition :-).

Visually stylish, interesting concept, unchallenging plot, lots of action ... my kind of movie B)

I thought it was fun.


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I guess the directors thought everyone would be too mesmerized by Kate's leather clad bod to notice any of that. They were right.

Wait . . . there were guns in the movie too? And someone other than Kate Beckinsale?

For a skinny little white girl, she's got some nice little curves.

God bless the inventor of that pleather-spandex fabric. GOD BLESS THEM!

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Anyone notice that it is never daytime throught the whole movie?

Underworld vampires retain the traditional "killed by sunlight" weakness. Going out by day is not a happening thing.

Anyone notice that you couldn't tell what country they were in? England? America? Eastern Europe?

The movie was filmed in Budapest, Hungary though it's supposed to take place in "an unnamed American city."

Anyone notice that the vamps cast reflections?

Yes, the Underworld vampires cast reflections. This makes sense given the movie's pseudo-scientific rather than supernatural explanation for vampirism. Originally vampires didn't cast reflections because they had no souls. Underworld vampires are as "real" as humans, thus cast reflections.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just thought Kate really needed to work on her reloads...even with the bottomless movie magazines, she still had to reload several times, and it took her forever. Her muzzles were all over the place during firing, too. I guess all the wall shooting was a realistic reflection of movie star shooting skill.

Too much similarity to "Blade II", also:

Hot vampire chick betrayed by vampire father figure, turns to half breed for help/love. Scheme to create "super vampire" of some kind.

And a lot of rehashing of "Matrix" sounds and effects (of course, that's going to be in every movie from now on. Shit, they've got "Bullet Time" dogfood commercials now! :angry:

It is cool how vampires can get rich just by investing some cash and crashing in a coffin for a couple hundred years. I'm down with that. I also really liked the shooting range with pop up marble bust targets.


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I just thought Kate really needed to work on her reloads...even with the bottomless movie magazines, she still had to reload several times, and it took her forever.

Dude ... look at it this way. The longer it takes her to reload, the longer we get to see her in that glorious, form-fitting pleather spandex oufit. Slow is fine!

Too much similarity to "Blade II", also:

I never thought of that, but in retrospect you're very right. Thanks!

I also really liked the shooting range with pop up marble bust targets.

When I saw that, I thought of Jerry Barnhart and The Squirrel.

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OK, have to give some props out now, after watching the "special features" on the DVD last night:

1) They had a commentary with one of the consultants/weapon trainer for the flick, who pointed out they refrained from wearing sunglasses during gunfight scenes, which is often done in other movies to conceal the actors' blinking. In Underworld, they just trained them not to blink. Cool.

2) The stunt where the head werewolf guy was chasing the car, and then jumps on top of it was done by dragging a long narrow mat behind the car driving at 25 mph. The actor just ran on the mat and then jumped on the car. Also pretty cool.


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1) They had a commentary with one of the consultants/weapon trainer for the flick, who pointed out they refrained from wearing sunglasses during gunfight scenes, which is often done in other movies to conceal the actors' blinking. In Underworld, they just trained them not to blink. Cool.

If you watch a rerun of the A-Team, you can watch Mr. T close his eyes almost every time he pulls the trigger. :lol:

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2) The stunt where the head werewolf guy was chasing the car, and then jumps on top of it was done by dragging a long narrow mat behind the car driving at 25 mph. The actor just ran on the mat and then jumped on the car. Also pretty cool.

IIRC, they did something similar to Planet of the Apes in the invasion (near the end) part. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked the blond Vampire better than Kate, but thats just me.

I just CANNOT believe the voice on the one wolf. I thought that was just part of his character in the movie unitl I watched the making of the film on the extras, and realized that is how he normally talks. That guys voice alone would scare me to death. :unsure:

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