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Classifier Advice


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Practice hard. Shoot your best EVERY TIME. Don't ever intentionally hold back.

I've checked the rulebook and I can't find any reference to a paper-GM...or paper-M....or paper-A etc.

The classification system is what it is, warts and all. If there was a "Not Very Good GM" (NVGGM) than that would be a better fit for me. Or even a "Practices His Ass off But Can't Get it Together GM" (PHAOBCGITGM) that would fit me as well. But those are not classes.

Shoot your best, and when you make GM or M, you have accomplished something that less than x% of USPSA shooters accomplish, and less than THAT of the general population.

Holding back because of how others might percieve your accomplishment.........your hard work, your practice, the time you spent....that's kinda wierd.

What do they call the person who graduates last in medical school? Doctor. Why do you care about the guy who couldn't even get into medical school?

The vast majority of the people who basically say "Well, I could be a GM if only I wanted to" are rationalizing their lack of progress.

I know and have had the pleasure of shooting with Mr Ankeny (previous poster) and am not attacking him; just disagreeing with him. Or just looking at it from a different angle.


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I saw a perfect example of grandbagging/sandbagging yesterday at a match. On every stage other than the classifier, I ended up between 4th and 8th overall in Limited. However, on the classifier, I was #1 in Limited. I shot all my stages with the same effort. Seems funny to me that the As, Bs and Cs who beat me on the other 4 stages suddenly could not beat me on the classifier!!

Just a rookie observation.

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I dont think thats sandbagging with that many poeple. It's a perfect example of the mental

bagadge and pushing beyond your ability that comes to a classifier ..

Hero or Zero !! :cheers:

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...just disagreeing with him.
At the heart of the issue, I think we both are saying to do your best and to be honest. The points will be what they will be, the time is what it is, and the hit factor/percentage will tell the tale.
Holding back because of how others might percieve your accomplishment.........your hard work, your practice, the time you spent....that's kinda wierd.
Yeah, I know it is a bit weird, but been there and done that. Edited by Ron Ankeny
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This may not be the best place to post this, but I had a bit of a revalation today. I've been shooting USPSA for nearly a year now. I've shot 4 SS matches and 6 Limited matches which finally got me classified as a C. Forget the SS numbers for a minute.

Since I started shooting limited, I've had two B classifiers, two C classifiers and 1 blind man classifier which equals C for me. I have no problem with that. However, I have never shot a major match and have NEVER won any tangible thing. I've entered the Double Tap Championship as a C. Even though I'm new to the sport, I think I can compete with the other Cs. However, with my most recent match/classifier and another upcoming local match, I could be reclassified (i'm assuming) as a B. There is no way I'll be even close to competitive with the Bs at DT.

My goal is to earn the highest classification card I can. But, it would be nice to win (or at least be competitive) at a few matches before I start to climb the ladder.

SO, I can see how those might not try quite as hard on a classifier!!

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I dont think thats sandbagging with that many poeple. It's a perfect example of the mental

bagadge and pushing beyond your ability that comes to a classifier ..

Hero or Zero !! :cheers:


turn & burn or who cares is not the way that I approach them,

but i am a mid 50's shooter that seems to beat some A's and B's overall in a match by going into every stage with the same mind set.

Some how in a 4 stage match, i will end up 4th (classifier), 8th, 8th, 8th and wind up 5th overall. Two M's, one A & B beating me. I hope it isn't just people's all or nothing on the classifier, but it may be.

I read here somewhere that you want to win matches, not stages.

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Trace, all you can do is shoot your game. If you do things will turn out fine. If you try to push beyond your game for any reason it will suck. If you check the stats at lunchtime and try to put the cruise control on to hold your lead for the class win it will suck. I have done both at big matches and finished well out of the wood. B class is a bitch IMO, there is always a guy that is a real contender in A that hasn't had the classifiers catch up to him yet, or a youngster with absolutely no fear that is getting measurably better every day. If you worry about those guys it will suck. You can say the same about every other class too, but in my mind B has the wildest swings of abilities day to day. Good motivation to work at it a bit and get in A as soon as you can.

In the mean time, if you just shoot your game and don't worry about anything else you will do fine, and probably start collecting more things to hang on your 'I love me' wall. I never won a damn thing until I quit trying, last year I manged to get 5 trophies for my "I love me" wall because I just don't care, I'll shoot what I can on match day and let the rest sort itself out.

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Trace, all you can do is shoot your game. If you do things will turn out fine. If you try to push beyond your game for any reason it will suck. If you check the stats at lunchtime and try to put the cruise control on to hold your lead for the class win it will suck. I have done both at big matches and finished well out of the wood. B class is a bitch IMO, there is always a guy that is a real contender in A that hasn't had the classifiers catch up to him yet, or a youngster with absolutely no fear that is getting measurably better every day. If you worry about those guys it will suck. You can say the same about every other class too, but in my mind B has the wildest swings of abilities day to day. Good motivation to work at it a bit and get in A as soon as you can.

In the mean time, if you just shoot your game and don't worry about anything else you will do fine, and probably start collecting more things to hang on your 'I love me' wall. I never won a damn thing until I quit trying, last year I manged to get 5 trophies for my "I love me" wall because I just don't care, I'll shoot what I can on match day and let the rest sort itself out.

Thanks Howard!! Maybe some of your mojo will be on those magazines when they get here this week!!

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Trace, all you can do is shoot your game. If you do things will turn out fine...I'll shoot what I can on match day and let the rest sort itself out.

I totally agree... in most classes (maybe especially "B") there is always going to be a range of ability (and level of execution) on any given day. Including those that intentionally tank classifiers to keep from moving up so that they can kick butt in their class. But for the rest of us who try our best on every stage, and, as Brian says, just shoot As as fast as possible (without singling out classifiers and concentrating on a Hero/Zero strategy or the like), then the results will sort themselves out.

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