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THE Official Ohio State v. Texas Football Thread


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Okay, it's halftime....6 to 3...pretty close.

If you have the juevos you'll choose a side NOW! Win and the victor receives the spoils! Lose and bear the shame here publicly.

Let's do this!


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Texas breaks it open and SMOKES OSU!!! :ph34r:

Even though we just got scored on, here is a friendly reminder of what you guys did this year Socko:


I beg your pardon!!! I PLAYED for Michigan State for 2 years!!! We beat U of M at the Big House in 1990 (they WERE #1 in the country BEFORE that game...we took care of that), and then we lost to them in 1991. So I am .500 with those pompous, arrogant a$$es. If you EVER put my name and U of M in the same post again, I will come down there and whip your Papa Smurf a$$ and shove that blue gun where the sun don't shine!!! I BLEED green and white!!! :sight::P

Updated to add:

Looks like the whole Big Ten Sucks this year...only 1 victory out of the 7 teams that went bowling...depressing. I still love ya Micah, and I wanted OSU to win, but Texas is just too good. They played 'em tough though, and it was a hell of a lot closer than I thought it would be. Remember...the enemy of your enemy is your friend, therefore MSU and OSU have much in common.

Edited by Barrettone
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Damn, damn close. OSU needed some of that Big D they had earlier in the game during that last minute, but couldn't pull it out. That's how UT played this year, though, when they were on. They'd just hook up on big passes in between nickel runs - surprisingly, the run game was almost absent.

What was with OSU having to use two quarterbacks to play one game? One guy can pass, and the other guy can play a run? WTF?

Was I the only one who thought there was some borderline officiating? Though I'm a transplanted UT fan (I'm a Yellow Jacket, in actuality), I thought OSU got unnecessarily dinged at least once (though Gibson needs to learn to be more careful with where he sticks his hands, and deserved what he got the first time), and it appeared the officials were being perhaps a little generous on the spots...

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What was with OSU having to use two quarterbacks to play one game? One guy can pass, and the other guy can play a run? WTF?

The short of it Dave is that the white guy was the starting senior QB but was pulled in OSU's first game while they were getting pounded by USC. His replacement was the black guy, a true freshman.

Since that first game, Prior (black guy) kept the job pretty much until the last game. I was glad to see them both be played...no doubt it would be difficult to see a freshman snatch your position away.

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Really could have used an Ohio State win last night to bolster a partial claim to the National Championship. The Ohio State Univ. only lost 2 games this year. Penn State and USC (and well...we know what USC did to both of them :D).

Great game, just Texas having enough time to eek out one more TD.


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Mack Brown's an idiot BTW. After the game he said they have a claim to the National Championship. Really? Didn't they just BARELY beat Ohio St. and lose to Texas Tech who got WHOOPED by a #20 Mississippi? Ohio State had 2 losses this year. Penn State and USC. And again...we know what USC did to both of them.

I still read it as:

Florida win = USC has the only viable claim to a co-championship

Oklahoma win = Texas or USC would have a viable claim.

I'd like to see USC vs. Utah, then whoever wins Thursday plays Texas. That winner is the BCS Champion....but that's crazy talk. Thanks to the Big-10!


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Mack Brown's an idiot BTW. After the game he said they have a claim to the National Championship. Really?

Well, they did beat the so-called #1 team in the odd little triangle of beatings between UT, OK, and TxTech....

The point Mack Brown has been trying to make - and why he keeps harping on this (aside from trying to come up with another national championship, of course) is that the BCS sucks ass... He's been saying that in several different ways for quite a while, now...

Didn't they just BARELY beat Ohio St. and lose to Texas Tech who got WHOOPED by a #20 Mississippi? Ohio State had 2 losses this year. Penn State and USC. And again...we know what USC did to both of them.

And if you want to go there, let's not talk about the fact that USC got beat by an Oregon State team that didn't even finish in the top 25 :rolleyes:

The Utes deserve the championship, at this point, IMO, regardless of notions of strength of schedule... ;)

This season just goes to prove how sick and convoluted the BCS system is...

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Dave, Dave, Dave....

Texas lost to Texas Tech (who got WHOOPED by Mississippi). And Oregon State is in the Top #25. Plus...they won their bowl game against #18 Pittsburgh. That's why Texas is out of the running, save an Oklahoma win.

Butch - As for the Huskers, I quit loving them as a program once Coach Osborne left. :)


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Texas lost to Texas Tech (who got WHOOPED by Mississippi).

... who got beat by Oklahoma who got beat by Texas... I know the story...

And Oregon State is in the Top #25.

Really? I don't see 'em here: http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/poll?poll=BCS - of course, that does take into account some bowl finishes, but Oregon State still ain't in the top 25 even after beating Pittsburgh...

Plus...they won their bowl game against #18 Pittsburgh.

Who's now 20th... ;) Your argument for USC holds no water, my man. Its the same (but weaker) argument that has to be used to put Texas in #1. :cheers:

Nope... the only deserving team is Utah....

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AP: Oregon State (#24)

USA: Oregon State (#25)

Awful lot of underdogs beating higher ranked teams. Texas got lucky last night. Period. :D


ETA: Texas was the better of the two and frankly should have blown out Ohio State. Anything less was a failure. For a top tier team to keep that Ohio State team that close only shows either the lack of ability (not true), lack of motivation (probably) or lack of professionalism (just as likely) of that team's players. But...until there's a playoff, no one will know who's earned (I hate the word deserve) the championship again.

Edited by uscbigdawg
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AP: Oregon State (#24)

USA: Oregon State (#25)

This is not the BCS Standing ranking - which is all that matters under the current system :lol: Silly man...

Awful lot of underdogs beating higher ranked teams. Texas got lucky last night. Period. :D

You keep tellin' yourself that. Fact is, Texas got beaten by a team that's still ranked 7th on the BCS standings. USC got beaten by a team that's not even in the top 25. USC is rightfully so far out of the hunt, its silly to even entertain it :lol:

Of course, again I say, Utah is the only team, in my mind, with a rightful claim on that title, at this point.... I don't care what some damn computer, or some stupid ass sports writer, or some coach that's going to rank teams to gain benefit for his own, has to say.... ;) Let's see results.

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