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Speedloader Position


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I'm an auto shooter. There's a revolver-only match coming up in my area, which I'd like to shoot. I would prefer to keep reloading technique as close to auto technique as possible--that is, hold gun in right hand, reload from pouches on left. I saw Leatham do this on one of the shooting TV shows, I think at an ICORE match. IDPA rules, however, anticipate that reloads will be from pouches on the right in front of the holster. I don't want to completely relearn a technique that I will hardly every use. The question: is it legal to put the pouches (3) on the left, and none on the right?


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Yes, it is. However if you do so, you must have them all behind the centerline of the body. IDPA HQ has decreed that if a shooter's rationale is, "I want to be able to carry my speedloaders on the offhand side like an auto pistol shooter does their magazines," then they have to carry them like an auto pistol shooter does their magazines. In other words, everything has to be behind the centerline of the body.

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This is how I always shoot IDPA, with two on the left (off) side. I prefer keeping the gun in the strong hand at all times.

I never thought of it as parallelling autoloader technique, but it's a good point.

At club matches, carrying an extra (as is a good idea- never run out!) in the left pocket is usually ignored, despite being less-than-legal.

You could carry a third in front of the holster, too, as many an MD has told me.

Mostly, though, if you have the two over there, that's all that matters.

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Thread drift warning!

You really need three speedloaders. It's much better than it used to be, but there are still stage designers and match directors out there who haven't discovered that revolvers only carry six rounds; two mandatory TRs in a CoF will really slow you down with a wheelgun. BTDT.

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I am new at revolver and have been surprised that it is natural to grap a full moonclip from the right side in front of the holster. For me, much easier than reaching for a moonclip behind the centerline on the left.

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I am new at revolver and have been surprised that it is natural to grap a full moonclip from the right side in front of the holster. For me, much easier than reaching for a moonclip behind the centerline on the left.

The problem with that is you would still have one on the right side BEHIND the gun.

Wear the carriers on the left and they go behind the centerline of the hip. Wear them on the right side then 2 go in front of the holster and one behind.

I suppose that you could wear 2 in front of the holster and 1 behind the centerline on the left side, BUT you would be hunting in 2 locations for the loaders. Not a good idea.

Edited by RePete
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I wear two in front of the holster and one on the left hip. I practice some with the one on the left even though I haven't yet needed that third reload in a IDPA match.

ETA: I shoot right handed and reload with my support hand.

Edited by nashvillebill
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Based on PPC experience of years before, I carry two in front of the holster and one in reserve behind.

I would prefer the third one to be in my right jacket or vest pocket but the Sense Of The Internet Experts seems to be that while one may carry ALL his ammo in his pocket, a division between pocket and belt is not proper. I have not seen an official pronouncement on the subject. Have you?

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As a lover of written English and an occasional technical writer, my most careful parsing of the arcane subtleties of the prose handed down from Mount Berryhill has convinced me that it's one or the other, but not both. ("...in lieu of...")

Edited by Duane Thomas
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I have some rounds down range with a revolver, and I had no positive results from keeping the speedloaders/moonclips behind the hip on the side opposite the gun holster. As was said earlier, not all RO's are aware that that type of carry for holders is allowed. Be ready to produce supporting documentation when the time comes.

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  • 2 months later...
Based on PPC experience of years before, I carry two in front of the holster and one in reserve behind.

I would prefer the third one to be in my right jacket or vest pocket but the Sense Of The Internet Experts seems to be that while one may carry ALL his ammo in his pocket, a division between pocket and belt is not proper. I have not seen an official pronouncement on the subject. Have you?


IDPAforum > IDPA Rules Questions > Speed loader holders

HQ's Response #62 [-]

Posts: 84

(02/25/09 11:50:36)

OK guys and gals, here is your answer. A competitor can have one mag on the belt and one in the pocket if they so desire, or some combination of that for you revolver shooters (two on the belt and one in the pocket or what ever). However it is, it must not change during the match. If it does change, then it would be a FTDR or a DQ.

Something to keep in mind as well, if you use some type of stiffening agent or device to hold open the pocket, that is a FTDR. I have seen wire, plastic, papermâche and starch used to help keep a pocket open. It gets you 20 seconds. Plenty of people will walk around with a magazine in a pants or lower vest pocket but you don't want it to gape open on the street so you can't do it in a match.

I am sure that some of you will believe that putting it in a pocket will save you time on a RWR or TL but I disagree. I have pulled enough mags AND speedloaders out of my pocket that were facing or turned the wrong way to appreciate one that is in the same spot on the belt every single time. I have watched to many people go to the belt for a reload when it was supposed to come from some where else as well. Something to think about.

I hope that this helps answer your questions.

Robert Ray


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